From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 468 Fenglin Volcano's Final Mystery!

Chapter 468 Fenglin Volcano's Final Mystery!
"Regardless of the suppression of the world's rules, or the remaining strength in me, there is only one chance to make a move.

Regardless of the result of the next blow, the winner will be determined directly. "

Clutching his injured shoulder, Yaren once again hid in the night in front of Yuto.

If he was consumed head-on, it would be impossible for him to compete with Yuto, whose power seemed endless, so he could only hide in the dark night, looking for an opportunity to launch another fatal blow.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Probably because of the serious injury just suffered, or because the opponent, Yeren God, lost track again, the completely blackened Youto stood there unwillingly and roared loudly.

And its high-pitched roar, even like a sound wave, caused the whole snow mountain to shake at a distance. In order to avoid damage to the eardrums, all the people present couldn't help covering their ears in pain.

Nightblade, who was prowling in the darkness, showed a mocking smile when he saw the roaring Yuto.

As he said before, no matter how powerful you are, if you don't have the ability to think and reason, you are still just a beast.

And he, Yeren God, would never lose to such an irrational monster!
The attack just now was unsuccessful, so he waited for the next opportunity. Even the strongest prey would always have to take a nap.

And it was just like this that Yeren God regarded him as an irrational monster. After roaring angrily at the sky, he suddenly stopped his roaring behavior and began to behave in ways that Yeren God could not understand.

Youdou, who was in the blackened state at this time, roared a bit, then showed a sinister smile, and then spat out the flesh and blood of the Yeren God that had just been torn off from his mouth, and began to mutter words in his mouth.

"The heart of the south, the pupils of the north, the fingertips of the west, the toes of the east, gather with the wind and drive away the rain.

The Fifty-Eight of the Way of Binding——Slap your toe and chase a sparrow! "

This binding path is a ghost path used to track the location of the opponent. Only if you have something that carries the opponent's breath and use it as a medium, you can use this ghost path to track and find the opponent's location.

A transparent sparrow was formed in You Dou's hands, then shook its head, as if sensing something, then suddenly flew towards a certain direction.

As for the Yeren God hiding in the dark night, he didn't understand the purpose of Yudou's operation at first, but when he saw the little sparrow unswervingly flying towards him, he was instantly stunned .

Have you been tracked by the other party?This is a coincidence?Or does the other party really possess such power?
No, it should be said that judging from the previous battles, the opponent should be irrational. Why did they use such a complicated technique?

Could it be said that only rationality is lost, but how to fight has already been engraved into the instinct of the body?

When the sparrow, whose body was translucent, stopped in front of the Yaren God, and even made a cry to remind his master, the last bit of luck in the Yaren God's heart was also shattered.

He had been resisting not to show up just now, but there was always a little fluke mentality.

He thought that the sparrow could only find his approximate location, but not his exact location.

Although it is possible to crush this kind of sparrow to death, if he does so, he will also expose himself, which is meaningless at all.

Looking at the place where the sparrow stopped, Yuto didn't see anything there, but this didn't prevent him from trying the knife with the air at all.

"All the six senses belong to the body, the pinnacle of martial arts, Fenglin Volcano Profound Art · Wuqu!"

Humans have six senses, namely sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch, and the sixth sense of heart.

In addition, there is an extremely mysterious seventh sense, which is also known as non-consciousness, commonly known as the small universe!

The seventh sense cannot be perceived, and it is completely unpredictable, but there are infinite possibilities and powerful power.

The previous Yudou had been trying to explore the profound meaning of Fenglin Huanhan, but it was still fruitless.

Now completely lost, and blackened You Dou, unknowingly, he slashed this ultimate knife!

Just like the inscription of the sword move, the martial arts song is simple to the extreme, but it is a symbol of the ultimate martial arts!
At the pinnacle of kendo, the so-called moves are already superfluous, and the so-called avenue to simplicity is probably the case.

Even for You Dou in the blackened state, when he slashed this knife, he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart for a short time.

As for Ye Renshen, who watched You Dou slash out without warning, he felt an unprecedented sense of death crisis at this moment.

It was obviously a seemingly simple and unpretentious knife, but Ye Renshen heard the roar of the wind, the roar of fire, the tyranny of thunder, the dense forest, the thickness of the soil, and the unpredictable attack trajectory!

It's hard to imagine why there is so much power in a strike that is so ordinary that it cannot be more ordinary.

And as a god, he actually felt his insignificance in front of this sword.

That kind of feeling is like being in the universe. Whether it is human beings, monsters or gods, in front of the vast universe, why don't they all exist like ants?

If he didn't use all his strength to block the knife, he would definitely die!
Yaren's strong intuition once again gave him this desperate answer in his heart.

The problem now is no longer a question of whether he will be kicked out of the lower realm if he considers using too much divine power, but a question of whether he can survive.

The blackened Youdou, because of Ye Renshen's saucy operation before finishing the fight, has already accumulated a lot of anger.

So when "slapping the toe and chasing the bird" found the other party, he didn't hesitate at all, and directly killed him.

And at this moment, the Yeren God was indeed facing the most dangerous crisis in history. While the blade was slashing at him, he also knew that it was meaningless to continue hiding, so he took the initiative to show up.

When faced with this knife, Ye Renshen also felt that avoiding it would only kill him faster, and only by facing up to the difficulties would he have a chance!
At this moment, Yeren God, regardless of the suppression of the world's rules, burst out an extremely powerful aura in one breath, and this aura even surpassed the world critical point of SSS+ level!

Forcibly challenging the rules of the world, the Nightblade didn't know what he would face.But he knew that if he didn't do anything, he would be killed before facing the suppression of the world's rules!
The terrifying breath soared into the sky, stirring up the clouds in the sky, and even causing a huge vortex to appear in the sky.

At this time, the aura of Yeren God also suddenly became a little sacred and inviolable. This is a change in the level of life, and it is also the essence of himself as a god.

Ye Renshen, whose temperament and appearance had changed drastically, looked at the ultimate knife in front of him, and also held the sickle in both hands, and slashed without hesitation.

"Crack, click——!"

With the sound of the collision of the two weapons, the surrounding space began to collapse like glass in a large area.

The space turbulence was raging everywhere, and the clouds in the sky were stirred by two powerful auras, forming a natural moat directly in the middle.

The aftermath of the huge impact caused the entire Snowy Mountain to shake violently, and ground fissures and landslides continued to appear like natural disasters.

The snow-capped mountains, which were originally rising from the ground, were actually falling apart continuously, and began to gradually become silent, and even disappeared from the map very quickly!
The two people who were far away from the center of the collision were still competing with each other at this time, Shenyou's blade kept pressing down, and Yeren God found with a horrified face that his own night sickle, the part of the curved blade, actually started to break!

Then, due to the turbulence in the space due to too many powerful reasons, the two of them flew upside down due to the storm that had already struck.

And when the Nightblade climbed up from the ground again, the previous posture full of sacred aura was no longer there. At this time, not only the aura had declined to the extreme, but even his own night scythe, the short section where the scythe tip was located, disappeared.

And when he stood up leaning on the sickle just now, he was caught off guard and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

The night sickle was transformed by his divine power, and it was considered a part of his body. Now that the blade was damaged, he was naturally also severely injured.


The sound wave caused by a roar swept away the surrounding sand and dust, and at the same time attracted the attention of the Nightblade God.

I saw You Dou in the other direction, holding the long knife in one hand and roaring, and holding the tip of the sickle knife stuck in his left eye with blood dripping in the other hand.

Accompanied by a spurt of blood and an angry roar, the tip of the knife that had penetrated into the eye socket was violently pulled out by Yuto, and thrown aside casually.

Then, at the moment when the blood gushed out, a large amount of black mud transformed from "the evil of this world" covered it, and the blinded eyeballs also began to regenerate rapidly...

"It's really a monster through and through! The heart was pierced, and the eyeballs were pierced, but they couldn't kill him?

Although it is a bit regrettable, I have to say that this time I really lost a complete defeat. "

Feeling his own weak state, and Yuuto whose injuries were rapidly regenerating, Yaren once again felt Yuuto's difficulty.

And although he was unwilling to compromise on this, Ye Renshen knew that he had no chance of winning.

Just now I even used up the last reserved divine power, and my strength surpassed the limit of this world at that moment.

However, even so, not only did he fail to kill the opponent, he even suffered backlash.

Seeing Youdou who had been stabbed in the eye and had no time to pay attention to him because of the severe pain, Yaren finally bit him and sneaked into the night.

This time he chose to blend into the darkness, not intending to continue looking for opportunities to kill him with one blow, but intending to escape.

There was not much power left in his body, and the rules of the world were beginning to reject him. Although he didn't want to admit it, this time he was indeed defeated by a creature from the lower world that he looked down on before.

"We will meet again, and next time I will definitely harvest you..."

(End of this chapter)

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