From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 450 The Ibaraki Doji Appears Again

Chapter 450 The Ibaraki Doji Appears Again

Patriarch Yamato is worthy of the title of assisting the Patriarch of the First Family. Under his continuous use of several spells, the injury on Monk Baima's body that made Jiuxiang helpless before was recovered in a short period of time.

Even under several blessing spells that were far more powerful than Yamato Jiuxiang, the almost dry spiritual power of Shencheng Yixin and Baima monk was restored in an instant like rain on dry land.

"What a shame, you are the next Patriarch of the Yamato family, and you are so poor at simple spells like healing, how can you become the Patriarch of the Yamato family in the future.

If we hadn't arrived in time, although the great monk's life was not in serious danger, he would definitely be affected a little later. "

For Yamato Patriarch's scolding, Yamato Jiuxiang did not refute his father like before, but accepted the teaching with a guilty face, until Ryosuke Sorasu finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother-in-law, forget it, it's not Jiuxiang's fault that this kind of thing happened, and Jiuxiang's talent in swordsmanship is indeed outstanding.

You also know that everyone's energy is limited. Although Jiuxiang's talent is strong, we can't force her to have outstanding achievements in kendo and spells at the same time. "

"And also because of Jiuxiang's combat power, they were able to survive in the situation just now.

Instead of blaming the juniors, what we should know now is to ask how strong the monsters they encounter are, right? "

After about a while, the members of the Yamato family and Kurasu family who were left behind also followed closely.

And through Jiu Xiang's narration, the head of the Yamato family and the Kong Xu family also roughly understood the general combat power of the hair-eating ghosts.

Patriarch Yamato and Ryosuke Kurasu, as patriarchs of the Spirit Elimination Clan, both have about S-level spiritual power.

But the members of the Yamato family are only good at assisting and supporting, and their combat capabilities are not strong.

In other words, if there is a real fight, the worst case scenario is that Ryosuke Sora has to face five A-level monsters alone.

Although in terms of spiritual power, Sorasu Ryosuke is stronger than the hair-eating ghosts and the others, everyone basically knows that monsters are more difficult to deal with than spiritual masters.

The Yamato Clan is the strongest support. With the various buffs added by the Yamato Patriarch, Sorasu Ryosuke killed five A-level monsters at the same time, but just entangled them, there is no problem.

But even so, according to You Dou and the others, apart from the five big monsters with A-level monster power, there are hundreds of other monsters with at least C-level monster power on the mountain.

The total number of members of the Yamato clan and the Kongxu clan is only fifty, and the Yamato clan members are all auxiliary spirit masters.

Although the combat power of the Kongxu clan members boosted by the Yamato clan will become stronger, but the hundreds of monsters are evenly distributed, and each Kongxu clan member needs to face at least ten monsters.

Not everyone is Yuto and Jiuxiang, even though the combat strength of the Kurasu family is second to none among the monster-killing thirteen families, and they also have the support of the Yamato family.

But facing nearly ten monsters with at least C-level monster power alone is too outrageous.

"Five big A-level monsters, and hundreds of other monsters whose strength is at least C-level, it is a miracle that the five of you survived."

When they heard that the monsters ambushing on the mountainside were so powerful, Patriarch Yamato and Ryosuke Kurasu looked at Yuto and the others in disbelief, apart from being surprised.

"Actually, there were quite a few other people besides us.

At that time, as long as we organized the formation a little bit, we would not have suffered such a miserable defeat, but when they saw such a large number of monsters, their psychological defense had already collapsed.

The reason why those monsters retreated in the end was because they felt the breath of the Kusanagi sword and worried that they would be ambushed, so they chose to retreat. "

As for the other side, the hair-eating ghosts and other demons who retreated to the mountainside also looked at Huifangzhu in front of them and asked what happened just now.

And Huifangzhu also directly admitted that the young man who fought with him was the master of the Kusanagi sword who fought against Hyakuyaki in the previous battle in Tokyo.

"The master of the Kusanagi sword? How is the opponent's strength? Didn't everyone say before that the Kusanagi sword's divine power has been completely exhausted after that battle?"

The main reason why the hair-eating ghosts and other monsters dared to contradict Xuenv was because they thought that the Baiye ghost, who hadn't shown up for a long time, was dead.

It's not that they are not afraid of Baiye ghosts and hair-eating ghosts.

On the contrary, they were so scared to death that they chose to jump back after Baiyegui hadn't appeared for so long. After all, the scene of Baiyegui who was seriously injured before crushing the A-level monster to death was still vivid in their minds.

Hyakuyaki's strength is so terrifying, so the Master of the Kusanagi Sword who can confront him with hard steel is naturally an existence they can't afford to provoke.

"Damn it, we were still tricked by that bitch Xuenv, what method did she use to lure so many spiritual masters here.

You must know that this is the territory of Baiyegui. Are those spiritual masters in Tokyo really not afraid of death? "

Just when the three Kamaitachi brothers and Master Huifang were analyzing the combat power of the Kusanagi Sword Master and whether they had any chance of winning together, the hair-eating ghost at the side suddenly cursed again.

When retreating just now, the hair-eating ghost kept an eye on it and left the demon hair cut off by Jiuxiang at the place where it had just fought.

Afterwards, the members of the Yamato family and the Kusu family who rushed over were also perceived by the hair-eating ghost through a special method.

From these people who came later, it is not difficult for the hair eater to perceive that each of these human beings who came back has a good spiritual aura, which is far from what those stinky fish and shrimps could compare with before. They are all from big families.

One Artifact Master has already made them feel quite troublesome, and now there are two more clans of despiritualists.

No, now there are two clans of exorcists. Who knows if there are other clans of exorcists behind.

And after understanding the current situation, the hair-eating ghost felt a strong sense of crisis. He really couldn't imagine what kind of method the snow girl, who was also a monster with them, used to drive so many ghosts The teacher came here.

The movement brought about by the so-called "killing stone" before was not so big. Could it be that Xue Nu is the dark child of the power of the spirit master?

The hair-eating ghost kept opening his mind, but soon he realized that, compared to thinking about Xue Nu's true identity, what is more important is what they should do now in order to escape the current dangerous situation.

Because of the demon hair he left behind from the battle, he just suddenly discovered that another human team with good strength has gone up the mountain.

And judging from the spiritual power exuding from them, it is not difficult to see that this team also comes from a powerful family of spirit removal.

At the foot of the mountain not far from them, more and more human teams gathered, and the hair eaters became more and more panicked.

Now their identities have also changed from hunters to prey.

And if they want to get out of danger now, they have only two ways, one is to confess to Xue Nu, so maybe the other party will bring the remaining monsters in Tokyo to rescue them.

This kind of ending is at best a big battle like the previous Tokyo War. With their strength soaring, they may have no chance of winning.

"Master Xue Ji, I know that you have been hiding nearby to watch the show, although I don't know what method you used to be able to come here to attack us from the spirit-killing families in Tokyo.

But everyone is a monster, so letting humans interfere in the civil war between monsters is a bit too much

Now that we have confessed, and we are convinced of your methods, can you help us out of trouble based on the love of your colleagues? "

However, the soft words of the hair-eating ghost reverberated in the snow-capped mountains, but there was no response at all, which made his originally pretty face instantly distorted by anger.

"That stinky bitch, it seems that she is determined to get rid of us with the help of humans!"

"I believe everyone understands the current situation, although they don't know what the relationship between that bitch Xue Ji has to do with humans.

But if we want to survive now, we can only choose to forcefully break through before the spiritual masters below have fully gathered.

As long as someone can leave the snow mountain alive, they will go outside to publicize that the bitch Yukio is a traitor among monsters, and that getting close to Hyakuyaki is a human trick. "

Seeing that it is useless to be soft, then the only choice is to forcefully break through.

Thinking of this, the hair-eating ghosts regretted it a little. They were a little too arrogant before, and they knew that Xuenv had plans.

But with their current strength consciously, even if Xue Nu wanted to do something to them, they would still be confident, that's why they evolved into the current situation.

In the previous conflicts, although they suffered casualties, they were almost negligible. If they wanted to break through, they could only take advantage of the fact that there were not many spiritual masters gathered on the mountainside.

"The Xue Ji you mentioned? Is it the cadre of Baiyegui? She tricked the spirit masters who gathered at the foot of the mountain?

Infighting?This is really interesting. I didn't expect that the Hyakuya ghost power, which rose suddenly and became famous all over the world, is not monolithic internally.

But when you think about it, it's a very normal thing. They were originally a group of mobs who were forcibly gathered together, and they were not of the same blood. "

"Then the question is, you actually chose to fight among yourself, and which side of the two of you is Baiyegui?

No, these don't seem to be too important. The important point is that thanks to you, I seem to have been affected by you.Or..., am I also part of the scheme? "

Just when the hair-eating ghost and Master Huifang decided to forcefully break through, a figure in a black robe appeared in front of them without warning.

But the hair-eating ghost and the others were quite sure that there should be no such person in their team.

And judging from the other party's words and deeds, it seems that the other party has never even seen Xue Ji and Bai Yegui?
You must know that as long as you are a monster living in the Tokyo area, even if you have never seen a Hyakuya ghost, at least there should be no monster who does not know Xue Ji, the superintendent on the surface, right?

The other party doesn't know Xue Ji, that is to say, the other party may not be a monster living in the Tokyo area?
(End of this chapter)

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