From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1117 Disposal of Tang Monk Master and Disciple

Chapter 1117 Disposal of Tang Monk Master and Disciple
"If you continue to talk nonsense, you pighead, someone will cut off your mouth first!
Our wife is beautiful and beautiful, and our great king is even more handsome and talented. Although this Tang monk is somewhat handsome, he is far inferior to my great king. How can my wife fall in love with him. "

Just when the master and the apprentice were tied to the pillars and were struggling with how to get out of trouble, two extremely beautiful women suddenly came out from behind the screen.

And when he saw the faces of these two people, Zhu Bajie, who was tied to the pillar, was obviously stunned for a moment.

Because the two women who appeared in front of him, he knew Zhu Bajie, and they were the second of the three fairies he met when he went for alms.

"You two female benefactors, all this is a misunderstanding, my old pig is the monk who went to the mountain to beg for alms.

In view of the fact that we met once before, can the two sisters let us go again? "

Seeing that the person in front of him turned out to be the fairy he had met on the mountain before, Zhu Bajie quickly proved that he and others were harmless, and pleaded for mercy.

"So it's you, a prodigal son! Madam has shown mercy before and let you go down the mountain by yourself. I didn't expect you to dare to break into Youyu City!"

"Ma'am is right. Monk is really not a good person, especially you, a fat pig with big ears. You molested my wife before, and now you kill me Youyu City demon soldiers. You deserve death!"

While the two little maids here were still commenting on Tang Seng, his master and his disciples, focusing on satirizing a certain pig's head, a stunning woman in a white wide-sleeved skirt with a fairy and lustful aura was also walking in lotus steps. Walked out from the apse.

Having controlled Youyu City for a hundred years, the jade-faced fox's self-cultivation is not very good, but his superior temperament is there, and he can't help attracting the attention of the four Tang monks, masters and apprentices as soon as he appears on the stage.

When he saw the jade-faced fox, Zhu Bajie showed such an expression on his face. When he saw the two maids appearing here, he guessed that the stunning woman he saw in the flower forest before might also be a ghost. The people of Yucheng.

It's just that Zhu Bajie obviously didn't expect that the opponent is actually the legendary Lord of Youyu City.

"Hahahahaha, my old grandson wonders who he is. It turns out that the so-called Lord of Youyu City is just a vixen with a low level of cultivation."

Out of professional habits, when the jade-faced fox came out, Sun Wukong immediately looked at the opponent's real body with his "golden eyes".

Then he discovered that the Lord of Youyu City, who made all the demons fearful, was actually just a vixen who had reached the realm of "Heavenly Wonderland".

Hearing that his respected wife was being mocked by the monkey, Xiaoli, the maid beside the jade-faced fox, pulled out a whip without saying a word, and directly used mana to whip the whip towards the monkey's body.

"The prisoner still dares to speak wild words and slander my wife!"

Although the little raccoon's whip is a magic weapon, and it also uses mana, but there is too much difference in the realm of each other, and the monkey has a copper head and an iron wall, so the whip is basically the same as tickling.

The little maid, who was originally puzzled, wanted to whip a few more whips to vent her anger, but was stopped by the jade-faced fox behind her.

"A few of them are eminent monks from the Tang Dynasty. I, Youyu City, shouldn't have any grievances with you before. I don't know why they are making trouble in my city."

As for how to deal with the four monks and disciples, the jade-faced fox is actually quite troublesome.

Unlike the other stunned green monsters on the Westward Journey Road, when the jade-faced fox was cultivating the Yin-Yang Dao with You Dou, he often heard his husband muttering about Tang Seng, his master and his disciples.

The monsters on the Westward Journey Road either fell in love with Tang Seng's "Tang Seng's flesh" that can live forever, or they fell in love with Tang Seng's skin.

However, the jade-faced fox is not interested in the above two things.

live forever?Not to mention whether eating "Tang Monk Meat" can really live forever, even if it is true, her jade-faced fox can also achieve longevity without this method.

Youdou realm has reached Daluo, and the foundation itself is extremely extraordinary. Compared with the golden cicada before Tang Seng's reincarnation, it is not 01:30 stronger.

If eating "Tang Monk Meat" can give you immortality, then if you extract more essence from Youdou, you can also achieve this effect, maybe the effect will be even better...

As long as you work overtime, unlock a few more postures, break through the realm, and soar in place, it is definitely not an unattainable dream.

As for Tang Seng's skin..., the jade-faced fox had to admit that Tang Seng was good-looking, but compared to his extraordinary husband, he was still not a bit worse.

Forcibly breaking into Youyu City and killing the demon soldiers in the city, according to the laws of Youyu City, they should have paid for their lives.

But because You Dou had mentioned the roots and origins of the four Tang monks, masters and apprentices before, the jade-faced fox also knew that these four people were important pawns for spreading faith in Buddhism today.

If they were killed, Lingshan would undoubtedly be completely enraged.

The so-called 81 Difficulties on the Journey to the West was originally a drama directed and performed by the Buddhist sect, in order to increase the difficulty for the Tang monk, master and apprentice, so that they can earn more merit.

In the eyes of all the monsters in Journey to the West, the monk Tang and his disciples are fat pieces of meat, but in the eyes of the jade-faced fox, the four of them are hot potatoes.

Behind Youyu City are not big bosses from Buddhism and Taoism, they are monsters from grassroots background. Once Tang Seng, master and apprentice are killed, they will undoubtedly offend many big bosses from the Three Realms.

But if they let them go lightly like this, it will make him lose face as the city lord, and if they are treated differently, it will cause dissatisfaction among the people.

And once the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

"My lord, this matter is indeed the fault of the poor monk and others. Even if there is punishment, the poor monk will never complain."

Tang Seng's three views are still very upright, thinking that they were indeed at fault in this matter first, and Sun Wukong also shot and killed the guards of the family, which is already a felony no matter which capital it is placed in.

"Master, what you said is right, it was my grandson who fooled the little monsters, and it was my grandson who accidentally beat them to death.

Even if you want to be punished, it should be up to Lao Sun to resist, what does it have to do with you, master.

And masters, even if you are wrong, it is because this Youyu City deceived people too much first, what is the reason for those little monsters not to let us monks enter the city! "

Houzi intends to do things alone and bear all the responsibilities. Even the Taishang Laojun and Zhen Yuanzi can't kill him, so Houzi doesn't believe that a mere fox demon can do anything to him.

He was struggling with how to deal with the hot potato jade-faced fox. Hearing what the monkey said, after hesitating for a moment, he also agreed to the monkey's request to take good care of him and treat Tang Seng and others leniently.

It is obviously impossible to directly kill the four-member group of Journey to the West, that would only lead to major events. Tang Seng is in charge of the matter of learning Buddhist scriptures from the West, so it should not be a big problem to kill his disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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