From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 476 The Unfathomable Heavenly Lady?

Chapter 476 The Unfathomable Heavenly Lady?

It was a crisis that was enough to endanger the world, but it ended with such a dramatic result.

Although Yuto didn't know, the image of Tenshangin Masami had been supplemented by the brains of these ghost masters in Tokyo.

But for Masami's "family law" fear, Yuto and Liu Ji are both from the heart, and other people present can also see that the fear from the heart of the two does not seem to be fake.

Yuto, who dared to fight the gods head-on, and Liu Ji, who dared to face the blackened Yuto, faced Masami, but the two were as cowardly as chickens.

Under the begging of the two, Yami finally relented, saying that after returning home, she would teach the two brothers and sisters who did not let her worry.

Liu Ji's "family law" heavy punishment was exempted by Yami, but she had to be confined for three days, during which time she was absolutely not allowed to leave the house.

As for Yuto, although he also tried to be like Liu Ji, trying to pass the test, but he didn't have such conditions at all, so "family law" was inevitable...

After scolding the disobedient brothers and sisters, Masami brought Yuto and Ryuki to the Exorcist family, apologized to these people respectively, and thanked Yamato Jiuxiang.

In the eyes of Tianshangyuan Yami, each of these spirit-eliminating families is undoubtedly much stronger than the "Tianshangyuan family" she was born in.

She didn't know how awesome her son and daughter were, but her inherent notions made her feel that they couldn't afford to offend any of these spirit-killing families.

Judging from the previous situation, You Dou seemed to have caused a lot of trouble to these families, so she could only apologize one by one.

Even Masami Masami decided to pack her bags and leave Tokyo, a place of right and wrong, when she got home.

Women are weak, but mothers are strong!This point can be said to be in Tianshangyuan Masami, and it is also brought into full play.

Due to her childhood experience, Tianshangyuan Masami has a natural repulsion and fear towards the spirit slayers of the slayer family.

But at this time, for the sake of her own child, she apologized to every family in a decent manner, and her attitude was so sincere that no one could find fault with it.

Even Liu Ji just muttered, these people are nothing special at all, and Yami stared at them like a baby in an instant.

Faced with Masami's apology from the Heavenly Court, the patriarchs of these spirit-eliminating families naturally did not dare to hold back the slightest bit. Some families even saw Masami's apology, but their attitude was even lower than Masami's.

Just kidding, regardless of the spiritual master here, he has made Yami the head of the heavenly court into an unfathomable existence. Even the pair of children following her, they can't afford to provoke them at all!

Didn't you see that every time Masami bowed and apologized, Yuto behind her looked at them with sharp eyes?
If the attitude is wrong, it is obvious that the other party will write it down in a small notebook.

After this incident, everyone also understood that the so-called Tianshangyuan Youdou and Baiyegui were actually the same person.

And the monster power on the other party is not a so-called "curse", but itself is a half-monster!
Of course, even now that they know the truth of the matter, all the healers in the Tokyo area can't do anything other than feel abnormally shocked.

Today's You Dou is no longer the weak and deceitful Mengxin before, but a real SS-level demon king.

Even if you know You Dou's dual identity, if you want to take action against him, you have to weigh whether your weight is enough.

And although today is only a short day, too many things have happened, and the amount of information received by everyone is unprecedented.

Compared with the plan of the gods to clean up human beings and establish a new civilization, the news that the "redeemer" is the Hyakuya ghost is undoubtedly nothing.

By using their techniques, the Yeren God forcibly opened a gap in the barrier between the two worlds, which was originally not that big.

However, because of the collision between the blackening Youdou's profound sword and the divine power of the Yeren God, the space collapsed on a large scale, and the crack was further torn open at that time.

That is to say, at some unknown place and time, the so-called gods will come to this world again.

And the god who comes to this world next time may be weaker than the previous Nightblade, but it may also be stronger than the other party!
Humans are just ants, and monsters are just puppets. In the face of more powerful enemies, will monsters and humans still maintain the previous hostile state?
With the advent of the gods, the world structure will undoubtedly undergo a huge change again, and a lot of troublesome things will follow.

Of course, all these are the affairs of those big people. Masami Masami said that their family is an ordinary family, and they can't touch these things at all, so after apologizing, they directly pulled Yuto and Lyu under the watchful eyes of everyone. Ji went home.

Yuto, who was dragged by the ear by Masami, suddenly burst into pink light from his chest.

After a burst of pink light flickered, a beautiful woman with a slender figure, an extremely seductive appearance, and multiple tails swaying behind her slowly appeared.

"Tamazamo, one of the Three Great Demon Kings!"

When they saw the figure with multiple fox tails swaying behind them, the spiritual masters present exclaimed again.

As spiritual masters, they naturally knew the monster Yuzaoqian, and the extremely powerful and terrifying monster power on the opponent's body, as well as the nine wagging tails, could not be faked.

It's just that what they don't understand is why Yuzao, one of the three demon kings, appears here?

Didn't it mean that only by collecting all the fragments of the killing stone, can there be a possibility of resurrection and awakening again before Tamazamo?

"Hey, hey, even though I know you've woken up, there's no need to incarnate here, right? Isn't this purposely causing trouble for me?"

Looking at the beautiful young woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, Yuto showed a headache.

After the current Yuyihu absorbed the power of the killing stone, his soul had merged with the original Yuzaoqian, and his strength had also been improved again.

It even surpassed Yuto's demon power in normal state, reaching the level of terror of SS- level.

It's just that Youdou originally wanted to discuss with Yamei about agreeing to Yuyihu, but who knew that this guy came out impatiently.

"Master Yudou's words are too heartless, no matter how you say, Yudou was able to get rid of the previous state, and the concubine also contributed.

And for the mother Yuto-sama said, I also feel admiration personally, so in order to get to know Master Yami earlier, I can't wait to choose it. "

Yuyihu, who has absorbed the incomplete soul and power of Yuzao, not only has a similar level of monster power and ability, but even has a little change in character and temperament.

The original Yuyihu, as a reincarnated monster, has a strong maternal instinct, but is extremely cold and indifferent.

But after merging the soul of Yuzaoqian, the power of the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox gave it some natural charm and seductive power.

Although he didn't deliberately use his ability, but his special temperament, coupled with his beautiful appearance, just standing there was enough to make most male creatures emit strong hormones.

Of course, because the soul of Yuyihu is complete, but the soul of Yuzao formerly lodged in the killing stone is incomplete, so although the two souls have merged, the dominant one is still Yuyihu.

And this has also led to the addition of some natural obsequiousness to Yuyihu, the original motherhood has also been perfectly preserved, and it has even been further expanded due to the increase in strength.

Even if the current Yuyi Fox is summoned to Xingyue, her "maternity" alone will probably be endowed with a "crazy rank", just like the famous Minamoto Raimitsu...

It was also because of this that Yuyihu had just seen that Yami was able to suppress the two super-strength brats, Youdou and Liu Ji.

On the one hand, as an ordinary person, he dared to face those exorcism families that he was afraid of for the sake of his own children.

After merging the power of Yuzao, Yuyihu can not only use the power to create the environment, but also further strengthen this power, making it a kind of mental illusion.

The feather fox can spy on your heart, feel your emotions, and then use its power to create the most feared illusion in your heart.

It is also for this reason that Yuyihu knows that Tianshangyuan Masami is an ordinary person, and also knows that the Chuling family is what Tianshangyuan Masami fears most.

But because of this, Yuyihu admired Tianshangyuan Masami even more, because the other party was able to face the things he feared most for his own children.

Just like Yuto said before, she now personally experienced what Yuto said before "true family affection"!
Comparing the two, the relationship between her and Abe Seimei is simply ridiculous, not even false.

"Master Yami, the concubine's name is Yuyihu, and it is also Tamazamo, or if Yami-sama likes it, it is also possible to call the concubine Otome.

Long ago, I had been fascinated by Master Yami for a long time, and it was not until this meeting that I personally realized that the existence of Master Yami is more fascinating than what Master Yuto said. "

At this time, Yuyihu, although possessing a surging monster power, and his temperament is quite outstanding, but when he looked at Yami in the sky, he was like a little girl who has been chasing stars for a long time, pulling Yami's hands with expression His face was full of excitement.

"Although it may be a bit abrupt to say this, but if possible, can Master Yami promise me that I will serve you by your side at any time?

And if possible, I would also like to ask Master Masami some questions, such as how to educate my children so obediently..."

(End of this chapter)

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