From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1140 Waiting for me to send you to Bliss!

Chapter 1140 Waiting for me to send you to Bliss!

You Dou didn't include a word of profanity in the whole process, but he said that the faces of all the great powers in Lingshan were ugly, saying that they came for alms, which is different from saying that they came to ask for...?
"I haven't seen you for a long time, little friend is still so eloquent, but this time I came here to seek justice from the benefactor.

The benefactor has great wisdom and great ambitions, and he is a predestined person in my Buddhist school. Why did he have to go against the grain and come to such a situation? "

Looking at You Dou in front of him, World Honored One Tathagata was also a little surprised. He hadn't seen him for several months and he also saw the difference in You Dou.

It's no wonder that Guanyin was able to fight back and forth with the opponent a few months ago, but now he is easily surrendered by the opponent.

It is already extremely difficult for the existence of their cultivation level to improve one step, either they have to encounter a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or they will have an epiphany one day.

However, both of these are hard to come by. You Dou has reached Daluo in only a few hundred years of practice, and even made a great breakthrough in just a few months. This makes Tathagata firmly believe that You Dou A man of great opportunity.

People with great opportunities are all the darlings of heaven, and others are fighting for their fate, but this kind of people will never die no matter what.

Killing such a person will undoubtedly cause huge karma, especially for their Buddhism.

"If you want to tell lies, I'd better advise you masters to save yourselves.

You always do things as you like, and whether it is fair or not depends on people's hearts. If right and wrong are all up to you in Buddhism, then who will do the wicked.

If Master Guanyin has been sealed for a hundred years, You will naturally let her go back. As for Tang Monk and his disciples, You always keep his word. He said he would trap them for 500 years, so it will be 500 years! "

You Dou's voice was not loud, but the Sanskrit sound that resisted Buddhism through the diffusion effect of mana reverberated in the entire You Yu City at this moment.

Many monsters in the city were stunned when they heard what You Dou said at this moment.

The Lingshan came out in full force, and the two Bodhisattvas of the same level as Guanyin and the eight heavenly dragons did not mention it for the time being, but even the Tathagata came here.

To be reasonable, even though there are many monsters in the city with famous names, they have never even looked up at the face of the Tathagata in this life.

Without him, there are too many levels to get along with each other, and they exist like each other, so they don't pay attention to monsters like them.

Lingshan came with the general trend, and this battle alone was invincible in the three realms. Originally, all the monsters in Youyu City thought that facing such a general trend, the Nether King would succumb to it and let the matter end here.

But they never thought that the King of the Nether would be so stubborn. The World Honored One came in person, two Bodhisattvas protected the Dharma, eighteen arhats cleared the way, thousands of monks came to the city, and the King of the Nether would point at his nose and curse!
To be honest, all the Yaozu in the city admired King Youming's actions. After all, many of them have long been dissatisfied with the Buddhist sect that is on the surface and inside.

However, no one dared to speak directly to the other party's face like You Dou, and the other party was also the Lord of Lingshan.

They have seen many monsters who are not afraid of death, but they have never heard of monsters as crazy as the Nether King.

Of course, while many monsters in the city have admiration for You Dou, they are unavoidably worried.

I'm worried that King Youming offended Lingshan too much, will he implicate them who eat melons and watch dramas in the future?
"A mere secular demon, because he has a little bit of Taoism, is so arrogant, how dare he be so rude to the World Honored One, and wait for the poor monk to come and surrender you!"

For the people in Lingshan, the Tathagata Buddha is their belief, but now that You Dou speaks such wild words to the Tathagata, the monks and soldiers under him naturally can't stand it anymore, and immediately plan to take action to subdue the demon.

Thousands of monks and soldiers formed a formation, and suddenly the heaven and earth were illuminated by Buddha light, and the clouds in the sky were also dyed with golden edges, and as the Sanskrit sounds echoed, a huge golden Buddha also appeared behind the clouds.

And he said "Namo Amitabha" with a compassionate face, and then slapped Yuto with his palm.

The individual strength of the monks and soldiers is actually not very good, but through this special combination attack formation, the Buddha's blow that they transformed at this moment already has the power of a great Luo.

"Hmph, little Doyle, how can a mere illusory thing be compared with the real thing.

With only this ability, I want to show off my face in front of my boss and show you what the real power of Da Luo is.

Roar------! "

Facing the huge Buddha's palm pressing down, You Dou let out a loud dragon chant, and then his body, covered by a wave of auspicious clouds, roared out as a giant black dragon.

The giant dragon with the size of a thousand feet looks about the same size as the golden Buddha, and its golden giant palm that is pressing down is like glass at this moment, and it was crushed by the black dragon transformed by You Dou in an instant.

Although the golden Buddha transformed by thousands of monks and soldiers also possessed the power of Da Luo, but as Yuto said, a fake is a fake.

Even with the prestige of Da Luo, it is still invisible. In front of the real Da Luo Jinxian, he is nothing more than a paper tiger with a strong outsider and a dry man in the middle.

After smashing the golden Buddha's palm with one head, the black dragon rose into the sky again, rushing towards the golden Buddha with power, trying to tear him apart completely.

However, at the same time, the so-called Eight Dragons also took action.

Although these non-human alien races have escaped into Buddhism, their own innate supernatural powers are still there. At this moment, they are also holding a vajra or a trident, appearing everywhere in Yudou Avatar, doing what they can restricts Yuto's actions.

"What about the number of self-willed degenerates? If you dare to stop me, then I will send you to bliss, accompanied by your Buddha!"

How strong is You Dou's physical body now, before he transformed into a dragon, his body was comparable to Shura Vajra, and even tore the gods with his hands.

Now, after transforming into an ancient dragon clan, coupled with the powerful physique of the Raksha clan, and the acquired training of You Dou.

To put it bluntly, even the monkey's so-called "copper skin and iron bones" are completely scum in front of it.

The eight celestial dragons surrounding You Dou revealed their real bodies and showed their supernatural powers in an attempt to restrain You Dou, but You Dou dragon easily broke free from the shackles with a swing of his body.

In the face of absolute power, any tricks are just bells and whistles.

Even those Ashura and Yaksha tribes who are known for their physical strength, were swept away by Yudou's dragon tail at this moment, and they were beaten up in an instant to vomit blood.

A few guys with lower levels of strength, even under the impact of You Dou, were directly smashed into meat paste and exploded in all directions.

The "Dragon Crowd" among the eight celestial dragons also turned into dragons at this moment, trying to suppress You Dou by numbers.

However, the real bodies they revealed, in front of You Dou now, are as powerless as babies, no matter in terms of size, strength, or cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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