From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 499 Yudou's Number of Gifts Comparable to Menus

Chapter 499 Yudou's Number of Gifts Comparable to Menus

"I don't know how powerful a community 'Thousand Eyes' is, but I joined 'No Name' not because of how strong the community itself is, but because of other reasons.

As for the "class rulers", it seems that they can have a lot of privileges, which are also quite beneficial to the community I joined.

But even an existence of your standard will not hesitate to reach some kind of agreement with the upper-level gods and Buddhas, and come to the lower level to be the master of this level.

It can be seen that if I become the stratum ruler of the Eastern District, there will definitely be a lot of trouble, so I will naturally choose to refuse. "

If he wanted to join a powerful community, Yuuto wouldn't have chosen "Thousand Eyes", which had almost been reduced to the weakest outer layer at the beginning.

And one thing to say, can White Yasha be more attractive than a certain black rabbit?
As for the "class ruler", Yuto knew that the lower class could have certain privileges, but his intuition told him that this was a big trouble.

Besides, even if Yuto agreed to Bai Yasha and was willing to replace her as the stratum ruler of the eastern region, the stratum rulers of other lower regions would certainly not agree.

The current Lower Hakoniwa, after "No Name" was attacked by the Demon King, can be said to be the weakest in history.

The ruler of the stratum in the southern region is said to have fallen and died due to the attack of the demon king some time ago. The position of the ruler of the stratum is now held by the largest alliance community in the southern region, the "Dragon Griffin Lion", and the leader of the corner, Sarah Teldo Lake interim.

As for the North District who is just about to take over as the class ruler this time, it is said that she is only an 11-year-old girl. Although in terms of blood, the other party is a descendant of the "Xinghai Dragon King", and her talent is absolutely beyond doubt.

But because of his young age, it is really worrying whether he can hold the position of stratum ruler in the North District.

Recently, the power of the Demon King has been on the rise, and because of rules and fear, the upper echelons of Hako Garden have always been in a state of life and death for the lower Hako Garden.

The strongest stratum ruler, Shirayasha, is the strongest fortress for the lower strata of Hakoniwa to resist the attack of the demon king. If he is down at this time, it will definitely cause uneasiness to the rulers of other strata.

What's more, Yuuto, who took over Shiriyasha's seat, is still a newcomer who has just arrived in Hakoniwa World. Not only does he have no record at all, but other people don't know him at all. How can he convince others?
Hearing Yuto's answer, Shirayasha pondered for a while, and felt that he had indeed acted too hastily.

And the original reward for Yuto through the gift game "The Man Who Facing the Sun" was finally discounted according to Yuto's previous playful suggestion.

In terms of gifts, Yuto is not lacking now, especially when Shiroyasha, Kuroto and others saw the number of gifts on Yuto's gift card, which was as long as a menu, and they were even more speechless.

In the world of Hakoniwa, no matter what kind of power, it can exist in the form of "gift", so all the powers in Yuuto, sword skills, sword skills, ghost way, regeneration, ghost spirit, including its own ghost spirit Ge, and even "the evil of this world", actually appeared on the gift card.

And when Asuka and the others saw Yuto's densely written gift card, and then looked at their own gift card with only one gift, they immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

And said that they will win more gifts soon, and one day the gifts on the gift card will be more than Yuto.

There is no shortage of gift Yuuto, so through the rewards of the gift game, Yuuto let Shirayasha discount it into "Thousand Eyes" gold coins.

And Shiroyasha really had enough thighs, and directly handed over thirty gold coins of "Thousand Eyes" with the double goddesses printed on them to "No Name".

Don't underestimate the thirty "Thousand Eyes" gold coins. "Thousand Eyes" is the largest business alliance community, and the purchasing power of its gold coins in Little Garden is quite huge.

The monthly living expenses of dozens of children in "No Name" only need one "Thousand Eyes" gold coin.

Even ten "Thousand Eyes" gold coins can buy a nice house in the lower level of Hakoniwa.

Seeing so many golden coins, the most excited person must be Black Rabbit, even since he took the bag of gold coins, this guy's mouth has never been closed.

Since "No Name" was attacked by the devil, the black rabbit said that it was the first time that "No Name" got so many gold coins.

With this money, the previously destroyed buildings can be repaired, and it's time for Lily and the others to buy some clothes.

"'Thousand Eyes', as the largest commercial community, should also have the gift of selling, right?
So, is there a boon that can improve the soil and increase the growth rate of crops? "

The gift game was over, and everyone returned to the "Thousand Eyes" store from Shiroyasha's game venue "White Night".

Yuto, who got the gold coin, found the Thousand Eyes clerk immediately and asked if there was anything he wanted to buy.

The current "No Name" water resource has been solved because of the water tree, but it is still very difficult to be self-sufficient.

"No Name" has a large piece of land, but due to the attack of the demon king, the land was completely necrotic, making it impossible to cultivate it.

So Yuto's current idea is very simple, that is to use these gold coins to buy gifts that can improve the soil from Thousand Eyes.

As long as the soil of "No Name" can be cultivated, at least the normal operation of the community can be maintained.

And after some inquiries, the Thousand Eyes clerk also told Yuto and them, whether it is the gift of improving the soil or the gift of increasing the growth rate of crops, there are all here, but the price...

The gift of improving the soil is okay. Although the price of twenty Thousand Eyes gold coins is a bit expensive, it is not too outrageous.

However, the gift of increasing the growth rate of crops, even the weakest one, would cost more than a hundred gold coins.

Hearing the price quoted by the Thousand Eyes clerk, Yuto instantly felt that the gold coin in his hand, which he thought was a large sum of money, was no longer good.

And the reason given by the clerk is quite reasonable, no matter what class you are in, food is one of the most important resources.

Although the gift of increasing the growth rate of crops is not a gift for combat, but because it can increase food production, the price has naturally remained high.

Hearing this outrageous price, Yuto gritted his teeth and planned to buy this gift from Shiroyasha with a loan.

After all, he promised those children before that he would let them eat cake every day, but if the food source of the community cannot be guaranteed, let alone expensive snacks.

However, before Youdou could speak, the black rabbit on the side stopped him, and said that they only need to buy gifts that can improve the soil.

As for the work of taking care of the crops, Lily is fully capable, or the child should be quite happy to hear the news.

(End of this chapter)

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