From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 425 The Unruly Attitude

Chapter 425 The Unruly Attitude

Because he had made up his mind before, and Yucheng Yazi didn't expect that Youdou would suddenly appear behind him, so the holy water that was poured out of his hand directly splashed Yudou all over him unexpectedly.

It's also thanks to the fact that Youdou is only a half-demon, and the holy water in the hands of Yuzi is only a low-level product, so it can't affect Youdou.

Otherwise, whether Yudou will be injured or not if it is splashed on it, it is a certainty that it will be exposed.

Lun Rudao swept over with his body rolling in flames, and the place where it was crushed on the cement road also dragged a black scorched black mark because of the high temperature.

However, the rolling flame wheel was blocked by Youdou, who came out halfway with a single-handed knife, before it got close to forming a boy.

When the wheel appeared, Yu Dou didn't come out immediately, but it actually had a purpose.

He wanted to see that the girl seemed to have the qualifications to become a spiritual master. If not, after helping the other party this time, Yuu Dou planned to let the other party give up this path as soon as possible.

There are quite a few people with spiritual talent in this world. After all, the population base is there, but there are not many people who can become real spiritual masters.

After all, they all lived in a peaceful society before, and the sudden appearance of unnatural creatures such as "monsters" caught them by surprise.

When facing monsters, in addition to having the strength to fight against them, mentality is also one of the important factors.

You must know that monsters grow based on the "fear" produced by humans. In front of such creatures, it is undoubtedly quite stupid to expose one's inner fear and anxiety.

Because these will only become the nourishment of the other party, making the other party's strength stronger.

The strategy of the spirit removal college has been quite effective. During this period of time, many students have successfully graduated. However, as the flowers of the greenhouse, their death rate is quite high. In the final analysis, it is because of their poor psychological quality.

But what Yuto didn't expect was that, when facing the fear of death just now, an ordinary female high school student, Yazi, didn't have much "fear" in her body, and even made a plan to die. The act of biting the opponent back.

The girl's heart is much stronger than her seemingly timid appearance.

Just when Yuto blocked the rolling wheel into the road, the three of Yusaburo on the other side finally arrived here, and Jingu Suzuna took Yuko to a safe place at the first time, and Tell him not to look at Lun Rudao's body.

Because of the "fear" of the wheel, forming a child is still the opponent's goal. If you look back at the opponent's figure, your soul will be absorbed by the opponent.

The ability of Lun Ru Dao's "fear" is very powerful, it can almost be called "turning back to kill", but because this "fear" can only be used on one person at a time, so Lun Ru Dao will always find people who are alone.

As long as it is a person who is targeted by Lun Ru Dao's "fear", anyone whose strength does not surpass him will almost be killed by his almost incomprehensible ability.

And after setting up Yako, Jingu Suzuna looked at Yuuto, who was holding a knife and firmly blocking Rinurido's sprint, with a look of surprise on his face.

Lun Rudao's huge rolling body was so fast that it even rubbed sparks against the road.But the man with the knife in front of him was like an insurmountable fortress, his body didn't move at all.

Yong Saburo and the others fought against Lun Rudao once before. At that time, Yong Saburo, who was the strongest in the team, also resisted Lun Rudao's collision head-on.

But he, a C-level serum fighter, was knocked out of his head by the opponent in an instant.

A C-level serum fighter only has a C-level monster physique, but Lunrudao is a real C-level monster, and the acceleration of its rolling will also increase its own strength to a certain extent.

Before Yuto said that he was a spirit exorcist, but also a serum warrior. Yuzaburo and the others guessed that Yuto, like Yuzaburo, had taken C-level monster serum at most.

After all, even with the status of a healer, it is not so easy to get monster serum above C level.

Most of the current circulating on the market are E-level and D-level monster serums, and the wretched uncle is the D-level monster serum that he bought from the black market at a high price.

As for the C-level monster serum, there is very little circulation in the market, and most of them are bought by some institutions and rich people. Even Yusaburo got it through Kujo Hina's relationship.

As for the B-level monster serum, this is completely rare, because the monster power reaches B-level or above, and it already belongs to the "big monster" level. Not only is it powerful, but its number is relatively rare.

Those who can hunt and kill monsters of this level are generally only those who kill spirits and big forces, and the monster serum they produce after hunting can only be digested internally, and it is impossible to sell them.

But judging from the current battle situation, You Dou is definitely not taking some C-level monster serum.

Because even a C+ level serum fighter can't suppress the C level monster who is about to go berserk so easily.

Judging from Yuto's easy-going posture, it is conservatively estimated that the other party has also taken monster serum above B level.

With C+ level spiritual power and B level or above physical fitness, even if Yuto said that he is not a child of the Chuling family, the three of them would not believe it at all.

Because being able to possess such strength at this age can only be those big families with rich resources, and judging from Yudou's age, Yudou may still be the best in his family.

Of course, they don't know why Yuto, the "brother" Yuto in the eyes of Yong Saburo and others, suddenly wants to form a team with them, but they know that this time the crusade is probably stable.

The fast-rolling Lun Rudao, after exhausting all his strength, found that he still couldn't break through the defense line of the man in front of him, Lun Xin's grimace immediately showed a dignified look.

Obviously, Lun Rudao also found that the other party is a hard stubble. Instead of facing the crisis of being overturned like now, it is better to find other targets to attack.

So very soon, You Dou felt that the force from his arm had deviated, and Rinuridou's body, which was rolling extremely fast, unexpectedly turned a corner in front of him, and then rushed in another direction.

"No, this guy is going to run away! Find a way to stop him!"

After seeing the changed rolling direction of the wheel, Yong Saburo knew that the opponent saw that the situation was not good and ran away, and the direction chosen by the opponent was obviously the direction of the wretched uncle with the weakest defense.

Lun Rudao still has a little impression of Yong Saburo and the others' looks, and he also knows that although Yong Saburo is not his opponent, it's okay to entangle him a little bit.

On the other side, Jingu Suzuna, Rinarido could feel the spiritual power of the opponent, so he didn't choose that direction to break through.

Therefore, the remaining choices for entering the Tao are only the wretched uncle in the last direction.

As an ordinary high-paid office worker, Jian Xuaner never thought that one day he would be able to become a so-called serum warrior, and he was one of the lucky ones.

Facing the menacing Lun Ruo Dao, although the wretched uncle was quite panicked in his heart, he also knew that he could not choose to retreat now.

Once they chose to dodge, after Lun Ruidao broke through their encirclement, they would not be able to catch up with each other at all.

And the other party is also a monster with wisdom. If the other party is allowed to run away this time, the other party will definitely not choose this area for activities again. It will not be easy to find the other party in the future.

Today, they finally got a strong support. If they miss the opportunity again, it is impossible for a genius like You Dou to act with them all the time.

Jian Xuan Er is a D-level blood warrior, but he is the lucky one among the serum warriors, and has obtained the ability of the D-level monster "lantern ghost" to use flames.

Looking at the menacing Lun Rudao at this moment, Jian Xuan'er's mouth opened to the limit like an inhuman in an instant, a phantom of a red lantern appeared on his body, and then a huge orange flame was erupted by it out.

The fiery snake-like flames were unusually conspicuous in the darkness, roaring and entangled directly towards the rolling wheel.

It's a pity that looking at the fire snake rushing towards him, Lun Rudao's ghost showed a very obvious mocking look, the rolling body didn't stop because of this, but slammed into it without slowing down.

The outside of Lun Rudao's body is also covered with raging flames, and when it rolls at night, it looks like a huge flame windmill.

At this time, the fire snake spewed out by Xuan Er was almost smashed into pieces when it approached the rolling wheel, and the wheel entered the path with unabated speed, knocking Jian Xuan'er away almost at the same time.

"This is the so-called blood warrior of human beings? Use the power of our monsters to fight, but unfortunately you chose the wrong target.

Not to mention that I am also one of the monsters who can use flames, so what if you are a real lantern ghost?
It's just a D-level monster, how could it be my C-level round master's opponent, not to mention that you only inherited a part of its power, and you want to resist me in delusion, it's simply beyond your control. "

There was a very mocking voice from Lun Ruodao in the air, but its figure had already come hundreds of meters away.

With his rolling speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, he has never failed anyone when it comes to drag racing. Those humans still want to ambush him, and now they can't even see their own taillights.

Jian Xuan'er, who was knocked into the air, had the ribs on his chest broken instantly, and the skin on the surface was also severely burned.

Compared with his own injuries, Jian Xuan'er was even more unwilling to let the other party escape like this.

Judging from the movement speed of Lun Ru Dao, unless he entangles the opponent at the beginning, once the opponent starts to run, it will be difficult for even a blood fighter with B-level strength to catch up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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