From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 437 S+ Items, Serum Inhibitors

Chapter 437 S+ Items, Serum Inhibitors
For the starting price of [-] million yen, everyone present was not surprised. Even when the starting price was first announced, the price had already been raised to [-] million yen in just a few minutes.

The ones calling for the price now are basically those chaebol bigwigs and the exorcist family.

As for other people, although they are also envious of the A-level monster serum, they also know that they can only watch the show, because the final transaction price of this thing is definitely not cheap.

The first A-level monster serum was finally auctioned off by a member of the Spirit Eliminator family at a price of one billion yen, and it just so happened that Yuto still knew this person.

The eldest lady of the Kagaku Mori family is Yuto's former senior at Yin Yang School. When Zhu Ji and Tu Bi registered as shikigami, the other party was thinking of buying Zhu Ji.

Now this young lady has already graduated from the Yin Yang School, and the spiritual energy emanating from her body has also faintly reached the B level.

As a member of the Kamousori family, the holy water almost made them a lot of money, and the other people present also knew that they couldn't steal it, so in order not to offend the Kamousori family, they had to choose to give up early.

As for the second serum, the bidding became more intense due to the absence of local tyrants like Miss Kakko Mori, and finally it was successfully won by a big chaebol in the Tokyo area at a price of [-] billion yen.

Just two A-level monster serums gave Yuto a profit of [-] billion yen, so Yuto couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Thinking about it now, he thought the Unnatural Countermeasures Group was a conscientious enterprise before, but now it looks like a black heart.

How much is he rewarded for defeating A-level monsters? Now the two tubes of serum here have sold a total of three billion yen.

Of course, there was no such thing as "monster serum" before, and that was before the outbreak of troubled times.

But thinking about it now, Yuto felt that he had been exchanging the remains of the monsters he defeated for points, which was a blood loss.

When the auction of the two tubes of A-level monster serum was completed and the atmosphere of the scene was completely ignited, Hei Yi took out another tube of medicine while the iron was hot.

And when seeing this tube of potion, You Dou also suddenly became a little interested.

Of the three finale auction items, two of them belonged to him, so the potion in Hei Yi's hand was obviously the one that did not belong to him.

If it can be placed behind the A-level monster serum, then it means that this potion is as precious as the A-level monster serum, or even rarer?
"As we all know, major scientific research companies are now devoting themselves to researching monster serum, and our black market is no exception.

The tube of reagent in my hand is called "serum inhibitor", which is an accidental product born in a research of our company.

In the subsequent research, we also tried many times, but we couldn't reproduce it again, so the tube of reagent in my hand can be regarded as the only orphan product at present. "

"As for its function, it can somewhat suppress the demonic erosion effect brought about by taking monster serum, and minimize the risk!
As for its starting price, it is also [-] million yen, and everyone is welcome to bid actively. "

When Hei Yi talked about the effect of the reagent in his hand, everyone present was boiling again, because this tube of reagent may be useless to ordinary people, but for most people who plan to use the serum, it is almost considered a treasure.

As we all know, taking monster serum will bear the risk of being corrupted by monsters, and this tube of potion can avoid such sharing, so one can imagine how precious it is.

And the black market is obviously quite scheming, deliberately put this tube of reagents on the auction behind the A-level monster serum, so will people who just bought the A-level serum be tempted now?

"[-] million yen!"

The answer is yes, after hearing the effect of the "serum inhibitor", Ms. Kabumori directly offered a price.

And the quotation of [-] million yen instantly cooled the fiery hearts of most of the people present.

Although the things are very good, they can't afford them at all.

Most of the people are willing to take risks to afford the "Monster Serum", so what's left to buy this kind of "Serum Inhibitor".

And if there are only "serum inhibitors" without "monster serum", it's useless. If you have so much money to buy inhibitors, wouldn't it be nice to buy a grade A monster serum?

Although the emergence of this "serum inhibitor" is good news, it is always something that only the rich can afford.

Moreover, although the black market party said that this thing is an orphan now, since everything has been produced, the possibility of mass production in the future cannot be ruled out.

Buying a "orphan product" that is so expensive at a high price now is not as good as waiting for the quantity to increase in the future and buying the price to drop. Anyway, they can't afford to wait.

Due to various reasons, when Ms. Kakwu Mori called out a high price of [-] million yen, there was a brief silence at the auction.

And this kind of phenomenon is obviously not what Hei Yi wants to see. She placed the "serum inhibitor" behind the A-level monster serum for auction. The purpose was to sell it at a higher price, but the current situation is somewhat beyond her expectations. expected.

"[-] million yen, is there a higher price?

As one of the managers of the black market, I can tell you with certainty that this drug is really a product that appeared by accident. Not only does it have no side effects, but the technology will definitely not mature in the next few years. "

The price of [-] million yen is obviously far from what Hei Yi expected, so she can only add again at this time.

But for her behavior, the eldest lady of Gewusen is obviously quite dissatisfied.

Because she raised the price by [-] million yen in one go, the purpose was to intimidate other competitors with arrogance, and Hei Yi's behavior at this time was obviously causing trouble for her.

"Sixty million yen!"

Finally, after a moment of silence in the auction venue, even when Heiyi was going to announce that "Serum Inhibitor" was sold at a price of [-] million yen, another voice suddenly appeared from another direction of the venue.

The reason why You Dou would bid was naturally not because of what Hei Yi had added before, but because he was curious, and he just took a look at the potion on the stage using the identification function of the system.

Item Name: Serum Inhibitor
Item level: S+ level
Props Introduction: A magical reagent configured by a variety of special monsters for a special occasion.

It has the corrosion side effect of printing all monster serums below S+ level, and the inhibitory effect is weakened for monster serums above S+ level.

ps: A product born unintentionally from the hands of a careless scientist, perfect configuration ratio, coupled with unparalleled luck.

Believe in the same miracle, it should not be possible for a second time.

When seeing the information about this tube of reagents, You Dou was really dumbfounded, because this thing is actually an S+ level prop!
What Hei Yi said couldn't be copied, and they might think it was an exaggeration in their own hearts.

Because after many studies, they have figured out that as long as the various ingredients in the "serum inhibitor" are properly mixed, the second tube of "serum inhibitor" can be born.

However, You Dou believed in the judgment of the system. Since the system said that the miracle could not happen a second time, it meant that when the potion was prepared, there must have been changes that other people didn't know about.

Even if a new "serum inhibitor" is developed after the black market, its level and effect must not be comparable to this one.

It will be auctioned at such a cheap price, probably because there is no similar thing as a reference. After all, not everyone has cheats like Yuto.

That's right, for S+ level props, and they are still orphans that cannot be copied, the starting price of [-] million yen can only be described as cheap, and it is impossible for Yuto not to fight for it.

"Eighty million yen!"

However, when Yuto reported [-] million yen, the eldest lady of Kakumori, after seeing Yuto's behavior, actually raised it again by [-] million yen.

And this price is almost reaching the limit of Miss Kakomori.

Although the Mori family is not short of money, the eldest lady is still not the head of the family, and the funds she can control are limited, and she just bought one billion yen of monster serum just before.

And after quoting the price of [-] million yen, Ms. Kakumomori also gave Yuto a hard look, telling Yuto to stop.

Apparently, this young lady took You Dou as a black market arrangement.

Otherwise, why Yuto suddenly came out to bid for the "serum inhibitor" that no one cared about before, it is nothing more than the black market trying to sell the price higher.

Even Hei Yi, who was standing on the stage at this moment, gave him a grateful look when he saw Yuto who was bidding.

Although the price of [-] million yen still did not meet Hei Yi's expectations, in general, this price was barely enough to explain to the people behind.

Apparently, even Hei Yi believed that the reason why Yu Dou would bid was probably because he auctioned his things for a high price.

"Billion Yen!"

However, what Kuroichi and Ms. Kakumomori did not expect was that after the [-] million yen shouted out by Ms. Kakumomori, Yuto immediately called out a price of one billion yen, and it was almost nothing. With a little hesitation, another [-] million yen was added.

"Is this how you do business in the black market? Secretly arrange entrustment and keep raising the price?"

For Yuto who kept jumping out to find fault, Aoi Kokumori was finally angry. As the eldest lady of the Mori family, although she had a lot of money, she was not a fool.

Things that could have been bought for [-] million yen are now doubled.

"Serum Inhibitor" is good, but it is definitely not necessary. Compared with ordinary people taking monster serum, the danger of taking monster serum for spiritual masters is lower.

Because whether it is will or physique, healers are obviously much stronger than ordinary people, and they have spiritual power, and they are more able to resist the erosion of demonization.

Aoi Kakami wants to buy "Serum Inhibitor", but she just hopes that it will be safe. Even if she doesn't use such a thing, she still has great confidence that she will not be eroded by the serum.

(End of this chapter)

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