From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 472 The Demonic Form of Sister Tianshangyuan Liuji

Chapter 472 The Demonic Form of Sister Tianshangyuan Liuji

Under Masami's uncompromising attitude, Jiuxiang finally had no choice but to use the "Escape Curse" with Masami. As for Liu Ji, the countermeasure team sent a helicopter over.

However, Liu Ji, who obtained the exact coordinates of her brother, glanced at Jiuxiang and Yami who disappeared in place after the white light came on, and smiled with a small canine tooth on their faces.

"Really, no matter if it's mom or brother, they underestimate me too much.

When my brother and mother were not at home, they would always ask Sister Zhuji and Sister Xueji to play battle games, and they would always treat me like a child. "

As soon as Jiuxiang left with the Evasion Curse, a powerful red demonic force shot up to the sky from the mansion in the upper courtyard.

Accompanied by a triumphant laugh of "Jie Jie Jie", a figure who was slightly short, but whose demonic power could not be ignored at all, slowly walked out of the range shrouded by the demonic aura, and appeared in front of the courtyard family in the sky. patio.

Liu Ji's hair, which was originally tied with twin ponytails, has been completely stretched out now, and her long red hair even reaches her heels.

Her chest, which was originally relatively flat, has now become fuller, and her height has also increased by more than ten centimeters in an instant.

As for the single horn growing on the forehead, it is red all over. Unlike Yuto's ghost horn, Liu Ji's ghost horn has many textures on it.

For a long time, Youdou has always known that in terms of talent, Liu Ji can beat Youdou by more than a dozen blocks, and in fact it is true.

Today's Liu Ji is just a junior high school student, but her normal demon power has already reached the B+ level. As for the demonization, the increase is even more outrageous.

The monster power that was originally only B+ will skyrocket to S- level in an instant!

Yes, you heard it right, it just crossed directly from B-level to S-level, and even skipped a big level in the middle.

You must know that when You Dou was a junior high school student, let alone an S-level monster, a random C-level monster would probably be able to completely torture him...

And even though she has also been transformed into a demon, Liu Ji's posture is obviously an advanced version of Youdou, no matter from the characteristics of her body or her aura.

Even at the moment Liu Ji completed her demonization, the four red ghosts who were originally naive and instinctively felt a strong sense of coercion, shrank into a ball and shivered.

The reason why Yuto's coercion is strong is because of the effect of skill fusion after becoming a "demon king species".

But Liu Ji's words, it seems that after she was demonized, her own aura already had such an effect.

And more importantly, unlike Youdou who loses his mind when using demonization for the first time, Liu Ji can maintain a clear consciousness even if he uses demonization for the first time.

This is the so-called difference between a mediocrity and a genius. If you compare goods, you must throw them away, and if you compare people, you must die...

Feeling the surging power in her body, Liu Ji's small face showed satisfaction when she looked at her bust that had just taken shape.

She likes herself in this form very much, but if she uses it at home, Yami will definitely yell, so under normal circumstances, Liu Ji only dares to use it secretly.

Originally, I wanted to secretly surprise my brother, but I didn't expect to reveal it in advance.

"Tubi, you go with me, you guys stay to protect Aunt Saori, and sister Xuetongzi."

The demonized Liu Ji stretched out her hand and hooked her finger at Tubi who was going to sneak back to the house, and the latter suddenly showed a bitter face.

Although the master is in danger, Tubi is absolutely obliged to go to support him, but if even the invincible Yuto-sama is in danger, Tubi will know how dangerous that place is even with his ass.

Although Tubi expressed ten thousand reluctances in his heart, he had no choice but to turn into a small stone due to Liu Ji's lust, and was tied on his head by Liu Ji with a rubber band, starting a journey that he thought would be more or less ominous.

Liu Ji, who was completely demonized, had a slightly dark personality, but now she was completely released, and she became more unscrupulous in her actions, as if she wanted to release the pressure that was usually accumulated in one breath.

A small crater was easily kicked out on the ground with one foot. Holding a map in his hand, a figure was constantly crushing the surrounding roofs and moving in a certain direction at an extremely fast speed.

Its speed is so fast that ordinary people can't even catch it. They can only see the instantly collapsed roof and a faint flash of red light.

Sprinting at such a speed, it is no wonder that Liu Ji would say that she might arrive at her brother one step earlier than Jiuxiang and the others.

As for the side of the snow mountain, after a few minutes passed, Yudou, the exhausted artificial human, felt that his first layer of bound Tao had been completely eroded by the "evil of this world".

And judging from this situation, the second layer of Dao binding can't last long. The body that was originally blackened has become a little unstable now. It can be seen that the influence of the evil in this world is still deepening its erosion.

As for the other spiritual masters around, after realizing the seriousness of the matter, they put aside their grievances for the time being, and began to assist Zhu Ji and Xue Ji to strengthen the seal on Hei Hua You Dou.

Everyone understands that if You Dou in the seal cannot be suppressed, once the other party goes berserk, none of the people here will survive.

"What are those black substances? It was the same in previous battles. Those things seem to be able to erode and devour the seal of our family."

As the main force of the seal, the head of Kakumori Mori is constantly sealing the blackened Yuuto who is being suppressed. However, every time his seal has not exerted its effect, he will be blocked by the "Wraith of This World" on Yuuto's body. Evil" completely devoured.

As time passed, the seal was still being eroded, and the originally stable white cocoon also began to shake violently.

Moreover, the originally completely pure white spider silk, as if rendered by ink, began to spread from the inside to the outside...

Almost at the moment when the giant white cocoon was completely blackened, the outermost layer of solid ice also quickly appeared spider web-like cracks.


Probably because of being suppressed for too long, at the moment when all the seals were broken, the black mud like a sea tide spread directly around, and many people around who couldn't avoid it didn't even have a chance to scream, so they were directly captured The black mud was completely swallowed.

And looking at the black mud rushing towards this side like a tide, Youdou also showed a look of hopelessness, telling Zhu Ji and Xue Ji who were standing in front of him to run for their lives and ignore his artificial body.

Leaving aside the fact that because of the suppression of Youdou of Heihua just now, Spider Fairy and Snow Fairy have very little monster power left, even if they are in their prime, they have no way to fight against the "evil of this world".

However, Zhu Ji and Xue Ji did not intend to obey You Dou's words at all, and stood in front of You Dou with firm faces.


And just when Zhu Ji and Xue Ji mobilized the little demon power left on their bodies, planning to make a final struggle.

A red figure suddenly landed from the air like a meteorite, and a powerful impact hit the ground instantly, causing a canyon hundreds of meters long to be split open on the ground.

And the black mud that had flowed in like a tide all flowed into this huge [-]-meter canyon because of the characteristics of the liquid.

As the rolled up dust fell, the red figure gradually became clear in front of several people.

"Sister Zhuji, Sister Xueji, and brother, it's really rare for you to look so embarrassed.

It's a pity that I was a little anxious when I just went out, so I didn't bring my mobile phone, otherwise I will definitely take a group photo with you now, and you don't have to worry about pocket money in the future. "

Zhu Ji and Xue Ji were a little surprised by the smiling faces that suddenly appeared in front of the three of them, but they were not unexpected.

But Yuto has a completely dumbfounded expression, because he really can't believe that the girl in front of him who looks like a younger sister is actually his lovely younger sister...

Under the demonization, Liu Ji's personality and characteristics have become a bit wild, and the aura exuding from her body is actually stronger than his artificial human body!

Is this still his sister who has been chasing after him for toys?
"You actually bullied Liu Ji's brother like this, the guy on the other side, is he ready to die...?"

Seeing You Dou who was out of strength and protected by Zhu Ji and Xue Ji, Liu Ji immediately ignited a strong anger.

And just when she was about to find this anger on the guy opposite, she found that the guy opposite seemed to be her brother too...

How could my brother have two!

The anger that was originally full of anger was extinguished in an instant, and Liu Ji's small head kept looking at the blackened Yuto and the artificial Yuto from left to right, but she found helplessly that these two people had the breath of her brother.

In short, the brother has two?Could it be that Masami actually gave birth to twins?
Liu Ji's head is really not enough. Before, she only heard Jiuxiang say that her brother was in danger and needed her and mother's help, but she didn't hear the main details at all. Now she saw the two brothers confronting each other. It's no wonder that her little head shut down instantly.

That's right, if it was someone else, they might treat Yuto and Hyakuyaki as two people, but as an existence connected with Yuto's blood, Liu Ji would never mistake her brother.

Although Bai Yegui looked different from the elder brother Liu Ji usually saw, but Liu Ji confirmed that the person who was completely black now was her elder brother.

"Liu Ji, brother is in a little trouble now, to put it simply, he's lost himself.

The one over there exuding an evil aura is my main body, you can try to see if you can regain my consciousness.

But those black mud-like things, you must try to avoid them as much as possible, otherwise you may also be swallowed together. "

(End of this chapter)

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