From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1135: You Dou Hualong Chapter Returns to Youyu City

Chapter 1135 You Dou Hualong Returns to Youyu City

Hearing that the rescuer brought by the monkey was Guanyin from Luojia Mountain, the jade-faced fox also showed a dignified face.

If the opponent attacking outside is Master Guanyin, then it is not surprising that Youyulou's formation cannot resist the opponent.

After all, Master Guanyin exists at the same level as her husband, so the formation he set up naturally cannot stop Master Guanyin.

When they heard that the person who came to help Tang Seng and his apprentice was Master Guanyin, the Bull Demon King and Hong Haier also showed hesitation, not knowing whether to continue to attack the monkey, so the pair froze in place.

Among them, the Bull Demon King was as cautious as ever, worried that he would offend the giant Lingshan.

As for Hong Hai'er, it's purely a psychological shadow. After all, he had received a lot of education from Guanyin before.

"Brother Monkey, did you really invite Master Guanyin to come over? Great, master, we are saved this time."

Zhu Bajie and others who were imprisoned were naturally very happy when they saw Monkey King come to rescue them at first.

However, soon, they found that their monkey brother was being suppressed and beaten by the Bull Demon King's family, and their mood fell instantly.

Now that he heard that his elder brother did not come alone, but also brought the Guanyin master, Zhu Bajie was completely relieved.

In the eyes of Tang Seng and his disciples, Guanyin has always been a symbol of invincibility. Every time their master and apprentice find each other, there is no problem that Guanyin can't solve.

Although the monsters in Youyu City are extraordinary, they are also monsters, and as long as they are monsters, how can they be the opponent of Guanyin.

Avalokitesvara outside the building easily destroyed the defensive formation of Youyu Tower with a palm, and then pulled out a willow branch from the suet jade bottle and waved it into the air.

The ten-storey Youyu Tower unexpectedly rises from the ground at this moment, and reveals the Monkey King, the jade-faced fox and others who are staying underground.

Seeing Master Avalokitesvara standing on the lotus platform, Monk Tang and his disciples hurriedly bowed down to salute. As for the Bull Demon King and Red Boy, they had already lost most of their fighting spirit when they saw Master Avalokitesvara standing on the lotus platform.

"Xuanzang, waiting for this ordeal, how do you feel?"

Avalokitesvara just waved his sleeves, and Tang Seng and the others were moved from the prison to the outside. Facing the inquiry of Avalokitesvara, Tang Seng talked respectfully and eloquently.

"Jade-faced fox, although the Tang monk and his disciples were at fault, they are not guilty of death, and they have already been punished accordingly.

So can you give Lingshan a little face and let the four of them, master and apprentice, continue to travel west? "

From the time when Master Guanyin came to Youyu City to when he rescued Tang Seng and the others, there were many pretentious monsters who paid attention to the situation here.

At this moment, the monsters in Youyu City were also quite surprised to hear that Guanyin asked the jade-faced fox in a discussing tone.

Who is Avalokitesvara?That is the top power of the Three Realms, even in the Lingshan Mountain, it is still among the top existences.

The so-called great sage of the monster clan is nothing in front of him, but at this moment the other party is discussing with a fox spirit from "Heavenly Wonderland"!
Youyu City is not as simple as they imagined!Otherwise, if Master Avalokitesvara wanted to take away Tang Seng and his disciples, why would he ask Yumian Fox about the meaning of a little demon in "Heavenly Wonderland".

"Brother Yumian, let's give in this time, the opponent is Guanyin, and with the entire Lingshan behind, we can't win against each other.

This time the other party has given us enough face, even if brother Youdou came back, he won't blame you. "

The person who persuaded the jade-faced fox was the Bull Demon King. As an old fritter of the monster race, he thought it would be unwise to fight against Buddhism.

Now that the Buddhism in the Three Realms is so prosperous that even Taoism has to avoid its edge for a while, it is even more impossible for them, the spirits and monsters, to be their opponents.

Moreover, what Master Guanyin is doing now has indeed given enough face to the jade-faced fox..., or in other words, it has given enough face to You Dou.

If Master Avalokitesvara wanted to save Tang Seng and his disciples, the Bull Demon King's family and the Yumian Fox couldn't stop each other at all, but he asked the Yumian Fox to give them Lingshan face in a negotiating tone.

The demon in the city who witnessed this scene will probably think that Youyu City is extraordinary in the future, and dare not take the opportunity to make trouble again.

Faced with the mighty coercion of Daluo Jinxian from Guanyin and the persuasion of the Bull Demon King, the jade-faced fox also showed a slight struggle on his face.

In the end, thinking that he could not cause You Dou any more trouble, the Jade-faced Fox was about to say yes, when suddenly there was a dragon chant that shook Xiaoyu from above the sky.

"Let me, Youyu City, give Lingshan face, but has Master Guanyin ever thought of saving face for me, Youyu City?
The master and apprentice of Tang Monk violated the laws of Youyu City, so he deserved to stay and receive punishment. Now, Master Guanyin just said a few words lightly and wanted to take him away. Did you ask my opinion?

Could it be that the master thinks that if Youmou is not at home, he can use the power of the Golden Immortal to bully my humble wife? "

A huge black dragon hovered over Youyu City, its huge body even shrouded the entire city in shadow.

"Hey, is this the King Youming, the Lord of Youyu City? I have lived for so many years, old pig, and I have never seen such a huge dragon clan..."

As the former marshal of the canopy, Zhu Bajie has seen a lot, but he has seen a lot of people in the market, but he has never seen such a huge dragon.

You Dou's dragon head sticks out of the clouds, looking down at the people below in the city, his gaze alone makes many creatures in the city feel fear, even monkeys are no exception.

Many monsters in the city, seeing You Dou at this moment, instantly understood why Youyu City can deter all monsters.

Although it was also the first time for them to see this Nether King, judging from his aura and momentum alone, they knew that the other party was not an ordinary character at all.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. The poor monk Guanyin is very polite. Congratulations to fellow Taoist, your cultivation has improved a lot."

When seeing Youdou, Master Guanyin was also extremely surprised. She was not surprised by Youdou's appearance, but was surprised by Youdou's aura and cultivation.

It has been less than a few months since they met each other last time.

A few months is not too long for ordinary mortals, and it is even more fleeting time for them who have almost the same life span as heaven and earth.

However, after only this short period of time, Master Guanyin discovered that Youdou's cultivation has skyrocketed by a large margin.

And before she only felt the breath of the ancient dragon clan from You Dou, but this time when she met again, You Dou gave her the feeling that in front of her was a real ancient dragon.

And judging from its size and aura, it is not an ordinary five-clawed dragon among the ancient dragons, but a nine-clawed dragon comparable to the "ancestral dragon" level!
At their level, it is extremely difficult to improve their cultivation and strength. Master Guanyin really can't figure out what happened to You Dou in just a few months!
(End of this chapter)

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