From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 496 Transforming ghosts and gods, carrying the sun!

Chapter 496 Transforming ghosts and gods, carrying the sun! (seeking subscription)

The orange fireball that can be seen is getting bigger and bigger in Yudou's eyes, and feeling the rising temperature around him, Yudou is very sure that the sun is constantly setting!
Although the scene in front of me was outrageous and even shocking to the outside world, it was the truth!
"What the hell do I have to resist, take the lead?"

Looking at the continuously setting sun, Yuuto was also shocked at this moment, because he had never thought about it before, the "person facing the sun" in the title of the game actually meant this.

It's no wonder that Shiroyasha said before that participating in the "Gift Game" of this difficulty will kill people.

It's strange that people won't die if they directly resist the setting sun, and Yuto even wonders, can anyone really pass the gift game of the difficulty of Shiroyasha?
Far away from here, Black Rabbit looked at the continuously setting sun in the sky, his ass was burning with anxiety, and hoped that Shiraiyasha would stop this dangerous game immediately.

However, Shiroyasha's answer to Kurotu's words was that, as the organizer, she would not interrupt the game at will, and she had no right to do so.

And said that if you really feel dangerous, Yuto can immediately admit defeat, then the gift game will end immediately, and the setting sun will stop immediately.

However, the current Youdou didn't do this, which means that even if the opponent is in this situation, he still wants to challenge a challenge that is impossible to complete.

Shiroyasha guessed correctly, looking at the setting sun, although Yuto felt that he was a little powerless in the face of such an existence, he also felt unwilling to give up like this.

There is only one minute left in the time, as long as he lasts for more than one minute in front of the setting sun, then he will be the victor.

And now it's just a gift game. Although facing the Sun Sovereign also has the essence of the sun, its size and power are still different from the real sun.

Now I choose to back down, so in time, I encountered the so-called "Amaterasu" and "Yuedu", what should I do?
You must know that in the main world, the so-called "Amaterasu God" represents the god of the sun.

If you can't hold on for even a minute in front of the sovereignty of the sun, then how can you talk about fighting against gods like Amaterasu and Yueyue?

"Ah ah ah ah ah------!"

Accompanied by You Dou's roar, all the demonic power on his body erupted in an instant, the ground under his feet began to crack, and the red demonic power formed a column of demonic power soaring into the sky, which was extremely conspicuous in the empty white night world.

Then he reached out his hand into the You Dou in the void, and took out a huge wine reed in his hand in the next second, and opened the cork to start the binge drinking mode.

The fear of "drinking like life" was running at full strength, and the crimson demon power became thicker and more solid.

Because it's not about fighting, the current Youdou only needs to increase the demon power on his body as much as possible, so Youdou of Endless Wine Reed has almost never left his hand, and has always been in the pouring mode.

The clear consciousness gradually lost, and the scarlet eyes began to appear, and then the powerful demon power burst out from behind You Dou, and at this moment gathered into a red ghost with three heads and six arms.

The body of ghosts and gods is extremely huge, even much larger than the previous star beast Wuma.

Moreover, the ghosts and gods wrapped in red murderous and evil spirits looked even more amazing at this moment.

As soon as the three-headed and six-armed ghosts and gods appeared, seeing the setting sun in the sky, they immediately let out an unyielding roar, and then roared up to the sky, making a gesture of stepping on the ground with their feet and lifting their six arms up to the sky!

However, even ghosts and gods that are huge in the eyes of ordinary people still look so small in front of the sun.

The three-headed and six-armed ghosts and gods with extraordinary momentum and terrifying aura suddenly let out a painful roar the moment their arms touched the sun.

The fire of the sun is as strong as the yang, and the temperature is too high. Although the ghosts and gods behind You Dou are transformed from monster power, monster aura and murderous intent, they obviously cannot withstand the high temperature of the sun when facing the sun.

And besides the high temperature that can burn everything, the impact brought by the setting sun itself is beyond Yudou's imagination.

Although the sun in front of him is far from the volume and mass of a real star, it also bears the essence of the sun.

And its size is far beyond the asteroid that Yuto encountered before, and Abe Seimei pulled it down.

The high temperature continuously burned the body of the six-armed ghost, and the huge impact directly caused the feet of the six-armed ghost to sink deeply into the ground.

Because the earth could not bear the strong impact force, it had already started to collapse continuously.

Moreover, the high temperature emitted by the sun at close range also evaporates the surrounding water instantly, plants wither instantly, and water sources such as lakes are also evaporated in an instant.

Even the ground that Yuto is stepping on now, apart from most of it collapsing due to the reason of the six-armed ghost, most of it also formed lava due to high temperature.

This is the real sun. Although it brings vitality to all things, once it gets angry, it will also make all things in the world die in an instant.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but the six-armed ghost behind Yudou obviously endured to the limit, and was finally crushed and melted in front of the setting sun.

However, because of the support of the six-armed ghosts and gods, there was more than a minute left, but now there are less than thirty seconds left.

When the target of resistance was lost, the speed of the sun's setting also became faster, and it was not even in direct contact, but Yuuto already felt a terrifying heat wave rushing towards his face.

Does he have any other options now?
No, there is no other way but to bite the bullet and go on top.

Seeing the sun so close at hand, Yuto felt relieved at this moment, and showed a meaningless smile, and directly stretched out his hand to withstand the setting sun.

The terrifying weight made even Yuto, who was using "Weird Power and Chaos God" with all his strength, bend his body in an instant, and at the same time, a lot of blood oozed from his body.

The powerful impact caused the blood vessels in his whole body to burst the moment he stood against the sun, but before the blood flowed out, it was directly evaporated by the high temperature in an instant.

Compared with the huge weight, the terrifying high temperature is what Yudou can't bear now. Now he has used all the monster power to run the monster power, and there is no spare power to protect himself with monster power.

In other words, the current him is almost defenseless and exposed to the sun at close range.

If it was an ordinary person, they would have been directly vaporized by the temperature of the sun at this moment.

But now Youdou, who is fully fired, is more or less an SSS-level half-demon, and his body is naturally much tougher.

However, even so, under the scorching sun at close range, Yuto's skin was still being burned, followed by blood...

At this time, his "regeneration" ability also came into play again. The moment the skin on his body was charred, the regeneration ability was activated, and a new layer of skin would grow again.

In just a few seconds, You Dou underwent several skin-changing operations, and his body was always in a cycle of burning and being regenerated again.

The injury can be regenerated, but the pain cannot be immuned, as if the severe pain transmitted is also a terrible torture to the spirit.

There were more than ten seconds left in the time, but You Dou, who tried his best, felt that he was about to be unable to resist.

The monster power was running out, but the sun in his hand hadn't changed a bit. His hands were numb, and his consciousness even began to blur, but the high temperature and severe pain kept him awake all the time.

"Don't underestimate Lao Tzu, I am Youdou of the Heavenly Academy!"

The black substance continuously overflowed from You Dou's body, and when it landed, it continuously spread to the surroundings.

Soon, the "White Night" that originally belonged to the White Yaksha game field began to sink into a deep darkness as if it had been inexplicably eroded.

The sun can bring light. As the protoss of the white night and the sun, the white night fork has the "white night" game field, which is the space where Yuto and the others are now.

In this playing field, the white sun is level with the horizon, making it a constant polar day phenomenon.

But now, a full half of the area here is plunged into the pitch blackness.

And the person who unfolded this dark field was a man wrestling with the sun in the distance.

The sun that was already close to the surface of the earth emitted intense light and heat, but since the moment this black field appeared, a gust of cold wind blew up all around.

The terrifying high temperature brought by the sun was somewhat relieved by the cold wind, and the glaring sunlight could not penetrate the deep darkness.

At this moment, in the distant sky, the sky seems to be divided into two halves. One half is the orange-red sun, and the other half is the bottomless darkness. The two seem to be wrestling, dividing the entire space.

"I didn't expect that kid not only showed unexpected strength all the time, but now he even created the playing field.

Even the level of this game field is comparable to my "White Night". Is he really a newcomer who just came to Hakoniwa World? "

"How did 'No Name' find such an outrageous monster from other worlds.

To put it bluntly, with his current strength, he has far exceeded the level that the lower levels of Hakoniwa should have. Even if he goes to the middle and upper levels of Hakoniwa, as long as he is willing, many communities should welcome him to join. "

Along with the unfolding of "Inherent Barrier - Ghost Domain", Shiroyasha already knew that Yuuto had already passed this gift game.

If it takes a few more minutes, Youdou will definitely not be able to support it, but in just ten seconds, with the blessing of this game field, Youdou can undoubtedly pass the trial.

And because of this reason, Shiroyasha also had some curiosity about Yuto. To be honest, from the very beginning, Shirayasha didn't think Yuto and the others could complete the challenge.

Because even other well-known four-digit communities, when facing their own gift game, will fail at the moment when the last sun goes down.

(End of this chapter)

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