From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 419 Mobile Fortress Siege!

Chapter 419 Mobile Fortress Siege!

After receiving Akuya's treatment, Mohican looked at his fully recovered ears in disbelief, and obediently paid out the treatment fee of [-] Eris, as if he didn't dare to renege on his debt.

Because of Yuto's previous lesson, Mohawk is now intimidated. He doesn't know if Hezhen and Akuya, who look better in front of him, are the same as the previous shop assistants, who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers .

No, it must be like this, otherwise, how could an ordinary "High Priest" have such a strong healing skill.

The head of Mohawk felt that he was deceived by the rumors outside. Didn’t it say that Axel was a newbie town?

Then, who can tell him why the guys he meets are all such outrageous existences...

The stalls of Akuya and Hezhen are placed next to the entrance of Wiz's magic shop, on the one hand to attract customers better, and on the other hand to better catch the flow of people.

In addition to providing healing services, Akuya also sells other things, such as the "cottage version" of "Blessing of Water", and the "Dragon Egg" that she bought at a high price not long ago.

Of course, Akuya obviously didn't sell whether it was the blessing of water or the dragon egg, because the blessing of water of this product is all bath water that is ready-made and ready-made. As for the so-called "dragon egg", the price is directly priced at ten Billion Eris.

Not to mention the so-called "Dragon Egg", which is actually an egg bought by someone who was tricked into buying it. Even if it is a real dragon egg, it cannot be sold at such a high price.

But what I have to say is that Kazuma's brain is flexible. Although Akuya's things have not been sold, the so-called treatment services have made the two of them make a lot of money.

Even now, whenever an adventurer enters You Dou's store, these two guys will lie at the door, praying that the other party will not have eyes, and will provoke the evil star You Dou, so that they can have business again.

As time passed, more and more adventurers gathered in Axel. Even at night, the huge movement outside the city could still be heard from the town.

The appearance of a large number of adventurers did not change the route of the mobile fortress, and even failed to slow down its huge steel fortress.

The mobile fortress was originally a strategic weapon that could be called a city, otherwise it wouldn't be called a "fortress".

First of all, the thick metal shell is already able to withstand various physical blows. Secondly, what is more troublesome is that these armors are not ordinary metals, but anti-magic armors that can offset and weaken magic power.

The magic that originally had [-]% of its power would have less than [-]% of its power when it hit the mobile fortress's body.

As for occupations such as fighters and thieves, in front of the huge mobile fortress, they can't even scratch their itch, and they will even be ruthlessly trampled by the mobile fortress.

After trying round after round of offensives, these high-level adventurers who felt axel had given up on destroying the mobile fortress.

Because this is really too difficult. Although there is no one to control it, this huge war weapon itself is an insurmountable huge fortress.

Of course, even if it cannot be destroyed, adventurers are not so easy to give up willingly. Although the mobile fortress is strong, the source of magic power it carries is always limited.

As long as they exhausted the magic source of the mobile fortress, they could still complete the commission issued by the royal family.

Therefore, after some negotiation, these adventurers decided to work together to exhaust the mobile fortress. As for the proof of the completion of the commission, the core power source of the mobile fortress, everyone depends on their own abilities.

In this way, for two days, a large number of high-level adventurers attacked the mobile fortress almost without rest. When the supplies were exhausted, they went to Axel behind them to resupply.

But even so, the mobile fortress still maintained its previous speed, and on the second day, it came to the gate of Axel.

"Damn it, is the magic power source of this Mobile Fortress permanent?

We continued to attack for a day and a night, but we still couldn't exhaust its energy, and who designed this damn anti-magic armor! "

From being full of confidence at the beginning to being unwilling and powerless now, it only took one day and one night.

It would be impossible to say that I didn't feel unwilling. After all, most of the adventurers gathered here came for the commission of the royal family.

They are for the status and territory of the nobles, that's why they have completely set up their family fortunes and came here to stop the mobile fortress.

However, the cruel facts told them that although the royal family's entrustment remuneration was extremely attractive, it was obviously not that easy to get.

After a day and a night of fighting, these adventurers have consumed a lot of physical strength and mana, but the mobile fortress has a few more scars on the surface of the armor, and the rest is basically nothing.

The town of Axel is already very close to the mobile fortress, and they couldn't stop the mobile fortress even after a series of blows before, let alone the short distance now.

Originally, these adventurers had also negotiated, only one of them finally got the core of the mobile fortress, and the reward of [-] million Eris will be used to compensate other adventurers. After all, the other adventurers also contributed to stopping the mobile fortress. Understand.

But judging from this situation, Axel is about to be destroyed, not to mention noble status or compensation, which also means that the commission will fail because of this, and their previous efforts are probably in vain. .

Fortunately, in order to deal with this unexpected situation, ordinary people in Axel City have already evacuated to a relatively safe place, so even if the mobile fortress destroys Axel, it should not be too big. Casualties.

But what everyone didn't expect was that when the Mobile Fortress Destroyer came to Axel's city wall, it stopped uncharacteristically.

When the mobile fortress stopped at first, the adventurers around showed overjoyed expressions, because they thought that the energy of the mobile fortress had finally been consumed by them.

And just when the adventurers were about to swarm up to snatch the last loot, they found that the huge mobile fortress was moving again.

Although the previous mobile fortress has been advancing, even though it was besieged by many adventurers, it still did not make a counterattack gesture. This once made the adventurers think that the mobile fortress had actually lost its ability to attack.

However, they suddenly saw that the mobile fortress that stopped advancing, before and after reaching the city wall of Axel, after a burst of changes, a huge cannon barrel was actually exposed.

Moreover, the cannon barrel is still rapidly gathering the magic elements in the air. In just a few seconds, a magic bullet with a radius of several meters has been gathered.

"Hey, hey, hasn't this thing lost its attack system? So what's going on now!"

"The magic power of this scale can be compressed in an instant. Is it worthy of being called a strategic weapon mobile fortress?"

"Is this the time to sigh? Axel's people have all evacuated, but now we are in danger. Hey.

I thought it would just move forward cumbersomely, but now it seems that a weapon is a weapon. If a large-scale magic bomb explodes, everything around it will be razed to the ground in an instant, and we will not be spared at all! "

Seeing the huge magic bullet gathered by the mobile fortress, all the adventurers present panicked instantly.

Before, they were confident because the mobile fortress had no attack capability at all, but only kept moving at a constant speed, so they dared to keep a fairly close distance from the mobile fortress.

But now the Mobile Fortress is launching an attack uncharacteristically, and judging from the scale of this attack, they can't dodge it at all!

"The mobile fortress was manufactured as a fortress-level strategic weapon, and it will launch a sudden attack. It should be Axel's city that triggered the siege mechanism of the mobile fortress.

But now it’s useless to say these things, everyone should hurry up and resort to various life-saving methods. At this distance, no one can run unless they can "teleport" magic. "

Among the group of adventurers, there are obviously some characters like scholars who have analyzed the reason for the sudden attack of the Mobile Fortress.

However, his words have met with ridicule from many adventurers around. Now it is only an afterthought, and the attack released by the mobile fortress at the strategic level is so easy to defend against?This is a weapon originally designed for attacking cities!

A huge magic bullet with a radius of several meters was released, but in front of the adventurers, there were only a few fragile earth walls constructed by magic, which could not even be compared with Axel's city wall. How could such a defense Can withstand the attack of Mobile Fortress.

"The favored son of the sky, the iron city wall, the dragon walks, the lion roars, the tiger roars, the wolf rushes, cut off the heaven and the earth before it collapses, the eighty-one way of binding the sky!"

A huge compressed magic bullet swept in. The adventurers in front of the city wall thought they would die this time, but unexpectedly, before the magic bullet released by the mobile fortress touched them, it seemed to hit a transparent wall. There was an explosion of distance.

The transparent barrier is like shattered glass, shattered inch by inch in the violent explosion, but because it acts as a buffer, the damage of the explosion has been greatly weakened, although the earth walls of the adventurers also fell apart in the aftermath , but the adventurers survived the attack unharmed.

"Can't even the fully chanted No. [-] Ghost Dao be completely defended? The power is a bit beyond my previous expectation."

At the city gate of Axel, two figures slowly walked out of Axel, and the adventurers here are no strangers to these two figures, because they have been opposite each other for the past two days He is a big customer and has taken care of a lot of business for the other party.

"Aren't they the manager and clerk of the magic item shop? They released the defensive magic that just resisted the Mobile Fortress?"

(End of this chapter)

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