From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 443 The Families Arriving in Succession

Chapter 443 The Families Arriving in Succession
After some waking up by Zhu Ji, Xue Ji finally understood You Dou's "intention", and she was deeply moved in her heart, and her original love for You Dou also became more intense.

That's right, he saved himself on the Daxue Mountain and accepted himself and Xuetongzi. Isn't he such a gentle person?
"Spider Princess, thank you for telling me this, but for Yudou-sama, I won't let you go because of gratitude.

Although I am stronger and smarter than me, and even came to Yudou-sama earlier than me, I will not admit defeat. "

Looking at Spider Fairy in front of her, Xue Ji showed a peaceful smile, and at this moment a relationship called "friendship" also emerged between the two.

Although the two had socialized before, they were all in the relationship between colleagues, but the heart-to-heart talk at this moment gave birth to a friendship between the two.

"Really, I always feel that I am looking for trouble for nothing, and I have found a troublesome love rival for myself.

But your challenge is up to me, and I will never admit defeat!Because you were not the only one saved by Yuto-sama. "

Hearing Xue Ji's words, Zhu Ji also stroked her forehead as if she had a headache, and also showed a smile on her face.

"Well, even though the two of us are here to fight for life and death, but Yudou-sama, that big piece of wood, may not even understand our intentions.

I really don't understand, Lord Youdou is obviously so good no matter what, why is he always so slow in the aspect of emotion? "

"But if you think about it now, slowness is not always a bad thing, and if it wasn't for this reason, Yuto-sama would have been tricked away by that nasty sword maiden long ago.

Speaking of the sword maiden, Xue Ji, let's form an alliance for now, in order to prevent Master Yudou from being deceived by those human women.

Especially the sword maiden and the big breasted pink hair, they are all powerful enemies! "

Hearing Zhu Ji's words, Xue Ji was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she showed a smile that made Bing Xue bow down.

"Speaking of which, Zhu Ji, the sword maiden and the big-breasted pink-haired girl you mentioned seem to have come to the Daxue Mountain this time, right?"

Because of the temptation of "spiritual power crystallization", most capable humans in the Tokyo area have long gathered at the foot of the snow mountain.

As for the hair-eating ghosts and Huifangzhu, they followed the instructions and came to the mountainside of Daxue Mountain.

As for the previous Daxue Mountain, because of Xuenv's departure, although it was still snowing all year round, it was no longer fatal.

But today, due to the arrival of the actors and You Dou's deliberate order, Xue Ji used her ability to make Daxue Mountain another blizzard.

At the foot of the snow mountain, teams gathered here.

Different from the previous crusade against Snow Maiden, the team gathered here this time can be called a luxurious lineup.

Five of the "Thirteen Demon Slaying Families" located in the Tokyo area, that is, the five major families that participated in the battle in the Tokyo area, also came here this time.

In addition to the Thirteen Monster Slayers, other first-class families such as the "Yamato Clan", which are not inferior to the Thirteen Monster Slayers, have also gathered a lot this time.

In addition to these spirit families, there were not a few teams formed by those big financial groups, and there were also monster hunting teams composed of blood warriors.

Everyone in the Tokyo area understands the importance of "spiritual power crystallization".

People in other regions haven't discovered this kind of thing yet, and if they found it, most of them would choose to get their hands on it.

And what they need to do now is to control as many "spiritual power crystals" as possible before the people in other areas react.

Because of the previous war, the overall strength of their Tokyo district has been weakened too much.

According to this situation, even if they are not annexed by monster forces, the Tokyo area will be taken over by the rulers of other areas.

"Jiuxiang, this is the situation now, how long are you going to mess around?
Before you become a member of the "Unnatural Countermeasures Team", you must first understand that you are the eldest daughter of the Yamato family and the future head of the Yamato family! "

"I think you know better than me what the purpose of the Baiye ghost is, it's fine if you still messed around before, but this time you have to listen to me.

And what is the level of your "unnatural countermeasures team". If you go up the snow-capped mountains with these people, isn't it a dead end? "

For things like "spiritual power crystallization", the unnatural countermeasures team would naturally not choose to give up, and even the top management of the countermeasures team valued this strategic resource more.

The reason why the Ling family has a detached status is nothing more than that most of their clan members have innate spiritual talents.

They couldn't change the situation before, but now it's different.

As long as there is enough "spiritual power crystallization", the countermeasure team can also cultivate a group of good spirit-killing talents, thus breaking the dominance of the spirit-killing family.

In terms of resources, they rely on the government and they have no shortage at all. What they lack are only talents with spiritual talents.

Things like "spiritual power crystallization" can only be held in the hands of the officials as much as possible, so that they can stabilize their current precarious position.

For the "spiritual power crystallization" on the snow mountain this time, the countermeasure team attached great importance to it, and even sent a full ten teams to come.

Not only promised a variety of rich remuneration, but as long as the members need it, the above will satisfy them all.

The eighth group of Yuto and the others, as the strongest group of the current countermeasure group, is naturally also arranged for this operation this time.

Unfortunately, before they went up the mountain, at the foot of the mountain, they met the owner of Yamato and others who were also preparing to go to the snow mountain.

Because of the marriage relationship, the teams of Yamato Clan and Kurasu Clan are united, and they are also one of the strongest teams going to the snow mountain this time.

The Kusu clan, who are good at attacking and unparalleled in swordsmanship, and the Yamato clan, who are not good at fighting, but have absolutely superb auxiliary abilities, can only be described as like a tiger with wings added.

Originally, Patriarch Yamato was in a good mood, but when he saw that one of his incompetent daughters was going to go to the snow-capped mountains with the people from the countermeasure team, his mood suddenly turned bad.

Especially when Yamato Jiuxiang refused to act with the family members in front of other people, and chose to act with the countermeasure team at the same time, this made the Patriarch Yamato feel quite shameless.

The reason why Patriarch Dahe is angry is also very simple. He is not angry at his daughter for resisting him, but just worried about the safety of Dahe Jiuxiang.

He is not good at words, and he can only protect his daughter in this way.

In all fairness, the strength of the team gathered in the snow mountain this time is not considered weak, and the average combat power has even reached the C+ level.

After all, this is the territory of Baiyegui, and those who have no strength will almost die here.

The combat power of the countermeasure team is not very strong among many teams, but it is not too weak either.

Especially in the eighth group where Youto and the others belonged, apart from Hinano's weaker strength and only reaching C-level spiritual power, Shencheng Yixin and Baima monk are now both strong in spiritual power B+ level.

As for Yamato Jiuxiang and Yuto, their spiritual powers have even reached an outrageous A-level. Considering their current age, they are said to be super geniuses, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Of course, the so-called A-level refers to You Dou's spiritual power. As for his normal monster power, it has now reached the S-level.

If you use skills such as "half ghost transformation", "sword spirit liberation", "drinking like life" and other skills, Yuto's demon power can even reach the terrifying SS level within a short period of time.

That's right, the full strength broke out with the Tokyo War, and it only reached the S+ level, but it was different when the combat power was comparable to SS-.

After going through a wave of lottery draws in the world of slippery ghosts, coupled with the leveling journey in a wonderful world, Yudou is now fully erupting, and his demon power can definitely reach the real SS level.

Two A-levels, two B+-levels, and a C-level five-member team configuration, the quality of which is quite high.

But in the view of Patriarch Yamato, it is too dangerous to go to the snow mountain like this.

Without him, because Yuto and his team are strong enough, but there are too many people who hinder them.

Although the teams sent by the countermeasures team have been carefully selected, except for Yuuto and his team, the strongest combat power of the other teams is even only B rank.

Even some members of the team are weaker than Kujo Hina, who is in the logistics...

Therefore, in the eyes of Patriarch Yamato, although Yamato Jiuxiang and the others are strong in personal strength, they are completely useless, with no number of people and no combat power at all.

"Since you are so worried about my safety, then it's fine for father to join our team."

Yamato Jiuxiang was also very moved by the father who was not good at words, and suggested that the family members cooperate with the countermeasure team.

However, as soon as she spoke, she was immediately reprimanded. Although the relationship between the official and the Chuling family has not yet been clarified, it has long been in harmony.

Their Yamato clan is a first-class spirit-eliminating family, and they are still united with the Kurasu family, so how could they choose to cooperate with the countermeasure team.

Doesn't this make him a second or fifth son of Dahe's family?If it is seen by other families, how will their Dahe family hang out in the circle in the future?
On the side of Yamato Jiuxiang, as the one who cherishes her companion the most, it is obviously impossible for her to abandon her companion, so the father and daughter broke up immediately.

In the end, it was Ryosuke Sorasuke, the head of the Kusu family, who came out as a peacemaker, and the head of the Yamato family finally gave up.

"Brother-in-law, Jiuxiang has grown up now, and with her strength, even if I fight against her, she is not sure of winning, she can protect herself well.

What's more, isn't there that Tianshangyuan Youdou beside her?Holding the artifact Kusanagi Sword, he can even fight the seriously injured Hyakuyaki.

Now his spiritual power seems to be much stronger. Although Jiuxiang and his team are small, they may be safer than ours. "

(End of this chapter)

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