From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1115 The City Lord at the Land Mouth of Jilei Mountain

Chapter 1115 The City Lord at the Land Mouth of Jilei Mountain
Following Honghaier's order, a large number of monster soldiers from Youyu City swarmed up in an instant. Facing thousands of monsters, Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie felt the pressure instantly and were captured one after another.

As for the monkey, although the ability and realm are above the red boy, but the "Sanmai True Fire" is too restrained with its piercing eyes. When seeing the three monks being captured, they also fled away in an instant in order to avoid being caught by the net.

The monkey who escaped from Youyu City was full of doubts. He didn't know who the owner of Youyu City was, since he had such a huge ability.

And the red boy was obviously subdued by Guanyin, so why was he released.

He intends to send reinforcements, but now he doesn't even know the lord of Youyu City, and Monkey doesn't know who to ask for help.

"Land, give the land to my grandson!"

After thinking about it for a while, Monkey King suddenly thought that as a famous mountain and river, Jilei Mountain must have a land god in the nearby area.

And if you want to get to the root of the Lord of Youyu City, asking the local land god is obviously the fastest way.

Under Monkey King's stamping of his feet, a puff of white smoke suddenly emerged from the ground, and transformed into a small old man.

"The little god accumulates the land of Leishan, and has met Sun Dasheng."

"My grandson of the land asks you, there is a Youyu City on the Jilei Mountain, do you know what kind of monster is the owner of this Youyu City, and where did it come from?"

Hearing the question asked by Monkey King, the land of Jilei Mountain suddenly became hesitant. In all honesty, he didn't want any problems in Youyu City on the mountain.

Even small gods like the land gods have merit assessments, and those land gods with famous mountains and rivers can easily earn enough credit to truly rank among the immortals.

In the past, Jilei Mountain was also considered a big mountain, but because there were few people, it was also considered a place where no birds would shit.

But since the rise of Youyu City, the mountain road has been opened up, more and more people come and go here, and this place has become more and more prosperous.

For the land god, this is also part of his merit.

And because there are more people living here, there are more mortals who worship the land god, and both the land god and the kitchen god here have benefited a lot.

Seeing Monkey King eyeing the lord of Youyu City, Land naturally didn't want to ruin his bright future, but under the threat of the Golden Cudgel, the little old man had to tell what he knew.

"The name of this place is Jilei Mountain. It was originally a barren mountain thousands of miles away, with few people inhabited, and the wild spirits are hard to tame.

The one who originally occupied this mountain was a fox demon named Long Live Fox King, but after his death, the thousands of inheritances were inherited by his daughter, and this female demon was named Princess Yumian.

Princess Yumian's own strength is ordinary, but the Long Live Fox King finds her a wishful gentleman, who not only has supernatural powers, boundless magic power, but also has a good understanding of people.

Soon, he and the jade-faced fox built the framework of Youyu City, and in just over a hundred years, the city has been developed to this day. "

Hearing what the land said, the monkey quickly understood that the so-called lord of Youyu City should be the Ruyi Langjun of this jade-faced princess.

When the Long Live Fox King occupied this mountain, it was no different from other demon caves, and it didn't change until the husband of the jade-faced fox appeared.

It can also be seen from this that it is not the Long Live Fox King and the Jade Face Fox who are powerful, but their uncle who is capable.

"What is the origin of the husband of this jade-faced fox? Is he also some powerful monster?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's inquiry, Tutu could only continue to say: "The little god only knows that this monster is called Youming King, and Youyu City is the combination of "Youming" and "Jade Face".

It is said that although King Nether has great powers, he never takes advantage of power to bully others. He and his wife Princess Yumian are also known as the real couple of gods and immortals.

Youyu City restrains monsters with a radius of thousands of miles from hurting people, it has the merit of enlightening the local monsters, and it has the grace of life for the mortals here.

It is because of their husband and wife that the people here can become more and more prosperous and survive the disaster years again and again.

The local city god of the underworld even visited Yumianhuhu and the others, saying that with the merits of their husband and wife, they can be directly listed in the immortal class after death, and there is no need to enter the underworld. "

There were a lot of private things in Jilei Mountain's words, and he used all kinds of praise words as much as possible to show that the jade-faced fox couple in Youyu City are not evil monsters.

The monsters entangled by Tang Seng, his master and his disciples did not end well in the end, so for his own achievements and future, Land could only try his best to express to Monkey King that the jade-faced fox and the others were harmless.

And most of what he said is true, as long as you walk around the households at the bottom of the mountain, you will find that almost every household enshrines the longevity tablets of the Nether King and the jade-faced fox.

Even among these households, King Youming and Princess Yumian are called "Immortal Youming" and "Jade-faced Fox Immortal".

"The Nether King? My old grandson seems to have heard of this name there."

After searching carefully for the monkeys in his mind, he soon remembered the pretty little white-faced monster he met in Daughter Country.

But at the beginning, the other party seemed to be calling himself "The Nether King", and he was the younger brother of Princess Iron Fan.

Even if he is the younger brother of Princess Iron Fan, it is absolutely correct to say that he is a relative of the Bull Demon King's family.

The answer to the riddle was solved, but the monkey was troubled again, because he had experienced the skills of the Nether King, and to be honest, he was no match.

And with the addition of Hong Hai'er's words, the situation is not so difficult if he wants to rescue his master and junior.

Now the monkey can only think of two ways, one of which is his best at moving rescuers.

The second is to find a way to sneak into Youyu City, find his sworn brother, the Bull Demon King, and let him act as a lobbyist for him.

Since the lord of Youyu City is a relative of the Bull Demon King's family, and Red Boy has returned now, maybe everyone can turn hostility into friendship.

After bidding farewell to the land, the monkey finally tried the second method first, because the first method would lose face if he was asked the reason later.

And this time they didn't take reason, and the monkey couldn't justifiably go to rescue soldiers to save people.

Because of the troubles caused by Tang Monk, his master and his disciples, today's Youyu City has become more vigilant than usual.

However, for Monkey King, if he was the only one, it would not be difficult to get into this Youyu City.

When he came to explore the way for the first time before, he had already sneaked into the city once, and this time he turned into a little bee again, and flew directly over the city gate without the demon soldiers noticing.

After entering Youyu City, the monkey quickly changed into a young man, because now the appearance of the four of them, master and apprentice, has been drawn with arrest warrants and posted in every corner of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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