From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 430 "Defective" Monster Serum

Chapter 430 "Defective" Monster Serum

Because the sight of the blood leopard looking at his body made Yazi Jie feel very uncomfortable, so now he just wants to complete the transaction quickly and leave here.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that you, a brat, could find a rich Kaizi so quickly.

But I, Blood Leopard, am the most trustworthy businessman. Since I got the money, I will naturally give you the goods. "

If it was outside, the blood leopard would naturally want to cheat, after all, the other party was just an ordinary middle school girl.

As for the other little boy, in Blood Leopard's eyes, he also belongs to the kind of bean sprouts whose body has been hollowed out. To put it bluntly, for a character like the other party, he, Blood Leopard, can hit ten at a time!
But this is a black market, and the big man standing behind the black market cannot afford to offend the blood leopard, so he can only take out the monster serum obediently at this time.

C-level monster serum appears as a cyan liquid. According to the grades of C-~C+, the color gradually becomes darker, and the tube of monster serum brought out by the blood leopard is lighter in color, which is C-level.

And Yucheng Yazi also carefully identified this tube of monster serum through various knowledge learned from the Internet and school, and after finding that there is indeed no problem, he was about to put it away, but was caught by Yutou on the side. He reached out and stopped.

"There is a problem with this tube of monster serum, the power contained in it is too thin, even inferior to some D-level monster serums.

Even if your sister uses such a monster serum, her physique cannot be improved much at all. "

Although Yuto doesn't know how to distinguish monster serum, the so-called monster serum is still formed by the condensed power of monsters.

The blood leopard took out this tube of monster serum, although there was almost nothing wrong with it in terms of color or appearance.

But in You Dou's perception, the monster power contained in this tube of monster serum is too weak, the power contained in it is not even C-level, and it can't even reach D-level.

This kind of monster serum can't be sold for [-] million yen at all, and no one knows what will happen if you drink such an inferior product.

"Mr. Blood Leopard, I hope to change to another tube of monster serum. We cannot accept this tube of monster serum."

As for Yuto's words, she naturally believes unconditionally. After all, she knows Yuto's true identity, but she knows that the people around her are the strong ones who saved the entire Tokyo area.

"Tsk, I thought it was just a little boy, but I didn't expect to be a spiritual master?
But even if you are a necromancer, so what if you see the problem with the serum?
The rules of the black market are to pay for the goods and deliver the goods without refund or exchange. Now that I have collected the money, you have also got the goods. As for whether you want it or not, that is your own problem. "

There is indeed a problem with the monster serum that Xue Leopard took out. It is better to say that this monster serum is a so-called defective product.

It is very difficult to produce monster serum. Even if the technology is mature now, it is still impossible to achieve a 100% success rate.

And it would be a pity if these so-called defective products were destroyed like this, so they were bought at a low price by some people with ulterior motives.

Defective monster serum has almost no faults on the surface. Only those who are gifted with spiritual power and who have learned "spiritual vision" can find that the energy in the serum is weak.

In the past, Xue Leopard thought that Yu Chengyazi was a junior high school student. Although he had spiritual talent, he had just entered school not long ago, and it was impossible to learn "spiritual vision", so he took out such a defective product.

It's just that Xue Leopard didn't expect that not only did he come by himself this time, but he also brought a little boy with him, and this little boy seemed to be a level spirit exorcist.

"Blood Leopard, are you planning to break the rules of the black market? What you promised to sell to me before is obviously a C-level monster serum."

Because of the extreme anger, Yucheng Yazi didn't even add the previous honorifics, and even because of the commotion caused here, many vendors and tourists around also noticed this place.

Of course, for them, such dramas are not uncommon in the black market, and they can even be staged several times a day.

The blood leopard is an old fried dough stick in the black market, and that girl is obviously a sheep who doesn't understand anything, and it is quite normal to be slaughtered.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense, what I promised to sell you was indeed a C-level monster serum, but there is no guarantee, it is a perfect C-level monster serum.

Thirty million yen is like buying C-level monster serum. You must know that even at the market price on the black market, C-level monster serum is at least [-] million yen. Then there are businessmen who will do business at a loss. "

"Besides, the transactions in the black market are completely willing to fight, and you can't blame yourself for your poor eyesight.

Even if it ends up with the big shots behind the black market, my blood leopard is completely justified, because all of this is within the rules. "

Looking at the unreasonable blood leopard, Yu Chengyazi tightly twisted the defective monster serum in his hand, but there was nothing he could do with the blood leopard.

As for the blood leopard looking at the collapsed Cheng Yazi, he showed a complacent face, and looked at Jie Chengyazi's body, saying that if Jie Chengyazi was willing to accompany him for a few nights, he couldn't say that if he was in a good mood, he could Replace her with the normal C-rank monster serum.

Of course, if he is in a good mood, even if he agrees to accompany him as a child, there is a high probability that he will still be in a bad mood after the blood leopard.

But in short, now the blood leopard eats Jie Cheng to death, and now the other party only has this life-saving straw, the blood leopard is not afraid that the other party will not give in.

As for whether they will cause trouble if they become children, he is even less afraid of Blood Leopard.

Leaving aside the fact that this is a black market, no one dares to offend the big shots behind the black market. Even if they want to do something together, the blood leopard is completely worthwhile.

How can someone who can sell things in the black market be an ordinary character? Ordinary people have long been eaten to the bone here.

In addition to being extremely insidious, the Blood Leopard was able to occupy such a large booth in the black market, and his own strength also accounted for a large part of the reason.

Although he has no spiritual talent, Blood Leopard himself is a C+ level serum fighter, which is also the main reason why he can get along well in the black market.

B-level monster serums can't be bought even in the black market, so C+-level serum fighters are almost the limit that ordinary people without background can achieve.

So from the very beginning, the Blood Leopard didn't pay attention to You Dou and Yu Chengyazi at all.

Although You Dou is a spiritual master, which is somewhat beyond Xue Leopard's expectations, but in Xue Leopard's eyes, that's exactly what happened.

Judging from You Dou's age, it is doomed that he has not awakened his spiritual power for a long time, so his strength should not be too strong.

No, it should be said that except for the members of the Chuling family who had awakened their spiritual power since childhood, ordinary people like them afterward had awakened their spiritual power only after the troubled times.

And those from the Exorcist family would not even be able to get a tube of C-level monster serum, and they would have to accompany Cheng Yazi to buy it on the black market.

(End of this chapter)

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