From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1133 Youdou successfully transforms into a dragon

Chapter 1133 Youdou successfully transforms into a dragon

Thousands of aquariums gathered here before, but now only a few hundred dragons and nearly a thousand other aquariums can really walk to Longmen Waterfall.

Although before the Dragon Gate, anyone who wanted to jump into the Dragon Gate would be imprisoned. It seems that everyone has the same conditions, but there are still differences.

Without their cultivation and mana, they still have a strong physique.

When it comes to physical fitness, ordinary aquariums naturally cannot be compared with the dragons, which is also one of the factors that benefit the dragons when they leap over the dragon gate.

After arriving at the backward golden waterfall, many dragon clans and other aquatic clans also revealed their real bodies one after another, intending to go upstream.

They are all creatures in the water, and if they want to go upstream, revealing their real bodies is the most beneficial way.

That is to say, it is convenient for them to walk against the water better, and the real body also has stronger physical ability, which can withstand heavy pressure and turbulent water flow.

Accompanied by the dragon roar one after another, the scene of hundreds of dragons of different colors hanging upside down on the waterfall upstream is also extremely spectacular.

But only when they really went upstream against the golden waterfall, did the dragons of the four seas realize that it was far more difficult than they imagined to cross the dragon gate.

Today they have revealed the real body of the dragon clan, but under the heavy pressure and the turbulent current, let alone the distance of thousands of meters upstream, even hundreds of meters is a huge challenge for them. challenge.

The golden turbulence in the waterfall seems to be no ordinary water flow. While washing their bodies, it will also bring great pain, and even easily penetrate the dragon scales on their bodies.

It wasn't when the Dragon Clan was in the middle of the upstream, because they couldn't bear the huge pain, they fell directly from the sky, and under the addition of the gravity formation, they were directly thrown to death.

Such a cruel side, for the Dragon Prince and Dragon Princess who are used to being pampered, they have never seen it before.

I originally thought that the "Dragon Gate" was opened, and they came to pick up benefits, but I never thought that if they didn't take any benefits, they would end up dead if they were not careful.

Faced with such a high-pressure environment, some dragons soon chose to give up.

From their point of view, the current situation of not worrying about eating and drinking is quite good. Although it is good to be able to jump the Dragon Gate, it is another matter to use one's life as a bargaining chip.

Looking at the Dragon Clan who kept choosing to give up, Yuto, who was watching from below, shook his head sighingly.

He had withstood the temptation of Zulong before, and it was right not to accept the mess of the Dragon Clan.

The dragon clan of the four seas has rotted to the root. How can a group of dragons who are willing to eat and die and want to lie down easily wake them up?

However, considering that Zulong risked his life in order to open the dragon gate, Youdou sighed silently in the end, and then jumped up.

The so-called gravity formation and turbulent water flow are like nothing to You Dou.

Even if his cultivation base and mana were imprisoned, Youdou's physique was much stronger than that of ordinary dragons.

According to what Zulong said, the dragon aura on his body is already comparable to that of the ancient dragons, and naturally it is not comparable to the current four seas dragons.

Moreover, apart from the Dragon Clan, the Raksha Clan is also extremely strong. With the superposition of the two, the so-called heavy pressure and the power of the water flow are of average pressure to You Dou.

When swimming past those dragons from all over the world in a very relaxed and comfortable freestyle, Youdou even didn't forget to sneer: "The dragons have indeed fallen. I heard that in ancient times, in order to pass the dragon gate, the dragons competed to swim. What a grand occasion that was!" .

The so-called dying after hearing the Tao, the cultivator fights for his life with the sky, but the one who cherishes his life thinks about the way of longevity is simply ridiculous.

Today's Dragon Clan of the Four Seas... Tsk tsk, it's not that you look down on you, but in You's view, you are not even garbage, and the old man Zulong died in vain. hooked up. "

You Dou's words immediately filled up the hatred of everyone present.

However, even if the Dragon Clan present were unwilling to be humiliated and wanted to attack the Youdou group, it would be impossible for them to do so given their current situation.

Because they were all doing their best just to withstand the countercurrent of the waterfall.

On the other hand, Yu Dou's side, this guy not only has no influence at all, but also circles around them with various fancy swimming moves, mocking them as much as possible.

And when he felt that the hatred was almost exhausted, Yudou thought he had already done what he could do, and that he was worthy of Zulong's kindness, so he began to swim upstream at an astonishing speed.

Because You Dou's dragon transformation is not complete, and he is only half-human, half-dragon, so at this moment, his figure swimming upstream in freestyle has become a unique landscape under the dragon gate.

While going upstream, Youdou also encountered many other dragons. Youdou was quite surprised and said that among the dragons of the four seas, the one who is currently going upstream is unexpectedly not the Dragon King of the Four Seas, but the East China Sea. Ao Ling, the eldest princess.

While brushing past Ao Ling, You Dou didn't bother the other party, but passed directly and easily.

And Ao Ling, who was at the back, looked at You Dou who was so relaxed and comfortable, and his eyes became more determined. Enduring the pain of falling dragon scales on his body, he began to swim against the current more tenaciously.

With a distance of nearly a thousand feet, You Dou only took less than half a quarter of an hour to reach the Dragon Gate. The so-called test was much easier than he imagined.

But it may also be because he is much stronger than others.

All in all, looking at the huge golden door in front of him, Yudou didn't hesitate at all, he just jumped up and jumped into the dragon gate.

After entering the dragon gate, You Dou discovered that after crossing the dragon gate, it was not in an instant that he could transform into a dragon and fly out from the other end.

There is a special space in the dragon gate, and in this space, You Dou can feel that the power belonging to the dragon clan in his body is being continuously purified.

You Dou, who was originally half-human, half-dragon, began to change slowly without his awareness...

The body shape has been continuously elongated, black dragon scales have also begun to appear densely all over the body, dragon characteristics such as dragon beard and horns are also slowly appearing from You Dou's body.

The process of activating the dragon blood on You Dou's body and letting him gradually transform into a dragon lasted for several months. During this period, You Dou was always in a hazy state of half-dream and half-awake.

It wasn't until there was movement from the jade pendant he left for the jade-faced fox that Youdou was finally awakened again, and felt that his transformation was coming to an end. Youdou twisted his current body unaccustomed to it, and then let out a loud cry The sound of dragon chant!


The sound of the dragon's chant that resounded through the entire deep sea came from the dragon gate, and the momentum carried by this dragon's chant was even stronger than that of the previous ancestor dragon.

Zulong's previous voice was obviously full of coercion, but it was obviously old and weak, but this dragon's roar was powerful and resounded throughout the world!

(End of this chapter)

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