From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 461 The god who descended suddenly!

Chapter 461 The god who descended suddenly!
After learning the purpose and determination of Yamato Patriarch and others, Yamato Jiuxiang naturally refused unwillingly, and said that he would also stay.

"Slap!" However, soon, her pretty face was slapped firmly by Patriarch Yamato.

"How long do you want to be willful? If even you die here, what will everyone do, and what will your mother do!"

Although Yamato Jiuxiang has always been quite willful at home, even running away from home is commonplace for him.

But even in the extremely traditional Yamato family, the head of the Yamato family only scolded Yamato Jiuxiang, but never beat her.

"I understand..., I will definitely protect the Yamato family and mother."

Dahe Patriarch's slap also made Yamato Jiuxiang burst into tears, and finally the somewhat lax eyes gradually became firm.

Patriarch Gewusen began to build a magic array on the ground, and Patriarch Yamato and the others who had been psychologically prepared for a long time also stood at the arranged position and contributed their whole body's spiritual power.

As for most of the ghost generals who rushed to kill them, they were stopped by Yuto and Ryosuke Kurasu with difficulty.

Sorasu Ryosuke did not stop Patriarch Yamato from doing this, because he, who was preparing to be the queen, did not intend to leave here alive.

"It's a pity, I didn't wait for you to marry Jiuxiang, otherwise you will inherit the position of Patriarch of the Yamato family, and Jiuxiang will be able to succeed the position of Patriarch of the Kongsu family."

The only direct descendants of the Sora family are Ryosuke Sora and his siblings, and they married the head of the Yamato family not long after.

Sorasu Ryosuke has no heirs, if he dies here, the Sorasu family will really have no successors.

Although there are quite a few clan members who are separated from the family, in Sorasu Ryosuke's view, their aptitude is not enough to become the head of the family.

"So why did you make such a choice? Maybe in the end Hyakuyaki and Ibaraki Doji will both lose?"

Yuto, the artificial human holding the Kusanagi sword, cut several ghost soldiers in front of him with one sword, and his heart was quite complicated at this time.

In fact, Yuto really didn't want to do anything to the ghost masters gathered here at first, he just wanted to use their hands to get rid of traitors such as hair eaters.

He is quite clear about the idea of ​​the ontology, Yuto wants to control the Tokyo area, but he does not carry out direct violent rule like other monsters.

Instead, it intends to establish an order that allows both monsters and humans to achieve a balance.

If there are only monsters in the Tokyo area but no spiritual masters, then sooner or later this place will become a breeding pen, and human beings will become like livestock here.

Yuto's idea of ​​maintaining order is somewhat similar to that of Abe Qingming thousands of years ago in "The World of Slick Ghosts".

The only difference is that You Dou has no interest in the Lord of the World, he just wants to give his family a more stable living environment.

So from the very beginning, Yuto had no intention of killing all the spirit removers here.

If you look carefully, you will find that although the ghost army in the inherent barrier shouted loudly, not many really rushed up, and even the few big ghost generals were just watching a show.

As for why those spiritual masters felt uneasy, it was probably because Yuto had slaughtered hair-eaters and other demons with thunder before.

In the eyes of these spiritual masters, Baiyegui slaughtered even monsters mercilessly in order to increase their strength, let alone them as humans.

He wanted to show that he had no intention of massacring everyone, but Yuto, the artificial human, was having a hard time at this time.

Because now his identity is the master of the Kusanagi sword, the hero who saved the Tokyo area before, it is impossible to tell the intention of Hyakuya ghost.

After hesitating for a while, Yuto finally chose to stand by and watch.

For the huge spirit removal forces in the Tokyo area, the result of killing a few Patriarchs is harmless, and with the strength of Hyakuyaki, it is really unreasonable to let these people get away completely.

As for the other side, Ibaraki-douji has not been in a hurry to attack since he turned into a form covered with armor, but watched Yuto's performance without any haste.

Although he doesn't have much sanity left now, he is quite clear that Yudou's power is still improving.

Now he is dominated by the ghost instinct, and wants to fight a stronger opponent, so when he saw Yuto absorbing the negative emotions in the inherent barrier, Ibaraki-douji didn't mean to stop him at all, but watched with great interest with.

"The future of Tokyo is worrisome, even though some of us old guys died here, we deserved it.

However, whether it is Hyakuyaki or Ibaraki Doji who survived, it will be a disaster for the rest of the Tokyo area. "

On the black earth covered with dry bones, a huge art formation was finally built under the leadership of the Gewusen tribe.

And the four existences with S-level spiritual power, including the Patriarch Yamato, also entered the position of the four elephants.

With the support of huge spiritual power, the slightly bleak magic circle burst out with strong light at this moment, illuminating the surrounding darkness like daylight.

At this time, the phantoms of the four images representing their own positions also appeared on the bodies of the four masters.

The four divine beasts looked at each other, and then the green dragon flew out first, and with its huge body, it slammed into the void until it opened a crack in the space.

And at the same time as the crack appeared, the white tiger holy beast also carried the tiger down the mountain, roaring and rushing towards the crack, swiping down the Gengjin claws, which could tear everything apart, and further expanded the crack .

Accompanied by a hot feeling in the air, a fiery red figure flew high into the sky, and then a soaring pillar of fire capable of burning everything fell down.

The space cracks that had already appeared, under the burning of the Suzaku fire, the speed of space healing began to become slower.

As for the basalt holy beast, which is a snake and a turtle, it also flew out at almost the same time. With its huge size, it made a sense of being indomitable, and blocked the slowly healing space crack with its body.

And just when the four holy beasts shot to smash the void one after another, the four masters who provided the spiritual power also vomited a mouthful of blood at the same time.

The phantoms of the four holy beasts can have such power, naturally because they provided a lot of spiritual power, so that the four holy beasts have a trace of the power of the body, otherwise it would not be possible to tear the void so easily.

Looking at the shattered void wormhole, although Patriarch Yamato spat out blood, they showed joy on their faces at this moment.

Although they may be buried here because of this, but with a few of them, they have saved more clansmen, and they also think it is quite worthwhile.

However, compared to Patriarch Yamato and others who were full of excitement, Patriarch Kakumori, who was constructing the art formation, did not look as happy as the others at this time, but was surprised.

Because as the casters of the magic circle, Patriarch Kakwusen was shocked to find that the space cracks they tore open did not seem to arrive in the original world, but in other places!
There is absolutely no problem with his painting techniques. That is to say, did someone use power to interfere with his arrangement and let them tear down the barriers of other spaces?
Is it Baiyegui?No, it shouldn't be possible. The other party doesn't care about trash fish like them at all.

So besides Baiyegui, who else has the ability to change their spells?The space rift they tore open is from which world?

Seeing the tearing of the space crack, many people also knew that this meant the only vitality, so they began to rush up one after another.

"Wait a minute, something seems wrong..."

Just as Patriarch Gewusen said what he said, several people who were about to enter the crack in the space were all cut off in half by a flash of white light, and they couldn't die anymore.

And Patriarch Yamato who witnessed this scene also looked at Patriarch Kakumomori with angry and puzzled expressions.

Because this is completely different from what the other party said at the beginning. They provide spiritual power to give their clansmen a chance of survival, not to die faster!

"I don't know what happened. Someone changed the space node by using it, causing us to tear the space barrier and go to other unknown places."

At this time, Patriarch Gewusen also had a look of surprise on his face. Obviously, he would find that this situation was beyond his expectation.

Without making everyone present wait long, a figure exuding a dark aura all over his body, with a sickle on his shoulder, also slowly walked out from the depths of the crack, and answered the questions of Patriarch Yamato and others.

"That's right, we activated the technique you constructed, and with your power, both sides exerted force at the same time, which tore apart the barrier between the two realms.

As for telling you, there is no problem with the world behind the crack, it is the place where the gods live. "

A man with a sickle on his shoulder, a long head of black hair, and even his clothes and pupils were pitch-black, said after glancing at the Patriarch Yamato.

"The barrier between the God Realm and the Human Realm has always been an insurmountable existence due to certain rules. Even if the gods of the God Realm want to go down to the lower realm, they can only project a small part of it through "Shikigami" and other methods. strength.

And just now, the gods, who had a feeling in their hearts, discovered that the barrier between the God Realm and a certain space is actually quite weak.

So after secretly tampering with your space nodes and gathering the power of the gods, the barrier between the two worlds was finally torn apart. "

The words of the black-haired man obviously stunned everyone present, but soon, Patriarch Yamato looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked: "Since the other side of the crack is as you said The place where the gods live.

In other words, your Excellency should also be a god, so why did you kill them just now? "

At this time, Patriarch Yamato looked at the several chopped-up corpses on the ground, and questioned what the black-haired man said.

As we all know, humans have always enshrined gods, and in exchange, shouldn't the gods protect humans?

But the man in front of him who claimed to be a god killed the previous humans without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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