From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 412 The Succubus Actually Has a Lolita!

Chapter 412 The Succubus Actually Has a Lolita!

"Hey, hey, aren't you succubus? Why are you just like other women in Axel, just looking at their faces?
I admit that Yuto is indeed a bit more handsome than me, but he is also a guest, okay? As a guest, is it really okay for me to hang out here? "

While the succubus shopkeeper and the others were surprised by the astonishing amount of information they had unintentionally obtained, Kazuma on the side made an extremely dissatisfied voice.

Without him, the weak heart who originally longed to be cared by Miss Succubus was hit hard again after entering the store.

Seeing those turbulent succubus girls all leaning on Yuto, Kazuma felt that he was treated differently.

Why everyone gave the same money, but Youdou can enjoy special treatment. As for him and Zhen, there is no one to greet him.

"I'm really sorry, because I really didn't think that a character like Yuto-sama would have such a pursuit.

Ever since Lord Youdou beat the Headless Horseman of the Devil King Army, many of the succubus ladies in our store are actually his fans, so it is understandable that I am a little excited to see the idol now. "

"And this guest, although we succubus don't care about appearance like human women, but we quite like strong people.

Because even if the same amount of energy is absorbed, the energy quality of the strong will be far stronger than that of ordinary people, which is of great benefit to us succubi. "

Hearing the succubus shopkeeper's explanation, Kazuma snapped his tongue, and now he regrets coming here with Yuto.

Because if you are based on appearance, he is not an opponent at all, but if you are based on strength, he is even less of an opponent.

Of course, because he didn't want to smash the signboard, after Kazuma expressed his dissatisfaction, the owner of the succubus finally entertained Kazuma himself, and carefully introduced the precautions.

First of all, the succubus in the succubus cafe only provides the business of creating dreams, and does not provide other special services. Unless the succubus itself is willing, adventurers are not allowed to force each other.

Secondly, I want to create a sexual dream, in which the female role in the dream is determined by the client, but generally the succubus will enter the dream in their own image.

If the client has a specific request for a female subject, it is necessary to provide a portrait of the subject, as well as the character of the other party, for the succubus to weave dreams.

Of course, if it is another fictional character, it is naturally not as fun as the succubus himself, and because the succubus is not familiar with the reason for making up that female character, dream collapses often occur.

It is for this reason that most of the customers who come to the store will choose the succubus they like from the very beginning, and then let the succubus enter their dreams in their own image.

Therefore, in the succubus cafe, the best performers are usually those succubus ladies with beautiful looks and hot bodies.

Generally speaking, women of the succubus race don't have bad looks, and the differences between individuals mainly come from differences in body size.

As a senior old porn critic, He Zhen is like most old porn critics, he likes the kind of succubus lady who is protruding forward and backward.

However, soon, Hezhen felt that he was treated differently, because the succubus ladies he had a crush on refused to accept Hezhen's business.

Without him, the real name of the ghost animal is too famous in Axel, even stealing a female adventurer from the street once. The succubus ladies are also worried that they will be caught by the ghost animal when they complete their business. Really attacked!

Moreover, according to the rumors of a person in Axel who did not want to be named, Kazuma, who is known as a ghost, clearly has three beautiful girls, but he still cannot satisfy his animal desires.

Not only does he sing and sing every night, but he also likes to do all kinds of cruel and indescribable things to noble knight girls.

All in all, ghosts and real names have almost become public enemies of women in Axel. Even the succubus who is quite relaxed will feel a little apprehensive when encountering the legendary ghosts and reals.

"What the hell is this! Why did things turn out like this, who is ruining my reputation, and now even the succubus thinks I'm a ghost..."

Frustrated and bent forward, like a salted fish who has lost all his dreams, he knelt down on the ground directly, looking at Yuto who was treated in the opposite direction, wanting to cry without tears.

When Yuto selected the succubus who made up the dream, before he himself started to choose, many succubi came up and recommended themselves.

Unlike Kazuma, Yuto's reputation in Axel is absolutely as good as it could get. Not only are these succubus shop assistants not worried about what Yuto will do to them, but they also take the initiative to say that not only the dream, but if Yuto It's not impossible for Dou to want a real experience...

The spirit of ordinary people can maintain the survival needs of succubus, and the spirit of adventurers stronger than ordinary people can not only keep succubus alive, but also allow them to move and use magic.

As for the energy of the strong, it would not only allow them to maintain their daily activities, but also make them stronger.

Yuto is a top-notch adventurer. First, he defeated the leader of the Demon King's Army. They overheard just now that the other party almost killed the Demon Duke Maxwell.

This kind of strong man's energy is simply rare, even if it is only a small amount of energy, it can benefit them a lot, so they naturally want to start snapping it up.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of saving face, even the succubus, who is the owner of the succubus shop, would have wanted to end it himself.

What kind of existence is the devil duke? They are low-level succubus, and they don't even have the qualifications to make the other party look directly at them, but now in front of them, there is an existence who can overcome this level.

For this powerful spirit, let alone five hundred Eris, even if they are asked to pay tens of thousands of Eris, they are quite willing to pay.

As for whether You Dou will do something to them, they are even more fearless.

The status of succubi in hell is not very good, they are easy to be bullied, otherwise they would not run to the human side.

On the other hand, they are just the lust tools of those middle-level demons. With the existence of the Duke of Demons, they are not even qualified to be concubines.

And if Yuto is really willing to do something to them, having such a powerful existence as a partner, even if it's just a lover, seems to be a good thing for them.

One is that a breath of energy can make them stronger, and they need high-quality customers who are capable and famous; Or, how to choose is it difficult to choose?

In the end, both Yuto and Kazuma left the succubus cafe satisfied. After choosing a dream-making succubus, the other party will enter your room tonight when you are dreaming.

The succubus Yuto chose was entirely determined by the succubus staff who drew lots themselves, and the lucky lottery was finally drawn by a succubus with long silver hair and a name named Leah.

As for Hezhen, under his repeated complaints, the owner of the succubus shop arranged for him a succubus named Lolisa.

It is worth mentioning that, whether it is Leah on Yuto's side or Lolisa who is the only one who is willing to do business with Kazuma, they are actually the two youngest succubus in the store. In the group, there are only two loli...

Of course, to say that they are under the age of two is compared to being in the ranks of succubus. After all, succubus, as a demon clan, naturally have a much longer lifespan than ordinary people.

Even though Leah and Lolisa are the youngest succubi in the store, their actual ages are probably much older than Wiz's.

In fact, because of the difference in stature, Leah and Lolisa's performance in the Succubus Cafe has not been very good.

After all, apart from some customers with special hobbies, most adventurers still like the succubus lady with bulging front and back and rough waves.

Therefore, the performance of Liya and Luolisa has always been the last and second in the Succubus Cafe.

Leah is a little better than Lolisa. Although she is not as hot as other succubus shop assistants, she can still meet the needs of customers if it is just a dream.

As for Luo Lisa, this guy is not only a loli succubus, even every time he helps a client create a dream, the role in the dream is also a certain role, so he has been receiving complaints, so the performance has not been good.

According to his own statement, because he has always been flat-chested, he really can't imagine the feeling of a giant R character.

It doesn't matter if the performance is not good, the point is that Luo Lisa is still very ambitious, and she always wants to become the top brand of the Succubus Cafe, but the hard thing is that every time she helps an adventurer create a dream, people will not Choose her a second time.

This is why no one chooses to take over Hezhen's business, but Luo Lisa will eventually take over.

Because even the owner of the succubus shop was worried that Luo Lisa could not find some vitality to survive, and even daily activities would become difficult.

And if Luo Lisa was forced to be helpless and made people feel sympathetic, then another Succubus Leah, who was about the same size as Luo Lisa, made other succubus shop assistants quite envious.

Because her guest this time is an adventurer who beheaded the cadres of the Demon King's army and defeated the Demon Duke. The opponent is not only powerful, but also looks impeccable.

Obtaining one day's energy from the other party is probably equivalent to what they obtain from ordinary adventurers for several months.

Leah is a girl with long silver hair, although she also has the succubus' iconic demon wings on her head, and also has a heart-shaped demon tail.

However, her character and temperament are always made fun by the succubus clerks in the store. Compared with the charming succubus, Leah is more like a pure elf.

In fact, because of this character, Leah's dreams created for adventurers are not as fun as other mature succubi. The worst second to last besides Rolisa.

(End of this chapter)

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