From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1152 Saint clones gather!

Chapter 1152 Saint clones gather!

As for the attack by the Second Western Sage, it can only be said that it was within Taishang Laojun's expectation, but also beyond his expectation.

He thought that the Second Western Sage would not just sit back and watch the Buddhist sect suffer a disastrous defeat at the hands of Youyu City, but he did not expect that the Second Western Sage would directly send one of his clones to come.

Regarding Zhunti Taoist's request, Taishang Laojun hesitated for a while, and found that he had no reason to refuse the other party, so he could only open a gap in his Tai Chi diagram.

Zhunti Taoist came for the orthodox of Western Buddhism, he has a reason to interfere in this matter, but You Dou is not a Taoist, and he has no reason to turn his face against the two Western sages because of the other party.

Of course, because of the Heavenly Emperor's previous request, Laojun would not just sit back and watch You Dou being beaten to death by Taoist Zhunti, but use the Tai Chi diagram to protect You Dou's soul after his body was destroyed.

It can only be said that the Sanqing who is here now is not the Daoist Taiqing who is ascetic and does not like to provoke disputes, but the Taoist Master Tongtian who is more humane and has no class. up.

You Dou, who originally planned to end his opponent, suddenly felt a wave of power from heaven and earth rushing towards him, so he had to give up attacking and turn to defense.

However, accompanied by a huge branch of seven-colored tree, Yudou's huge real dragon body was directly swept away hundreds of miles away.

With just one blow, You Dou was not only beaten from the dragon form into a normal human form, but also directly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The person who appeared in front of You Dou was a Taoist man wearing a monk's robe. His appearance seemed to be in a hazy state in the eyes of everyone.

The realm of the other party is actually not very high, at least it has reached a realm that Youdou can't fathom.

However, what surprised You Dou was that the other party was within the scope of his two simulated star creation maps, but he was not affected by "Hundred Ghosts of the Night" and "Void Star Taisui" at all?

Or, did the opponent maintain such strength under the influence of the two simulated star creation maps?
"So that's it, Your Excellency seems to be one of the two saints of the West.

Unexpectedly, You Mou's face was so big, not only the spirit mountains came out, but now even the saints came to the world. "

You Dou looked at the so-called saint in front of him, his expression slightly stunned, but his tone was not much respectful.

No matter what kind of heel or race, facing one of the only six saints in the world, it is necessary to maintain due respect.

However, Taoist Zhunti did not come here with good intentions, and he was still bullying the small like this, so the so-called respect was unnecessary.

"I know that you are unwilling, but it is related to the Western Buddhism, but I have to do this shameful thing.

You can do whatever you can, and I also promise that apart from you, I will never embarrass anyone else. After this time, your grievances between Youyu City and Lingshan will be wiped out. "

Hearing Taoist Zhunti's words, You Dou's expression was quite sneering.

After bullying others, how about a write-off?If he had enough strength, how could he just let it go?
However, the current him, in the face of the powerful "sage", really has no room for resistance.

No matter how sanctimonious the other party said, Yuto has no room to refute, after all, no matter in that world, only the fist is big enough is the eternal last word.

According to the system's previous warnings, the crisis he encountered now should be the most dangerous one in history.

You Dou asked himself that he had tried his best just now, but he was still seriously injured by the opponent's casual blow, and even You Dou could feel that the quasi-spirited Taoist in front of him should not be his real body reward.

The power of a saint is so terrifying!
"Forget it, since the jade-faced fox and Princess Iron Fan won't be implicated by me, there's nothing else to worry about."

So what if he is a saint, even if he is desperate to die today, he has to let the so-called saint know that even ants have the power to regret the sky!
Anyway, it was going to be cold, and now that it was at the end of the road, Youdou didn't take it too far, and directly exploded a large amount of "evil in this world" in his body.

A large amount of "evil in this world" spewed out, and under the malice and negative emotions that exceeded the limit, Yuuto lost again...

Seeing the vast sea of ​​black mud covering the world, the Zhunti Taoists who had been in a calm state before, including the Taishang Laojun, also showed emotion at this moment.

Although they could sense that You Dou had committed a great crime before, they never thought that this crime would be so heavy and huge.

Such crimes have obviously exceeded the limit that the Three Realms can bear. Even the legendary golden lotus of the twelve ranks of merit may not be able to purify such crimes.

At this moment, Laojun quickly made a handprint in his hand, and tried his best to activate the Taiji diagram, so as to prevent the "evil of this world" from overflowing.

And the avatar of Taoist Zhunti holds the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand, and is doing his best to protect himself and the Tathagata at this moment.

The "evil in this world" at this moment is restrained by the Taiji diagram and covered by an inverted bowl-shaped air mask, and above the bowl-shaped air mask is a huge Yin-Yang fish pattern.

The old gentleman sat empty in the air, and tapped the seals in his hands again and again. From his dignified expression, it can be seen that restraining this boundless sin is not as easy for him as he imagined.

As the situation intensified, halos of light soon appeared on the sky, a woman with a human head and a snake body, and two other men in Taoist robes also appeared one after another.

Even in the end, another sage from the west appeared here to guide Taoists.

Obviously, they all sensed the changes in the world, so they were attracted one after another.

However, none of the saints who came here came here in real body, and all of them came here in avatar.

However, this is the case, the creatures below still expressed their eyes-opening for the scene in front of them.

Since the sage was hidden from the world, the so-called sage has become a legendary existence in the eyes of most people, and it is extremely difficult to admire the sage's face on weekdays.

But I didn't expect today's scene to be so grand, and the six saints came here at the same time!

Even if it's just a clone, even if King Nether lived and died here, he can definitely be regarded as famous in the entire Three Realms!
All the people who came here were saints, even if they didn't deliberately ask what happened, they could figure it out with a little calculation.

Saint Nuwa looked at Youdou who was roaring in the black mud, with a look of pity on his face. Before becoming a saint, Nuwa was from the base of the demon clan. Seeing a rising star like Youdou, it is inevitable to feel a little sorry for him.

Master Tongtian and Yuanyuan Tianzun had always been at odds with Western Buddhism, but now seeing Zhunti Taoist in disgrace, they were also happy to watch the show from the sidelines.

You Dou, who released a large amount of "evil in this world", now under the influence of malice, directly turned into an evil dragon, roaring towards Taoist Zhunti with its teeth and claws!

(End of this chapter)

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