From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 432 The Surprised Underground Black Market

Chapter 432 The Surprised Underground Black Market
"Have you heard? The Blood Leopard kicked a steel plate in the black market, and he is begging for mercy now."

"This is really strange. If it doesn't, I'm a little curious. Who has such a strong head and dares to do it in the black market?"

Relying on its own strength and its insidious personality, Blood Leopard can be regarded as a respectable figure in the black market.

I didn't expect to capsize in the gutter today, and was beaten up by someone fat.

The news continued to spread in the black market, and more and more people gathered here.

Everyone was curious about whose hands the vicious and sinister Blood Leopard was planted in. At the same time, they were also quite curious about who was the guy with such a strong head who dared to challenge the authority of the black market.

"Teaching the Blood Leopard that boy looks very young, but he was able to defeat the Blood Leopard. It seems that he is from the Exorcism Family again?"

"So what if they are members of the Spirit-eliminating family? Didn't the same guys make trouble in the black market before.

It is said that those members of the Spirit Elimination family back then were all from a family of first-rate Spirit Elimination masters, and their hands and feet were all interrupted in the end.

The young man is still too impulsive, and it is easy to get hot directly, but the blood leopard is probably unlucky, not only his face is disgraced, but he may have to lie down for many days with this injury. "

More and more people gathered, and at the same time, what happened to the blood leopard soon alarmed the so-called law enforcement officers in the black market.

After seeing the means of the black market, most of the people in the black market are actually quite honest, and the work as a law enforcement officer is actually quite easy.

Law enforcers in the black market do not have names, but start with black letters, followed by a number as a title.

When several people dressed in black and even masks appeared on their faces, the crowd around them instinctively gave way.

In the black market, no matter how powerful you are and how strong your backstage relationship is, as long as you want to be in the black market, you must give these law enforcement officers a little face, because what they represent are the powerful men behind the black market face.

Moreover, to be able to become a black market law enforcement officer, the strength itself cannot be an ordinary person, otherwise, how could it be possible to suppress the thorns of the black market merchants.

"Master Hei Thirteen, I am Blood Leopard, and I drank with you before.

According to the rules of the black market, I had already settled my money and goods with these two people, but because he was dissatisfied with the goods, he suddenly wanted to go back on his word, and even fought in the black market. This is simply contempt for everyone's face. "

When the three black market law enforcement officers in black came here, the blood leopard who was still begging for mercy instantly calmed down.

At least he knew that his life must be saved, and fortunately, among the three law enforcement officers who were driven, one of them was unexpectedly known to him.

Although the law enforcement officers of the black market are high-ranking and powerful, they generally look down on little people like them, but it is true that Yudou and the others are the first to strike, but these two brats are definitely over.

"No, it was the blood leopard who sold us the defective monster serum and spoke bad words to us, not according to the agreement.

That's why you... Mr. Hezhen couldn't help but make a move. We really didn't take the initiative to provoke trouble. "

Hearing Xue Leopard's confusing words, Jie Cheng Yazi hurried forward to defend.

She also heard from her sister before that the power behind the black market in the Tokyo area is very large, and it may even be created by a few top exorcism families or forces.

Although Yuto is a hero in the Tokyo area, Yuuto also knows that Yuto comes from the family that has long been down and out, and no matter how strong he is, he cannot defeat the many powerful forces behind the black market.

Moreover, this incident was also caused by him, so he took the initiative to defend himself when he became a child, and even planned to take all the blame for the crime.

However, Yu Cheng, who had just walked forward, was slapped away by one of the black market enforcers before he could finish his defense.

As law enforcers of the black market, they have absolute authority, and they don't care about right or wrong, they only know that whoever violates the rules will bear the consequences.

"I don't care what happened between you, but as long as you come to the black market, you must abide by the rules here.

Since you chose to do it first, according to the rules of the black market, your limbs will be broken. "

In the black market, the rules are more important than anything else. As long as anyone breaks the rules, the law enforcers will not show mercy, just like the people from the Exorcism family before. The reason for the shot.

"Boy, I advise you to let me go quickly, I still have a little friendship with one of their law enforcement officers.

When I can let him break your limbs, do it quickly, lest you..."

A lot of blood splattered, and the blood leopard's screaming voice stopped abruptly, because his talking head was crushed like a watermelon!
As for the Blood Leopard, You Dou didn't want to kill the other party at first, but the two-faced behavior of the other party really disgusted him.

As a half-demon, he never regarded himself as a good person. The opponent repeatedly provoked him, and he seemed to have a vengeful and cunning character. In order not to leave hidden dangers for Yu Chengzi, Yuto still decisively killed the opponent. .

And the death of the blood leopard completely shocked the surrounding melon-eating crowd in an instant.

Although in the middle of the black market, it is not a strange thing that people die every day.

But because of the rules of the black market, even if everyone chooses to attack, they still choose to attack after leaving the scope of the black market.

But the young man in front of him was so brave that he was completely unbelievable. Not only did he kill the blood leopard in the black market, but he also killed people in front of the law enforcement officers in the black market!

This is simply putting the faces of the major forces behind the black market on the ground.

"How dare you...!"

"Boy, if you can walk out of the black market alive today, I will call you daddy when I see you in the future!"

Undoubtedly, You Dou's actions directly angered the three black market enforcers who rushed over.

As an authority in the black market, black market enforcers have always been sought after by people here. When did they get slapped in the face like this?

Like the blood leopard, a black market merchant with C+ level strength is already the top combat force in the black market, but as a law enforcement force to suppress the assassins, the average strength is above B level!
After killing the blood leopard, before the three enforcers entered the fighting state, You Dou's figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

But at the moment when they showed their astonished expressions, Yuto suddenly stretched out a hand, and slapped the law enforcement officer who was slapped like a child just now.

The powerful impact instantly sent the enforcer flying, and knocked over several stalls behind him in a row. When he got up again, all the masks on his face were shattered, and even a few teeth fell out.

"You just slapped my friend for this slap, and now I will give it back to you twice.

Want to break my limbs?Just the three of you guys who barely reached B-level with mere spiritual power? "

How Yuto suddenly appeared next to them, how one of them was suddenly attacked, they could hardly see at all.

But the moment his companion was blown away, the remaining two law enforcers also responded instantly.

The two of them also made their own counterattacks after jumping back to distance themselves from You Dou.

"East, Agatha, West, Sutaguang, South, Kshatriru, Sudhamani, Lightning Bolt Mantra, hurry like a law!"

One of the enforcers held a spell in his hand, and after quickly chanting a complicated and difficult spell, accompanied by a thunderous sound, a huge thunderbolt suddenly fell towards the top of Yuto's head.

"God of all blades, please protect me!"

As for the other law enforcer, after pulling out a long knife, he pinched his hand and recited a spell, and then the knife in his hand shone brightly as if it had been blessed.

And after getting the blessing, the opponent obviously became more confident. After a rebound, he came to Youdou in an instant, and slashed at him with a knife.

Before the law enforcement officers with knives arrived, the thunder and lightning on You Dou's head had already fallen first, and the thunderous sound of lightning and thunder had already made those watching the theater choose to stay away.

Because this is not a joke, the lightning spell used by the b-healer is only affected, and they will also be bruised.

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei!"

Looking at the thunder falling from above his head, Yuto stretched out an index finger with a calm expression, and the beating thunder was also jittering on his nails.

In the next instant, a white thunder also soared into the sky at an astonishing speed, and directly shattered the falling thunder.

As for the saber-wielding enforcer who was protected, Yuto easily caught him with two fingers when he slashed with the knife.

"This is impossible! Are you a monster!"

The long knife glowing with white light seemed to be cutting into steel, no matter how hard the law enforcement officer with the knife tried, he couldn't get an inch in.

Even when Yuto gave the opponent a kick in the abdomen, causing the opponent to fly out at an accelerated speed of [-] meters, the knife in his hand was released directly, but Yuto's two fingers were still caught in his hand.

Picking up the long sword that had been protected by the opponent, Yuuto released another slash casually, the arc-shaped aura slash instantly attached to the ground at an extremely fast speed, and flew towards the last enforcer who had just released the Thunder Curse before.

Because the powerful spell was used just now, the opponent hasn't reacted from his own spell and why he was easily crushed by the opponent, so the body still stays in place.

And the power of this spirit slash is very strong. If it is hit head-on, the so-called law enforcer will be cut in half, which is almost an inevitable result.

"The blue emperor in the east, the red emperor in the south, the white emperor in the west, the black emperor in the north, the yellow emperor in the center, the Big Dipper, the three astronomical five-stars, the protection of the five emperors, and the urgency like a law!"

And just when You Dou's aura slash was about to hit the enforcer, another voice of chanting a spell suddenly appeared in the field.

(End of this chapter)

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