From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1167 Slashing the ground with a single knife!

Chapter 1167 Cut through a thousand feet of land with one knife!

In the current situation, no one thinks that You Dou will lose. Even ordinary people like Fu Yuechi can see that Pudu Cihang is obviously not You Dou's opponent at all.

Aside from the aggressive appearance at the beginning, almost all of them were pressed and rubbed by Yuto throughout the whole process.

Seeing that Youdou refused to give up, and with the bombardment of Tianlei, he had already lost half of his cultivation base, Pudu Cihang also had a premonition that if this continues, his death is approaching.

So in the end Pudu Cihang gritted his teeth, and chose to kill himself, abandoning the part of his body that was bound by ghosts and chains for help, and continued to flee.

The thousand-year-old centipede has a thousand pieces of body, even if more than half of it is cut off, as long as the head remains, it will not die.

Although doing so will greatly reduce one's cultivation base, and even destroy one's thousand years of cultivation, but now that his life is almost gone, it is obviously not the time to think so much.

"Interesting, do you want to dock your tail to survive? But I said it before.

In order to help me practice, you must die here today! "

Scattering the ghost chains in his hands that had lost their dragging force, watching the protrusion on the ground wriggling away from here, Yuuto slowly pulled out a long knife from his chest.

"God has the virtue of loving life, even ants steal their lives, let alone a thousand-year-old demon.

Let's see your tenacious will to survive, so I won't torture you this time, let you die more happily.

Fenglin Volcanic Flow·It's as fast as the wind——The Breaking Army of Destruction! "

Shenyou was tightly held by Youdou, and the light of the knife he cut down seemed to turn into a gorgeous crescent moon in the dark night, and it roared out with the galloping wind directly.

The crescent moon that was cut out was only the size of a knife blade at first, but it swelled in the wind in the air, and when it flew to the ground, it swelled to the size of a hundred feet.

Although Pudu Cihang, who was fleeing at the moment, felt unwilling, he hated You Dou, who meddled in other people's affairs, and regretted the loss of his cultivation this time.

And just when he was thankful that he was able to escape from such a terrifying existence this time, an inexplicable sense of death crisis suddenly emerged spontaneously.

And just when Pudu Cihang was still wondering where this sudden sense of death crisis came from, he found that his vision suddenly widened...

You must know that Pudu Cihang was traveling in the ground before, and the soil coming out of the ground is sand and gravel, basically a piece of black.

However, at this moment, Pudu Cihang found that he could see the night sky, no..., he seemed to see the other half of his body!
Because You Dou's knife was fast enough, coupled with the tenacious vitality of the thousand-year-old centipede, when Pudu Cihang was split in two from the middle, he didn't die immediately, but saw the last scene.

The reason why he was able to see the night sky was not because he got out of the ground, but because the whole ground, including the remaining half of his body, was directly cut open!
That terrifying man actually slashed a knife from a hundred feet away, directly cutting through the ground tens of kilometers long.

And under the terrifying slash of the opponent, not only the surface but also the rocks and cliffs on the ground were separated, and even the self hiding in the ground was directly divided into two by the powerful sword energy!

"Land God..."

In the end, Pudu Cihang only had time to falter and utter these few words, before he completely hiccupped and died.

With the sharpness of Pojun and the destructive power of the "Holy Sword of Destruction", even if Pudu Cihang escaped hundreds of feet away, there is no possibility of surviving.

After Pudu Cihang died, his body that had been cut in half was slowly swallowed up by the "evil of this world" as if it had fallen into a swamp, and You Dou immediately recovered a large part of "the evil of this world".

Now I only need to wait for my "evil in this world" to recover and recuperate the hidden wounds on my body, then I can return to the peak and fight back!
After Pudu Cihang died, Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye also rushed over with others.

But Ning Caichen and the others were also very surprised when they saw the traces of the surrounding battles and the remains of centipedes on the ground that had been scorched by lightning.

When they were watching the battle from a distance before, they didn't feel much. Now that they saw it closely, Ning Caichen and the others realized that the small body of Pudu Cihang was several times larger than their bodies.

It's hard to imagine that Youdou, who doesn't seem to be much different from them, can defeat such a monster alone.

Especially looking at the last slash marks left by You Dou on the ground, the terrifying knife marks nearly ten kilometers long formed a huge canyon directly on the ground.

With such a visual impact, not to mention ordinary people like Ning Caichen, even practitioners like Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye feel horrified at this moment.

Fu Tianchou has been an official for many years, and it is only today that he realizes that even though they want a high status, they are really nothing compared to these talented people.

If these capable men and strangers really have ideas about this country like Purdue Cihang, then what can the imperial army have to resist them?

The answer is naturally no, Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye aside, just Youdou's last knife, the so-called thousands of troops and hundreds of feet of the city wall in front of him is simply a joke.

"The evil national teacher has been eliminated. This old man wants to go to Beijing to ask the Holy Majesty to explain everything. You are all meritorious persons this time. I believe that the Holy Majesty and the court will reward you for your merits. I don't know how many of you..."

Through the cholera this time, Fu Tianchou could see that the world was far bigger than they imagined.

An existence like the national teacher Purdue Cihang, if there can be one, it might not be possible to have a second one.

In order to keep the court stable and avoid being choleraed by evil spirits again, Fu Tianchou deliberately recruited You Dou and the others to serve the court.

"I'll forget it. A place like the imperial court is not suitable. Idle clouds and wild cranes are suitable for the old man's life."

As soon as Fu Tianchou's words fell, Yan Chixia already knew what the other party meant, and was the first to reject him.

Yan Chixia was originally a member of the officialdom, and she was also a well-known official in a certain government. It was because she couldn't get used to the darkness of the court that she finally retired from the officialdom and became a ranger.

"I am a disciple of the Kunlun School, and the rules of the school are strict. I should not be involved in mundane things, let alone be an official in the court."

Even after Yan Chixia refused, Zhiqiu Yiye followed closely behind.

After hearing Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye's rejections one after another, Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu couldn't help showing disappointment on their faces, and looked at You Dou with the last look of hope.

Ordinary practitioners will not be involved in mundane things, and they will avoid things like the imperial court. Even Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye think that an extraterrestrial master like Youdou People, it should be even more so, but he actually agreed to Fu Tianchou!

Of course, You Dou agreed to Fu Tianchou not because he was willing to become an official in the court, but because he was willing to follow them to Beijing.

For practitioners like Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye, they all avoid the mundane world, but Youdou is different. The more people there are, the more conducive it is for him to collect various emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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