From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1170 Painted skin, the exorcist enters Beijing

Undoubtedly, because of the backing of the immortals and the fact that they were directly forced into the inner palace, the emperor finally let go and ordered a thorough investigation of the matter.

Not only was Fu Tianchou pardoned for the crimes of distribution, he was even reinstated as an official, and he was even granted the title of Grand Master, which can be said to have directly replaced the original status of Purdue Cihang in the court.

As for Zuo Qianhu, not only was he pardoned, but because of his meritorious service in assisting in killing monsters, he became the commander of the imperial forest army directly from Qianhu.

The emperor originally wanted to bestow You Dou with the title of "National Teacher", but You Dou flatly rejected it, saying that he would never dare to mess with the court again, and this time he would follow Fu Tianchou back to Beijing to clean up, just to give Fu Yuechi face That's all.

After these outspoken words, Fu Yuechi blushed with shame, while the emperor, Fu Tianchou and others were embarrassed.

In the eyes of other immortals, the weight of talking between an emperor and a grand master is not even as important as that of a little girl.

Pudu Cihang was dead, but the turmoil in the court did not end because of Pudu Cihang's many disciples and grandchildren lurking among the court officials, it was difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

When he learned that Pudu Cihang was a centipede that became a spirit and was constantly eroding their national fortune, the emperor panicked a lot.

If it was before, the emperor would definitely think that the matter of the fate of the country is simply nonsense.

But after seeing You Dou's ability, the emperor now dare not disbelieve these ghosts and gods easily.

When the country's luck is exhausted, the dynasty will end, and it means that he, the emperor, has come to an end, and now there are still monsters lurking among the officials. The emperor sits on the golden palace, always worried that he will be assassinated.

It was also for this reason that the emperor, aware of the seriousness of the matter, directly issued an order to Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu to find out the fish that slipped through the net in the court as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu had no choice but to continue to find You Dou who lived in seclusion in Beijing, because as ordinary people, they couldn't find the centipede hidden among the officials.

However, it is a pity that Youdou said before that he will no longer care about the affairs of the court, Pudu Cihang is dead, and the remaining small fish and shrimps, Youdou really can't arouse any interest.

However, the two who hit the wall one after another were not without gains, that is, they also found a good method from You Dou.

That is to set up a list to recruit capable people and strangers, looking for so-called Taoist priests, mages and exorcists.

Ever since he met Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye, Fu Tianchou understood that these talented people and strangers are not alone, but they usually don't notice them.

Maybe there are many Taoists and mages who like idle clouds and wild cranes, and don't care about glory and wealth at all, but Fu Tianchou also believes that there are definitely capable people who care about these things.

And at the same time when the imperial court set up a list to look for capable people and strangers, a man and a woman led a horse into the capital at the city gate. people.

As for the woman, she looked quite thin, and it was not difficult to see from the clanging sound she made when she walked, that she should also be carrying a lot of utensils.

Dressed in military uniforms, the two seemed to be walking together, but bickered constantly during the period, as if they were a couple.

"I have already said that I am not the person you want to find. You have followed me all the way. What exactly do you want to do?"

When he came to an inn, he looked at the girl sitting opposite him unconsciously, and Pang Yong showed a very headache expression.

Pang Yong was originally the commander who guarded the desert border of the Western Regions, but because his playmate Wang Sheng who grew up with him married Pei Rong, he decided to resign from office and wander around the world in despair.

Wang Sheng is his life-and-death friend, and Pei Rong is his crush. Pang Yong, who really can't accept all this, can only choose to escape in the end.

And when he started wandering around the world, he met the little girl in front of him being chased and killed by a strange person, so he rescued her.

But who knew that this crazy girl who claimed to be the descendant of "The Exorcist" clung to him like a dog's skin plaster, and even said that she was the person she was looking for.

The girl's name is Xia Bing, and she is indeed from a family of exorcists. Her grandfather is a well-known exorcist in Jianghu. ice.

When Xia Bing met Pang Yong before, he was dealing with two corpse monsters who had just given birth to wisdom. However, his skills were not good enough, and he was almost killed by the other party. Fortunately, Pang Yong who was passing by came to his rescue.

Moreover, Xia Bing was also shocked to discover that although Pang Yong was a mortal, he was able to injure and even kill the corpse monster with his righteousness in his chest.

Xia Bing himself is mediocre, so in order not to let the exorcist's mantle be cut off here, he pestered Pang Yong all the way, hoping that the other party would become an exorcist.

Pang Yong is full of righteousness, and he was able to kill corpses before he learned the technique of exorcism. If he learned the technique of exorcism and became an exorcist, wouldn't he take off as usual?

However, regarding Xia Bing's remarks, Pang Yong always believed that the girl in front of him had a sick head. He had been fighting in the desert for many years, and he never believed in ghosts.

He thinks that the exorcists that Xia Bing mentioned are simply swindlers, and the "corpse demons" he met before are just some people who practiced kung fu and went mad.

"The two are the so-called 'exorcists'? Then why not go to pick up the imperial list, as long as the current problems of the imperial court are solved, gold, silver and jewelry, high-ranking officials and rich salary are not all a matter of one day."

Because the two were arguing a lot, Xiao Er, who was serving a plate of food, couldn't help but joked after hearing the conversation between the two.

And after hearing what Xiaoer said, both Pang Yong and Xia Bing were obviously aroused by his words, so they took out a dime of silver and continued to ask.

"Second brother, wait a moment, can you tell us more about what happened in the capital?"

Xiaoer's eyes lit up when he saw the broken silver handed over by the other party, he glanced at the shopkeeper secretly but didn't find that he was slacking off, so he continued to say: "You two are from other places, right?

This matter is not uncommon in the capital, it is said that some time ago, some evil things were mixed into the imperial court..."

After drinking and eating, Pang Yong and Xia Bing walked out of the inn. Xia Bing looked at Pang Yong with a proud face and said, "I have already said that there are monsters and ghosts in this world, but some people spend their entire lives together. I have never met them, or the people I met have all died.”

After the description given by the waiter in the shop just now, the two of them probably knew the reason why the imperial court is now posting the imperial list, and they need to find capable people and strangers.

"Hmph, who can say for sure if it's something evil, maybe it's just a martial artist who is good at disguise.

Because those officials are ignorant of heresy, it is not surprising that they mistake it for the theory of ghosts and ghosts. "

Looking at the smug Xia Bing, Pang Yonghe strengthened his materialism, and firmly believed that the theory of ghosts was pure nonsense.

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