From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 403 The Demon Duke Behind the Lord

Chapter 403 The Demon Duke Behind the Lord

Judging from the fact that both Kazuma and Mitsuya Kyoya appeared in this different world, it can be known that people who came to this world from modern society are far more than Sato Kazuma and Mitsuken Kyōya.

And the different world is not playing games, if it dies, it will really die.

Although before coming to this different world, these powerless modern people will all be endowed with various artifacts that can be called cheats.

But Xiang Hezhen is far from the only one who is so unlucky. At least Hezhen is living a difficult life now, but at least he can still live.

However, some traversers belched for various reasons after they came to this world.

As a novice town in Axel, those modern people who have just arrived in another world, some of them will naturally appear here, and after they hiccup for various reasons, the plug-in artifacts in their hands will naturally be left in this area.

As the ruler of this area, there is no doubt that these artifacts will eventually fall into the hands of the lord Aldap.

Some artifacts cannot be used by Aldap because of the limited users, but this is not the case for all artifacts.

For example, the artifact that "can randomly summon monsters" in his hand is left over from previous adventurers.

And Aldarp was using this artifact that "can randomly summon monsters", and finally successfully summoned one of the most powerful demons in hell, the demon Duke Maxwell.

Although Aldap had to pay the price because he was not the original owner, but because Maxwell couldn't remember whether he had received the price at all, because Maxwell always believed that Aldap had already paid the price, he had been acting for him according to the contract.

As one of the few demon dukes in hell, Maxwell's power is absolutely unquestionable, and even compared to Beldia before, he is only stronger than weaker.

He even possesses the power to manipulate the truth and distort the reality, no matter in level or race, far surpasses the previous headless horseman Beldia.

There are only seven demon dukes in hell. Although they are not affiliated with the demon king's army, there are some demons. Compared with the current demon king, their strength is not weak at all.

Maxwell is a handsome young man who has been kept as a secret by Alderp in the basement of his mansion.

Since receiving Maxwell's help, Aldarp has also been in trouble all the way, because Maxwell himself has the power to distort reality, which makes most of the achievements that did not belong to him fall on him.

Just like Yuto's feat in killing the cadre of the Demon King Army this time, Alderp was able to use Maxwell's power to distort everyone's real memory and take the greatest credit for himself.

It's just that Aldap probably never imagined that in his current status, a mere adventurer would dare to refuse his invitation, and his attitude is still so arrogant.

And considering from another aspect, Aldarp is actually quite worried, asking Maxwell to do too many things, whether the other party will remember something else and ask him to pay the price.

As we all know, signing a contract with the devil and making a deal with it requires paying a sufficient price.

This price can be one's own life, one's own soul, or even some things of one's own blood relatives.

All in all, getting a demon to do things for you isn't cheap, especially a powerful one.

Fortunately, Maxwell didn't know whether he was born with such a personality, or because of the artifact, Maxwell, one of the seven dukes of hell, turned out to be a seemingly innocent and innocent guy?

Probably because of this reason, Maxwell believed in Aldarp's lie that he had paid the price, and helped him do a lot of bad things.

"Yo, Aldarp, why are you free to come to me today, I smell a fascinating smell from you.

It's anger, these extreme negative emotions are our devil's favorite food.

Seeing you coming here in a rage, who do you want to use my power to help you deal with? "

The demons of hell feed on the negative emotions of human beings, and now Aldap is indeed angry because of Yuuto's affairs, so Maxwell knew why the other party came before Aldap opened his mouth.

In fact, every time Aldarp appeared here, it was because the other party wanted him to do things.

"That's right, Maxwell, this time I want you to use your power to change the memories of Axel's people who witnessed the killing of the leaders of the Demon King's Army, and replace the person who killed the Headless Horseman in their memory with Arda. general.

Then add a little bit to them, the reason why the Demon King Army attacked Axel was because of an adventurer called Yuto, who was a spy of the Demon King Army. "

He Aldap wanted the credit for killing the cadres of the Demon King's Army, and he also did not intend to let go of Yuuto who dared to offend him!

From being a hero of Axel to suddenly becoming a spy of the Demon King's Army, it must have been a good experience for that adventurer.

But he, Aldarp, will replace the other party and become Axel's hero, and with this credit, he will be rewarded by the royal family and obtain a higher title.

"Is Beldia really killed? But forget it, it's just that there are too many people who want to change their memories this time.

Are you sure that what you paid me before is really enough?How can I not remember you paying me for something amazing before? "

Hearing Aldarp's words, Maxwell showed a trace of doubt on his expressionless face.

"Of course, you greedy devil, are you planning to break the contract?
The price I paid before was for you to help me become the most powerful person in this kingdom. What I want you to do now is just a necessary way to achieve this goal! "

Hearing the question raised by Maxwell, although Aldarp panicked inside, his attitude was still quite rigid.

This is why he didn't want to continue Maxwell's power to solve the problem before, because Maxwell had begun to doubt whether he had really paid enough before.

However, the original owner of the artifact was not him at all. Although he had reached a contract with Maxwell, Aldarp did not pay anything.

Aldarp felt a little fortunate that although Maxwell had the powerful power to distort the truth, his brain was not very good. After hearing his firm words, he actually believed it.

He's obviously a demon, but he's hopelessly stupid.

But although he is stupid, Aldarp has absolute confidence in Maxwell's power, because he has always relied on such power to climb to his current position.

(End of this chapter)

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