From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1108 Tang Monk Master and Disciple Walking to Jilei Mountain

Chapter 1108 Tang Monk Master and Disciple Walking to Jilei Mountain
The four monks, master and apprentice, have encountered many disasters along the way since passing through the Daughter Country. Tang Seng is either caught every day, or there are female monsters who want to give them away for nothing.

But fortunately, although the monkey has been hacked since Xitianxijingjing, he is still quite capable of fighting those monsters who have no backstage.

Even if they meet those who have someone behind them, with the help of many bigwigs from the Three Realms, they can finally survive the catastrophe one by one.

In the past, Jilei Mountain was inaccessible, so the mountain road was difficult to walk. However, due to the development of Jilei Mountain today, the road up the mountain is as wide as a road. amazed.

It is not surprising that wide roads appear in prosperous big cities and small towns, but Tang Seng and the others have climbed many mountains since they learned from the Western Paradise, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

And when he first arrived at Jilei Mountain, the monkey felt something was wrong.Although they walked along the way, it can be said that the weather was calm, but the monkey could clearly feel that the mountain was filled with a very strong evil spirit!
If you want to go to the Western Paradise to learn scriptures, you must go over this mountain, but Monkey King is also worried about the danger Tang Seng will encounter, so he went to explore the road alone in advance.

However, it took a long time for the monkey to leave, and Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie sat in the circle he drew for a long time. Tang Seng and Monk Sha, who had good concentration, had no problems, but Zhu Bajie got a little impatient.

"Master, Brother Hou has been away for a long time now, and I haven't seen him come back. If I wait any longer, my old pig will starve to death.

Monkey brother, this is not a fate, so let's enjoy it first. "

Although the top of Jilei Mountain is high, the road is easy to walk, and monkeys can fly. It stands to reason that Monkey King is just going to explore the road and find food by the way. It really shouldn't be away for so long.

"Maybe I met a monster? Didn't Wukong say it before, the mountain is so full of monsters, I'm afraid there are many monsters."

Tang Seng still has some understanding of the dispositions of his apprentices. He still believes that Bajie is gluttonous, but Wukong will never delay important things because of gluttony.

"Yes, Second Senior Brother, Senior Senior Brother is not that kind of person, maybe he is in trouble."

Seeing that his master and junior were talking about monkeys, Zhu Bajie stopped talking, but soon, his big belly made a sound like beating a drum.

"Master, since Brother Hou hasn't come back yet, why don't you let me go out for alms.

You see, Brother Hou doesn't know when he will be able to come back. The whole day's time grains have not entered, even if my old pig and Junior Brother Sha can withstand it, Master, your mortal body can't support it either. "

Although Tang Seng remembered Sun Wukong's instructions before he left, at this moment he had to admit that Bajie was right.

They hadn't had a drop of water for almost a day, and Tang Seng was also hungry now.And Zhu Bajie is not a weak and weak ordinary person. He used to be the marshal of the canopy, even if he really encountered a monster, he would have the strength to fight.

So in the end, Tang Seng still couldn't stand Zhu Bajie's soft and hard words, and agreed to his request to go to alms.

Zhu Bajie took out the alms bowl from his bag, and after a burst of transformation, he turned into a simple-looking young man again.

And Zhu Bajie is not stupid, the monkey said before that the northwest is full of monsters, so his old pig will go to the southeast of Jilei Mountain, so no matter what, he should not encounter monsters.

And while Zhu Bajie was still silently applauding his wit, he already regretted it after traveling a short distance up the mountain road.

Because compared to the road to Jilei Mountain, the road on his side is not easy to walk. Not to mention the rugged and rocky mountain road, the point is that Zhu Bajie walked for half a day without seeing any people at all.

It was just when Zhu Bajie was about to give up, but he was attracted by the sudden burst of charming laughter.

Although the distance is far away, through Zhu Bajie's identification of the pair of cattail fans and the judgment of a professional veteran, the one who can make such a silver bell-like laughter is definitely a girl of her own age.

Bajie's footsteps that he planned to leave stopped, and after a brief hesitation, Bajie still walked towards the place where the woman's charming laughter just came out.

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely not that his old pig is lustful, he wants to see what the girl who makes that silver bell laugh looks like, his old pig simply wants to go there for alms.

After all, his master and Junior Brother Sha were still waiting for him to go back for alms, and he had been out for several hours, so it would be bad if he returned empty-handed.

Following the occasional sweet laughter in the air, Zhu Bajie was soon led to a forest of flowers.

The vegetation here is lush, all kinds of flowers are blooming, and the beautiful scenery on the mountain is unobstructed, just like a fairyland on earth.

And in this fairyland, Zhu Bajie also quickly saw the "fairies" in the fairyland. Among them, there were two people in goose-colored dresses, chasing butterflies and playing, and the one who just laughed like silver bells was The two of them.

Then there was another girl, wearing a white fairy skirt with wide sleeves, who was stretching out her slender hands to break off the orchids on the branches.

That airy and charming temperament is just like a fairy, and the beautiful appearance makes the fairyland here eclipsed.

"It's so beautiful... Even if it's compared to Fairy Chang'e, it's not too far off."

But when he saw the scene of the jade-faced fox breaking the orchid fragrance, Zhu Bajie's halazi flowed all over the ground, and he couldn't help but praise him.

And because of the movement it made, it immediately attracted the attention of the jade-faced fox and the others.

When they saw a stranger appearing here, Yumianhu and the others also showed alert expressions. The two little maids who were still chasing Butterfly before appeared in front of Yumianhu for the first time.

"Who are you, why are you here!"

"This is the forbidden area of ​​Jilei Mountain, and it is the back garden of my house, don't you know it!"

Looking at Zhu Bajie with a simple and honest expression, the two little maids yelled at Zhu Bajie angrily.

Because of their limited realm, they couldn't see through Zhu Bajie's transformation technique, so they regarded him as a mortal who had strayed here.

"Xiao Bing, Xiao Li, forget it, he should be a mortal who strayed into this place by accident, whoever doesn't know is innocent, let's send him down the mountain."

The jade-faced fox in the past has never done evil, and since the establishment of Youyu City, it has never hurt ordinary people.

Although she didn't know how Zhu Bajie, a "mortal", came here through the rocky cliffs, but at this moment she was quite generous and asked her personal maid to send him back.

Zhu Bajie doesn't have the piercing eyes of a monkey, so he can't tell whether the three beautiful women in front of him are human or demon.

At the very beginning, he thought that such beauties appearing in the deep mountains and valleys should probably belong to monsters.

However, the attitude shown by the jade-faced fox made Zhu Bajie quickly dispel his doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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