From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1113 Conflict, Fake Bull Demon King

Chapter 1113 Conflict, Fake Bull Demon King
As for the monkey on the other side, seeing Princess Iron Fan take out the plantain fan, at this moment a somersault cloud appeared, and his figure had already appeared thousands of miles away.

At this moment, he was also anxiously scratching his head and ears, not knowing what to do.

The previous cowhide has been blown out, if a person goes back now alone, wouldn't it make the little monster in Youyu City laugh at him.

I am the Monkey King, can I afford to lose this person?

That is obviously not possible, the cowhide has already been blown out, so it must be done, otherwise how will he be in the Three Realms in the future?

But during the Huoyanshan group just now, Sun Wukong already knew that the Bull Demon King should not be at home, otherwise, in the situation just now, it was impossible for the other party not to show up.

Originally, the lord of Youyu City, since he was a relative of the Bull Demon King's family, couldn't find the Bull Demon King as a tour guide, nor could he find the Iron Fan Princess.

But regarding Princess Iron Fan's attitude towards him, let alone helping him, Monkey King thought it would be good if the other party didn't give him a sword.

The monkey who couldn't find the Bull Demon King and didn't want to lose face, after thinking about it for a long time on the cloud, finally came up with a solution.

I saw Sun Wukong showing a smug smile, then pulled a monkey hair from the back of his forehead, and then blew it lightly...

Immediately afterwards, a tall man with extraordinary bearing, a burly body, and horns on his head appeared in front of Monkey King, and made the same movement of scratching his head and ears towards the deity.

"Using my old grandson's technique of transformation, I can't find any problem with measuring those little monsters."

Outside Youyu City, seeing that the time is approaching evening, if you don't go into the city, Tang Seng and his disciples will have to stay outside the city tonight.

And just when Tang Seng and the others wondered why Sun Wukong had been away for so long, two figures suddenly came on clouds and landed in front of them.

The two figures that landed in front of Tang Seng and the others were naturally none other than Monkey King who had left before, and the "Bull Demon King" who had been transformed from monkey hair by Monkey King.

When he saw Tang Seng and the others, the "Bull Demon King" first bowed his hands to greet them, and then walked up to the guarding demon soldiers of Youyu City.

"These are my virtuous younger brothers, their master and younger brothers, why don't you hurry up and let them enter the city and apologize to them.

Or is it that even I, Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King, don't have a good face now?
Do you need me to let your city lord come out and talk to me well? "

Seeing that Sun Wukong actually invited the Bull Demon King, the demon soldiers defending the city immediately became timid under the astonishing momentum of the "Bull Demon King".

The relationship between the Bull Demon King and Youyu City is basically known to those who are familiar with this place.

Although Lao Niu has no direct relationship with the real city lord of Youyu City, his wife is the sister of King Youming.

Seeing that the Great Sage of Pingtian, the Bull Demon King, is really good at face, Zhu Bajie, who was still a grandson at the side before, immediately walked up to several demon soldiers, and said imposingly: "The Bull Demon King is our brother Monkey's sworn brother. Brother, and your city lord is a relative of Big Brother Niu.

So strictly speaking, we are related to your city lord.

It's fine to make an apology or something, why not prepare some good vegetarian meals and a place to rest for us, and when I see you, the city lords, I may be able to intercede for you. "

Seeing Zhu Bajie, who was in the bull's way, the demon soldiers guarding the city were very angry, but if they were fighting for relationships, they were indeed no match for him.

However, when the demon soldiers guarding the city kept apologizing and planned to calm down and let Tang Monk and his disciples enter the city, the former leader of the demon soldiers suddenly stepped forward and stopped everyone again.

"Wait a minute, everyone. I still have one thing I don't understand. I hope you can answer my question before entering the city."

Because of being blocked again, the monkey was a little impatient at the moment, and an angry expression appeared on the face of the "Bull Demon King".

"What else do you want to ask? Why didn't my grandson ask you to kowtow to admit your mistake?"

If the Bull Demon King he summoned was genuine, the monkey would certainly not just let it go now.

But he himself had a ghost in his heart, so he didn't force the other party to abide by the previous agreement.

"No, what I want to ask next is, where did Sun Dasheng invite the Bull Demon King?

I have been on duty until today, and I have been drinking with the Bull Demon King in the brothel in the city. The Great Sage Pingtian has always been in my Youyu City. Where did Sun Dasheng invite the Bull Demon King?
Unless... the Bull Demon King Sun Dasheng invited must be a fake. "

While speaking, the captain of the demon soldier stabbed the spear in his hand towards the chest of the "Bull Demon King" in front of him.

The leader of the demon soldier team has a cultivation level close to that of "Heavenly Wonderland", so it is not a big problem to deal with a mere monkey hair.

And under his sneak attack, the spear also passed through the chest of the "Bull Demon King".

However, the strange thing is that when the spear pierced through the body of the Bull Demon King, no blood splashed out at all, and the figure of the originally tall "Bull Demon King" finally turned into a monkey hair after being distorted all the time. Slow down.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the other monster soldiers didn't know where they were. They were tricked by monkeys before, so they took up weapons and surrounded Tang Seng, master and apprentice.

Seeing that the matter was brought to light, because of his own face, the monkey also directly took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and swept it away.

Although the strength of the demon soldiers in Youyu City is far stronger than most of the little demons in the demon king's cave, they are still a little fragile in front of the monkeys in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm who are holding golden cudgels.

After a wave of sweeping, all the demon soldiers surrounding them were blown away by the monkeys. Among them, two unlucky ones died on the spot because they were swept to the head by the golden cudgel, turning into a mess.

Previously, Youyu City didn't welcome Tang Monk and his disciples just because the city lord hated monks, but he didn't make things difficult for them too much.

But the monkey first used the technique of transformation to deceive them, and now he shot and killed the demon soldiers in Youyu City, so the nature of the matter became different.

As the leader of the demon soldier blew the horn in his hand, the whole Youyu City boiled instantly.

A large number of demon soldiers and the law enforcement team in the city heard the sound of the horn, and quickly came to the city gate to support them. In just a short moment, the Tang monk, master and apprentice were surrounded by a large number of demon soldiers. It's too tight.

And the other monsters and humans in the city were also surprised at the movement of the monster soldiers in the city at this moment.

"It's really interesting that there are people who are not afraid of death, and dare to make trouble in today's Youyu City."

Above a restaurant, the Jiao Demon King leaned against the fence while drinking the fine wine in the jug, looking at the noisy street below with an interesting look on his face.

A similar scene actually happened last month, but it was just an ordinary demon king who caused trouble. Because he wanted to provoke the authority of the new law of the jade-faced fox and deliberately found fault, he was sprayed to death by the red boy.

But no matter how you look at it, this time the posture is far better than before.

(End of this chapter)

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