From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1106 Going to the Deep Sea to Meet the Zulong

Chapter 1106 Going to the Deep Sea to Meet the Zulong
"King Nether is a member of my dragon clan, you should have heard of the ancient dragon clan, right?

To be honest, the four of my brothers came here this time, following the orders of Grandpa Zulong, to take King Nether to the deep sea for a talk. "

The so-called ancestor dragon, even in the ancient dragon clan, is not an ordinary character, but an ancestor-level character in the dragon clan.

Strictly speaking, the time when the three races galloped through the prehistoric times was much earlier than that of the Taoist ancestors, who were considered to be the earliest batch of creatures in the prehistoric times.

When the Dragon King of the Four Seas said that the person looking for him was actually the legendary Zulong, Youdou was also taken aback.

Because if he hadn't become a saint, even if Da Luo existed, he probably wouldn't be able to survive so many calamities.

And if the ancestor dragon of the Dragon Clan is still alive, why is the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas so weak until now, and now even some monsters with a little bit of ability dare to go to the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas to fight the autumn wind.

"King Youming doesn't need to worry too much, Grandpa Zulong brought my four brothers here this time with full sincerity.

Grandpa Zulong sensed before that someone's blood in the Three Realms had returned to their ancestors, and with the guidance of Zulong Longlin, we found you, Brother Nether.

So Grandpa Zu Long wanted to see you this time, not only because he didn't want to be bad for you, but because it should be good for you. "

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, also took the initiative to reveal to You Dou what Zulong had ordered them, as if he was worried about You Dou's concerns.

After all, if You Dou is unwilling to go with them, the Dragon King of the Four Seas really has nothing to do with You Dou.

The level of cultivation of their four brothers is only at the level of "Golden Immortal" if they are exhausted, the possibility of taking You Dou away by force is really not high.

"Yumian, I will go to the deep sea with the Dragon King of the Four Seas. I will ask you to take care of Youyu City during this time. If anything happens, you can contact me through this jade token."

You Dou casually threw a jade token to Yumian Fox, and then planned to go to the deep sea with the Dragon King of the Four Seas to meet the so-called ancient ancestor dragon.

According to You Dou's guess, since the other party found out that he had a great relationship with the Dragon Clan and came to him specially, the possibility of him being unfavorable to him should not be high.

Furthermore, even Master Avalokitesvara and Lingshan Tathagata Youdou have been illuminated, and Youdou now has a general understanding of his own strength.

As long as the hidden sage doesn't come out, even if you encounter the so-called half-sage, even if Youdou can't win, it should be no problem to escape.

With a few rays of light leaving Youyu City, and after flying through the clouds for several hours, Youdou and the Dragon King of the Four Seas have already arrived at the sky above a sea area.

And just when he was about to enter the water, You Dou also pulled out the divine protection from his waist, and directly entered the state of "Dragon Transformation".

Seeing You Dou next to him, from the original appearance of the Raksha clan, the Dragon King of the Four Seas was shocked when he grew dragon tails, dragon scales, and dragon horns and other symbols of the dragon clan in an instant.

At this moment, You Dou's aura is completely different from what they just saw. Not only has his cultivation level skyrocketed a lot out of thin air, even the dragon aura on his body has skyrocketed geometrically in an instant.

The reason why the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas can be the patriarchs of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas is because they are the oldest and have the strongest blood left by the ancient dragon clan.

However, as the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and in high positions all year round, they felt an invisible coercion at this moment.

And the source of this coercion is none other than Yudou beside them.

This coercion is not due to the state or strength, but the coercion at the blood level, just like the juniors of the same clan will instinctively feel the pressure when they meet the elders.

"Since we are going to meet the ancestor dragon of the Dragon Clan, I think this appearance should be more appropriate."

Seeing You Dou whose appearance and aura changed greatly, the Dragon King of the Four Seas also showed an excited expression at this moment.

To be honest, even though the You Dou they saw in Youyu City earlier had dragon aura on him, and the dragon scales of the ancestral dragon were also pointing at him.

But at that time, the aura on You Dou was that of the Raksha clan far stronger than that of the dragon clan.

If Zulong really chose You Dou and asked him to lead the current Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, although the Dragon King of the Four Seas would obey Zulong's order, he would inevitably have a grudge in his heart.

But looking at You Dou now, the original worries of the Dragon King of the Four Seas were dispelled in an instant.

Now the aura and coercion of the dragon clan revealed by You Dou have far surpassed their Dragon King of the Four Seas. Although You Dou still has the aura of a part of the Rakshasa clan on him, the Dragon King of the Four Seas feels harmless to this point.

The nature of dragons is obscene. I don't know how many new beasts and beasts have been derived from the combination of their dragon race and other races.

The nine sons of the dragon are different, and they also call themselves dragons. As long as You Dou has the blood of the dragon and is strong enough, the dragons of the four seas will not mind obeying his command.

"Is this the ancestral dragon that Grandpa Zulong mentioned?"

"It seems that we didn't find the wrong person this time. Just standing next to Brother You Dou, I felt a strong blood pressure."

"Hahahahaha, it's not too late, let's go to Haiyan to see Grandpa Zulong."

The five figures above the sea area turned into streamers of light, plunged into the sea in front of them, and began to dive at an astonishing speed.

The dragon family is good at water, so the four giant dragons transformed into the real body of the Dragon King of the Four Seas can swim in the sea at a speed far exceeding the speed of riding the clouds before.

It stands to reason that normal creatures cannot breathe in the ocean, Yudou is not a pure dragon, and the same is true.

But at his level of cultivation, overcoming such difficulties is considered a small problem.

After You Dou and the Dragon King of the Four Seas dived for an unknown number of thousands of meters, they finally came to a huge trench and stopped.

This place is already located at a depth of [-] meters in the deep sea, and the sunlight can't reach here at all, so the surrounding area is completely dark.

And because it is in the deep sea, the sea pressure here has reached an outrageous level. If it is an ordinary spirit at this moment, if it comes here without special treasures to defend itself, it is estimated that it will be squeezed into meatloaf by the sea pressure in an instant.

However, facing the terrifying sea pressure, the Dragon King of the Four Seas and You Dou acted quite relaxed at that time.

The dragon scales on their bodies seemed to be born with the ability to resist strong sea pressure. Although they were in the deep sea, they didn't feel the slightest discomfort at the moment.

Before coming to the huge trench, the Dragon King of the Four Seas opened his mouth at the same time, and at the same time spit out a dragon ball the size of a football.

Under the light of the Dragon Ball, the originally dark deep sea also became dazzling.

The trench in front of Youdou and the others is like a huge door at this moment, and it is continuously separated to the left and right with a rumbling sound.

While the trench was expanding, what appeared in front of the four dragons was a ridiculously huge golden vertical pupil!
(End of this chapter)

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