From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1173 Going to the Western Regions to Eliminate Demons

"What nonsense are you talking about, how could Young Master You Dou be a monster!

Daddy, you also said that they are really capable people, but I don't think they are much different from other charlatans, they are all blind guys. "

Xia Bing bluntly said that You Dou is a monster and ghost, and You Dou himself has not responded yet, but Fu Yuechi beside him has already drawn his sword at Xia Bing in extreme annoyance.

Seeing the embarrassing situation, Pang Yong quickly pulled Xia Bing to his side and asked, "Is there something wrong with your bastard, and that young master took care of those centipedes that escaped just now.

And according to Mr. Fu and the others, that person just now seems to be the one who helped the court solve a serious problem last time. "

Also when Pang Yong and Xia Bing were whispering, You Dou on the side also pressed Fu Yuechi's hand holding the sword beside him, and then slowly said: "It seems that people in the world should not be underestimated.

I hide my breath, even the gods and Buddhas of the gods want to detect it is not easy, but unexpectedly, I was tested by a small bell.

That's right, Youmou is not a pure human being, but he is not a monster or a ghost either. If he had to say it, he should be more like a fox fairy in the mortal world. "

"Humans are divided into good and evil, so is the nature of spirits and monsters. Those who do evil are demons, and those who devote themselves to cultivating the Dao are demons.

You Dou is a half-human, half-demon body, he has never done anything harmful to nature, and his solid demon aura is pure and clear, which is far from what the previous centipedes can compare to.

The girl is an exorcist, and after knowing that Youmou is not a mortal, now she wants to kill demons. "

I have to say that You Dou's words really shocked Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu. They had always believed that You Dou was the kind of real master, but they never thought that the other party was also half-hearted. The body of a demon.

"I don't care if the young master is a half-demon or a monster. I only know that the young master rescued me several times. Anyone who wants to touch Young Master You Dou must pass my test first!"

When hearing You Dou's true identity, Fu Yuechi was stunned for a moment, but soon she strengthened her heart, and resolutely raised her sword to block You Dou.

Girls who fall in love are blind, and Ning Caichen can become a ghost, so what's wrong with Fu Yuechi liking a half-ghost.

And the existence of half-demon Youdou means that ordinary people and monsters can have offspring, then ordinary people and half-demons... well, then there is no problem!

"I think what he said is right. Humans are divided into good and evil, and so should demons and ghosts. I think this young man has an extraordinary bearing, so he shouldn't be a bad person..."

At this moment, Pang Yong also looked at Xia Bing beside him and began to persuade. On the one hand, he also thought that You Dou was not a villain, and on the other hand, he also thought that if the two of them really fought, they would not be enough for each other!

"What are you thinking, we are descendants of orthodox exorcists, not those pedantic Buddhists.

It has long been stipulated in the rules of the exorcist that the demons who are good are not killed, only the demons who are evil are destroyed. "

As soon as Xia Bing's words came out of his mouth, everyone present heaved a sigh of relief.

Especially Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu, from their standpoint, once You Dou and Xia Bing start fighting, they will really help no one.

After successfully destroying the demon, Pang Yong and Xia Bing also accepted the imperial court's reward.

Originally, the emperor liked Pang Yong's martial arts and Xia Bing's ability, and wanted to keep the two of them as officials in the court, but both of them undoubtedly rejected the idea of ​​entering the court as officials, so they finally changed it to the Jin Dynasty. Silver and other rewards.

After leaving the palace, Pang Yong and Xia Bing also visited You Dou's village for a few days, mainly because You Dou was quite curious about the so-called "exorcist".

This profession is not like Taoist priests and mages, there is no unique tradition, it seems that each family has different skills in eliminating demons, but it is somewhat similar to the spiritual masters in the world of Youdou Master.

But after staying at Youdou's home for a few days, Pang Yong suddenly received a letter from his first love Pei Rong in his hometown, saying that since a girl named Xiao Wei came to the family, strange things have been happening in the family.

In the letter, Pei Rong said that she felt that Xiao Wei might not be an ordinary person, because she had seen Xiao Wei put his face down in front of her!
However, although she mentioned this matter to other people, no one in the family believed him, even her husband Wang Sheng did the same.

In such a helpless situation, the only person Pei Rong can think of is Pang Yong, who is also a playmate of the same age and has excellent martial arts skills.

As Pang Yong's first love, although Pei Rong finally chose Wang Sheng and Pang Yong was completely greened, he still loves Pei Rong.

So when he received Pei Rong's letter, Pang Yong packed his bags and planned to rush back to the desert.

In the past, Pang Yong didn't really believe in the ghosts in Pei Rong's letter, but after what he saw and heard in the capital, Pang Yong had to admit that these things really existed.

In order to avoid accidents with the lover of his dreams, Pang Yong just wants to rush back to the desert of the Western Regions as soon as possible.

After learning what happened, Xia Bing said that she is an exorcist, and she is obliged to make trouble if there is a demon, and now that Pang Yong lost the bet and is already her apprentice, it is even more impossible for her to stand by and watch.

In short, when Xia Bing learned that Pang Yong wanted to save the lover of his dreams, he immediately became jealous and said that he would also go together.

Slaying demons and killing demons is by the way, she just wants to see what the woman who made Pang Yong so determined looks like.

And after hearing what happened, You Dou immediately understood, isn't this the "Painted Skin" in Liaozhai!

After recuperating for a while, most of his injuries have healed, and he was planning to leave this world, so it seemed good to join in the fun and watch a play at the end.

So after obtaining the consent of Pang Yong and Xia Bing, You Dou also became a member of the Western Regions team.

Youdou was going to leave the capital to go to the distant Western Regions, and Fu Yuechi was sad for a long time after knowing it, but finally, under Xia Bing's instigation, Fu Yuechi also decided to go with them.

That's it, the original two-person team has now become a four-person team, and because they all have martial arts, they don't need a carriage at all, and they ride fast horses all the way to the Western Regions.

Youdou can fly, but flying with three is too tiring, and the journey is far away. Youdou said that he came to watch the theater, not to be a coolie, so he naturally chose this way of traveling in the rivers and lakes .

After galloping all the way until several horses were killed, they finally came to the desert of the Western Regions after a few days.

This place is located in a remote place, although it is also the territory of the imperial court, but the imperial court has almost no control over this place, because there is nothing but yellow sand here, so this area is far less prosperous than the people in the capital.

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