From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1160 Entering Beijing to Start the Journey of Random Killing

Chapter 1160 Entering Beijing to Start the Journey of Random Killing
As for the other side, after You Dou left the villa, in order to collect the negative emotions of human nature as soon as possible, he went to the capital of this dynasty.

As we all know, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, and the capital is generally the most prosperous place in a dynasty. If you want to say the most complicated and sinister words, then it is naturally a more prosperous place.

You Dou originally thought this way, so he went to the current capital, but when he arrived here, he realized that things didn't seem to be what he thought.

No matter which dynasty it is, as the royal capital where the palace is located, because it is the place where the national destiny of a dynasty is gathered, the aura that permeates it should be more stalwart and magnificent.

However, when You Dou came to the capital, and looked at the sky above the capital with the technique of gazing at the qi, he frowned directly.

Because at this moment, in his eyes, the national destiny of this dynasty is like a sieve full of holes, the national destiny is constantly being lost, and from the golden national destiny, Youdou can still vaguely see that a huge centipede is hovering in it , wantonly and greedily absorbed the fortune of the country.

That's right, it's not the golden dragon that symbolizes the emperor, but a huge centipede that hovers in the fortunes of the country.

"It's no wonder that this world is full of demons and monsters, it turns out that this dynasty has been corrupted to this point.

If even the capital city is controlled by monsters, let alone other small towns.

If the palace nobles were like this, ordinary people might only become the bait of these monsters. "

Walking into the bustling capital city, the sound of hawking on the street can be heard endlessly. No matter how many demons and ghosts there are, human beings are still one of the most tenacious creatures, able to struggle to survive in any environment.

Because it is the capital city, there are naturally many officials living here. In order to see the extent of the corruption of the current dynasty, Youdou pretended to be a scholar, and found an official mansion, and handed over a famous stab to visit.

In this era, scholars are still treated very preferentially, especially for those who have achieved fame.

As long as it is not a high-ranking official, once a famous scholar submits a ranking, the other party will generally not reject it, not to mention that Yuto gave a lot of "sincerity" when submitting the famous assassin.

"My lord, our master is here to invite you to have tea with me in the living room."

You Dou's current identity is a new imperial examination candidate, don't ask him how he disguised himself, using You Dou's current deduction technique to calculate the background of a mortal and disguise it, it is not too simple.

As for the person he visited, it was Mr. Li, the left servant of the Ministry of War in the six departments.

It is said that Mr. Li was originally the right-hand man of Fu Tianchou, Minister of the Ministry of War, and was called up by him alone. Fu Tianchou was very kind to him.

The reason why Fu Tianchou was imprisoned this time was also because the Lord Zuo Shilang killed his relatives righteously, and listed Fu Tianchou and other major "crimes", among which the crime of murdering the national teacher was the most serious.

"You are Cui Hongjian, a member of the Anqing Mansion? Now that the imperial examination is coming soon, you are not studying at home, what are you doing in this official mansion?
If you want to find convenience in the imperial examination, shouldn't you go to the Ministry of Rites or the Ministry of Officials, why not come to the house of an official of the Ministry of War? "

When he saw the so-called Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Justice in front of him for the first time, You Dou felt that something was wrong.

Although the left servant of the Ministry of Justice in front of him looks no different from ordinary human beings, and has a certain "human flavor", but Yuto also feels a faint ghost and stench from the other party.

"Your servant is very polite. If you don't pay a visit, sir, how would you know that the imperial court's military minister Zuo Shilang, a senior member of the first three ranks, is already inhuman."

Hearing what Youdou said, the expression on the face of Zuo Shilang, who was still calm, suddenly turned to anger, and he threw the teacup in his hand on the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"I saw that you were born in Juren, but I never thought that you would be a lunatic with crazy words.

I don't know how people like this who are not clear-headed can get into Juren. Come and see me off. "

You Dou could see clearly, when he said that the other party was inhuman, there was a trace of panic in the other party's eyes.

However, this trace of panic was quickly hidden by the other party, and it quickly turned into a ruthless look.

He said he wanted to see off the guests, but Yudou was already on the death list of the left servant of the Ministry of War. Once he left his mansion, the left servant felt like following the other party to see who was standing behind him, and then killed him.

However, what Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment did not expect was that Yudou, who was just an ordinary person in his eyes, did not choose to leave when he heard the other party's words of seeing off the guests at this moment, and even directly knocked away several The servant he dragged away.

"You are not Cui Hongjian! You are a practitioner. Who are you!"

When You Dou exposed his aura, how could the so-called Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment not know that the new imperial examination candidates in front of him were not genuine at all, but those practitioners who liked to kill demons and eliminate demons and meddle in their own business.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you are going to die soon, cannibalize the bodies of court officials, use their bodies, and use the luck of a country to help you practice.

It's a good calculation, but even if you try to steal the day, you can't hide your bloody smell and demonic aura! "

Seeing that the matter had been revealed, the "Left Minister of the Criminal Division" in front of Youdou didn't pretend anymore, but a big gash was split from the back, and the skin immediately fell off, turning into a giant centipede several feet long.

Not only Zuo Shilang, but also the housekeeper and a few servants in his family have shed their skins one after another at this moment, and turned into many centipede spirits who are much smaller than Zuo Shilang, obviously they are all the descendants of the other party.

As for the ordinary people in the mansion who have not yet been murdered, when they saw such a battle, they were frightened and ran away in a panic.

"Although I don't know where you are a cultivator, but since you like to meddle in other people's business, I will let you die here today."

The centipede transformed by the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment rushed forward immediately, and the smaller centipedes behind were also afraid that it would be too late, and they would not even be able to swallow a little flesh and blood, so they rushed up with their ancestors.

However, before they could pounce in front of You Dou, they discovered that the ground that was originally paved with blue bricks had turned into a black swamp at this moment...

These centipede spirits didn't even have time to do what they could, and they were dragged in by the big hands transformed by "the evil of this world".

And it wasn't until the moment when it was completely devoured by the "evil of this world" that the centipede spirit who became the left servant of the Ministry of Justice realized that the other party was not a righteous practitioner at all, but a villain just like them, even older than them. The ancestors are still evil!
(End of this chapter)

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