From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 406 Demon Duke - Maxwell

Chapter 406 Demon Duke - Maxwell

"Oh, if you see me like that, then I will do as you wish."

Accompanied by the screams of the two maids, the originally thick floor suddenly collapsed from below, and a figure also slowly walked out from the thick smoke.

"You Dou, that fat man who looks like a pig bear is the one who smells the most. Judging from the concentration of the smell on his body, I'm sure he's only been in contact with demons recently."

Looking at the greasy uncle with a big belly and holding a maid in his arms, Akuya only felt that the other party was more disgusting than Kazuma.

Especially the strong demonic smell on the opponent's body made Akua feel even more disgusted. She only felt that the existence in front of her was a collection of filthy garbage.

"In that case, this uncle who looks like a pig bear should be our Lord Lord."

When Yuto and Aqua suddenly broke through the ground and came to his room, Aldap was already stunned.

But after he reacted, he began to call out to the guards of his mansion again, but unfortunately, no matter how much he shouted, the surrounding area was completely silent, and none of the soldiers came in to protect him.

"Unfortunately, those guards of yours should sleep at least until tomorrow morning.

So, my lord, can you tell me now?Why did you invite me over earlier?
And what happened in Axel this time, do you want to trouble me to explain it to me? "

Because of fear, Aldarp pushed away the maid in his arms as a shield, but he ran away in a panic.

"What a complete scum, actually pushing away women as a shield, Yuuto, shall we let him go like this? I'm sure the smell on his body must have something to do with the devil."

Seeing Aldap fleeing away, Akuya revealed a disgusted face, got up and was about to chase after him to purify this kind of scum, but was held back by Yuto.

"I just felt it after seeing Aldarp, the other party is really a complete garbage, even worse than ordinary adventurers.

It is impossible for such a guy to use the ability to affect everyone including Wiz. Since you said he has a connection with the devil, where do you think he will go now? "

All the guards in Aldap's mansion had been knocked out by Yuto. At this time, Aldap, who was isolated and helpless, could think of and rely on Maxwell in the underground space.

Although for now, Aldarp only knows that Maxwell has the ability to manipulate things and distort reality, but the other party is a higher-level existence than the superior demon, no matter how you say it, he should be stronger than himself.

At the same time, Aldarp, who was hiding and fleeing, ran towards the underground space with his big belly, while turning his head back from time to time to see if Yuto and the others were about to catch up.

To be honest, it was beyond Aldarp's imagination that Yuto would suddenly come to seek revenge on him.

Because according to the previous situation, Maxwell's power should affect everyone, including Yuto himself.

In other words, the "truth" that the cadres of the Demon King's Army were killed by himself, and Yuto of Tenshangin was a spy of the Demon King's Army should have been engraved in everyone's minds, even Yuto himself should be no exception.

In other words, the memory in Yuto's mind today should be the same, so why would he, as a traitor, come to trouble himself, a "hero"?
In the other party's memory, he was the existence that could defeat the cadres of the Demon King's Army. Facing such an existence, shouldn't the traitor be like a mouse, hiding in the sewer?

And judging from what Yuto said when they met just now, Alderp felt that Yuto didn't seem to be affected by Maxwell's power?

However, this should be impossible. After all, after asking Maxwell to distort the truth according to the story he told, Aldarp also specifically asked the two maids just now.

And those two maids showed admiration for the "truth" of defeating the Demon King's army.

"Maxwell! Maxwell! Did you fool me, you bastard? Why didn't your ability work, why did that guy chase me to my mansion!"

Because of his strong anger, after pushing open the door of the underground space, Aldarp began to curse, and even swept away his previous fear of demons.

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't this Alderp? It's really rare to come to me twice in such a short period of time.

And from the current you, I can feel the fascinating taste again.

Well, compared to the previous anger, there is a lot more fear this time. These are our most delicious food, but besides these delicious negative emotions, why do I still feel that there is a sacred feeling in you? breath. "

As usual, Maxwell had always looked lazy. Only when Aldarp approached him, he was attracted by the negative emotions on the other party, and he raised his nose greedily.

However, soon, Maxwell felt a sacred aura that he was extremely afraid of from these extremely delicious negative emotions to him.

"Damn, you still ask me what's going on? I also want to ask you, did you play me, didn't follow my request, and distorted the truth in everyone's memory!
Now that arrogant adventurer has broken into my mansion, and he is not affected by your power at all, and he is about to kill me now! "

Seeing Maxwell's attitude of having nothing to do with himself, Aldap immediately felt very annoyed again, because he felt that this was entirely done by Maxwell on purpose, after all, Maxwell had never missed a shot before.

"It's simpler than I thought. I thought it would take a little more effort, but now it seems that I was too high on you before.

You really brought us here without any hesitation. It’s okay if you don’t do this. In fact, I don’t have much confidence in the interrogation. Your strength is so bad. It's really nerve-wracking to just die. "

Almost not long after Aldarp entered the basement, the two figures outside the door followed him slowly into the basement.

And when Yuto and Aqua entered the underground space, Maxwell, who had always had a lazy expression before, now had a serious expression on his face after seeing the two of them.

Without him, because Maxwell could feel that none of the two people who appeared in front of him was easy to provoke.

Although the female adventurer didn't look very smart, the aura emanating from her body made even Maxwell feel a little afraid, and it also made him feel extremely disgusted.

As for the other male adventurer, although judging from the amount of magic power, he is not as powerful as the female adventurer, but Maxwell's intuition told him that the other party is much, much more dangerous than the female adventurer.

"It's these two bastards. Maxwell will help me get rid of them. Didn't you say before that you are one of the seven dukes of hell? A demon stronger than the superior demon.

Then it should be quite easy for you to solve the two adventurers.

Don't forget, we still have a contract, you have to help me become the most powerful person in this kingdom. "

After seeing Yuto and Aqua chasing after him, Alderp's fear overwhelmed his anger again, and he hurriedly asked Maxwell to save his life.

In fact, in the entire mansion, Maxwell is the one with a little bit of combat power. At least Aldap is quite clear about how much he has. Although he is not reconciled, it seems that the only thing he can rely on now is the one in front of him. Devil.

"There really are demons, and they are at the level of the Duke of Demons.

If this is the case, then I, Goddess Aqua, cannot stand by and watch. "

The moment the demon duke Maxwell saw Yuto and Aqua, he already knew in his heart that his chances of winning were not high, and just about to say something, Aqua had already "purified" and fell on the head.

The white holy light shot up from Maxwell's body like a beam of light, and the holy aura swept away the thick demonic aura in the underground space in an instant.

Generally speaking, although the "purification" skill only has the effect of removing the negative state of the body, for the undead, demons and other races, the holy breath of purification is also like poison, and it has an outstanding attack effect when used on such races .

If it is an ordinary "High Priest", the effect of purification on a demon of the level of the Seven Dukes of Hell is naturally as if it is in vain.

But Aqua is no ordinary "high priest", but a real goddess!So Maxwell struggled.

The white holy light gradually dissipated, and Maxwell, who had been shrouded in the holy light before, appeared in front of Yuto and the others again.

He was directly hit by Aqua's purification, but Maxwell still maintained his standing posture at this time, but a lot of white smoke came out of his body, as if he had just gone to a sauna.

"It's clearly a demon, but the purification skills have no effect at all?
Yuto, he will be handed over to your opponent. My profession is "High Priest", and I am only good at supporting, not fighting. "

When he saw that his purification hit the opponent, but Maxwell still looked strong, Aqua's previous aura instantly dissipated, and he hid directly behind Yuto, and what he said made Yuto speechless for a while.

However, in fact, Yuto could tell that Aqua's purification skills had no effect, they were simply outstanding!

Don't look at Maxwell now showing that he is still quite tough, but Yuuto can feel that after being hit by Aqua's purification skill, Maxwell's aura has weakened a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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