From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1162 The Amulet Left by Young Master Yudou

Chapter 1162 The Amulet Left by Young Master Yudou

"Master Fu, it's all because of me that I put you in danger.

I don't want the national teacher who is admired by thousands of people in the court to be a monster, and even ate most of the ministers in the court.

I will do my best to open a way for you. When Mr. Fu escapes from Shengtian, please return to the court to reveal the true face of the national teacher to the emperor. "

Zuo Qianhu is obviously a true loyal minister, and what he thinks about now is how to serve the court.

And decided to bet his own life here, so that Fu Tianchou could escape and expose the crimes of the national teacher.

He is just a thousand householders, and his words are light. Even if he goes back alive and exposes everything, I believe no one will believe him.

But Fu Tianchou is different, the other party is the Minister of the Ministry of War, and his peaches and plums are all over the officialdom, as long as they unite, this matter will definitely alarm the Holy Majesty.

"Thousands of households are serious, not to mention you, even the old man and even the court, never thought that Pudu Cihang is such a monster."

If conditions permit, Fu Tianchou naturally wants to leave here alive, and even return to the court to expose the true face of the national teacher Pudu Cihang.

However, the current situation is really too bad for them.

Even if Zuo Qianhu went to fight to the death, it would be extremely difficult to help them fight a bloody road.

The strength of centipede spirits is more than ordinary, and as mortals, they have limited range, and they will soon be overtaken by these ghosts.

"Yuechi, if I remember correctly, Mr. You once gave you a spell, and he said that if you encounter danger, you can use the spell to protect yourself."

Looking at Zuo Qianhu, who was brave enough to kill the centipede, and with a sad face, lamenting the death of his father, Fu Qingfeng suddenly thought that they still had a backhand.

"What spell? Qingfeng, if you want to do anything else, don't hesitate now. Zuo Qianhu is a rare loyal minister. We can't just watch him die to protect us."

Fu Qingfeng's words rekindled some hope in Fu Tianchou's heart. Although his two daughters are ordinary people, they can know Zhiqiu Yiye, a capable person like Zhiqiu Yiye, and maybe they still have the other's descendants in their hands. hands.

"We used to ambush in the forest to save Daddy, but accidentally rescued a young master.

Although the son left afterwards, he left a spell for her in order to thank his sister for taking care of her. "

Under Fu Qingfeng's explanation, Fu Yuechi also reluctantly took out the charm that still carried his body fragrance from his bosom.

Mr. You walked too simply before, this spell was already the last thought left by the other party, but now the situation is special, even if it is for his father and sister, he can't keep more.

I saw Fu Yuechi sacrificed the "Vajra Warrior" spell, pinched the handprint that Youdou had taught before, and shouted "The Warrior is called", and the spell suddenly burst into bright light in the air.

The golden talisman slowly melted, and soon two vajra warriors in golden armor and five meters tall gathered on the ground.

The two vajra warriors were like statuettes, exuding local tyrant effects all over their bodies, they were unusually conspicuous in the dark night, and soon sensed who was calling them, and knelt down on one knee in front of Fu Yuechi.

"Following the call of the lord, we will obey the order of the lord!"

Not only Fu Yuechi, but even Fu Qingfeng and Fu Tianchou beside him were completely dumbfounded at the moment.

Leaving aside the battle strength of the Vajra Warriors, the posture of the two glaring Vajras in front of them alone gives people a very forceful feeling.

Even for mortals, they are basically indistinguishable from gods and gods, but the two vajra warriors with such extraordinary bearing bowed their knees to Fu Yuechi at this moment.

"Please trouble the two venerables to clean up the evil spirits in front of us and help us escape from this place?"

Seeing that Fu Yuechi was still in a daze, Fu Tianchou, worthy of being a member of the imperial court, took the lead in calming down, and bowed slightly to the two wrestlers.

However, what made Fu Tianchou speechless was that he thought his attitude was extremely low, but the two warriors kneeling on one knee didn't even look at him, they just kept staring at Fu Yuechi, waiting for each other Give orders.

"Yuechi, don't be dazed. Have you forgotten that the young master once said that the two vajra warriors can only last for half an hour?"

Seeing the embarrassing father who received no response, Fu Qingfeng also understood that the two vajra warriors in front of him probably only listened to the words of the summoner Fu Yuechi.

Immediately, Fu Qingfeng pushed his younger sister beside him, signaling that it was not time for her to be in a daze.

"Two venerables, I don't know if you can kill these centipede spirits in front of you?"

Although the two vajra warriors are five meters tall, and their bodies are glittering with gold, they look very stylish.

However, there are thousands of descendants of Pudu Cihang's centipede disciples, and many of them are not smaller than the two King Kong warriors, so Fu Yuechi's order is not confident.

"Mere demons and monsters are not worth mentioning at all!"

"It is the order of your lord, and we will do our best!"

The two vajra warriors who accepted Fu Yuechi's order turned into two golden lights and flew out in the next second, directly killing the centipede crowd.

One of them holds two urn gold hammers, and the other holds a square halberd, just like the real God of War, just entering the arena, they slaughtered all directions like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Although those centipede spirits also fought back, their sharp teeth and mouthpieces couldn't even break through the golden bodies of the two vajra warriors.

Often just as soon as he climbed onto the body of a vajra warrior, he would be directly violently torn into several pieces by the warrior.

Seeing the strength of the two vajra warriors as if they were no man's land, Fu Yuechi's family was completely stunned.

Originally, they had hoped that these two vajra warriors could help them fight a way out, but they never thought that these two warriors would be so powerful that they rushed directly into the centipede crowd and killed them all.

"The vajra warrior summoned by this spell is actually so powerful. The young master you rescued must be a real master of the outside world. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to meet him."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if the amulet given to him by the opponent is so good, his own strength must be even stronger.

If he could find the other party and beg the other party to help the court, Pudu Cihang would definitely not be his opponent.

It's a pity that such a worldly expert can be met but not sought after. My two daughters obviously have this opportunity, but they can't grasp it.

To be reasonable, my two daughters are upright and young, and they are beautiful, and they are not inferior to the concubines and princesses in the palace, but they can't keep each other.

You must know that scholars are all decent people on the surface, and they are edible. No one can avoid this.

When thinking of this, Fu Tianchou took a meaningful look at Ning Caichen beside them.

(End of this chapter)

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