From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 502 The 1st Gift Game of "No Name"

Chapter 502 "No Name"'s first gift game

Although they are all problem children, and Izayoi and the others have different personalities, they all have one characteristic in common, that is, they are all very strong.

Everyone joined "No Name", and seeing Izayoi making suggestions for "No Name", Yuto also solved the most important material problem of "No Name".

And they are also new members of "No Name", if they don't contribute anything, wouldn't they be quite useless?
The next day, people from "No Name" came to the residential area of ​​"Fores Garo" together as agreed. When they saw a building located deep in the jungle, Asuka and Yao were obviously stunned for a moment.

"Is the residential area of ​​Fores Garo actually in the middle of the jungle?
But if you think about it now, the other party is a tiger man, and it seems quite reasonable to build a house in this place. "

"Well, if the jungle is used as a playing field, it is quite beneficial to me, because I have made friends with many animals in the jungle."

This is a conversation between Asuka and Yao. Because "No Name" is the participant, they don't have the right to choose the venue. It's just that they didn't expect that the venue of the gift game would be the jungle.

As for the other side, Yuto pulled Black Rabbit aside with a surprised face, and asked in a low voice: "Isn't this the place where we killed those guys who planned to kidnap Lily and the others?"

"So didn't I say that? This time, the community that played the gift game with Ms. Asuka and the others is "Fores Garo".

Those people before were originally from "Fores Garo", Yuuto-san is really too slow. "

Hearing Yuto's surprised inquiry, Kurotu showed a sullen expression.

"Sorry, I didn't pay much attention to the names of the little people before.

It's a pity, if I had known that the community that Asuka and the others were looking for trouble was those guys before, I would have participated, but now it seems that it is too late. "

While talking, Yuto looked at a piece of kraft paper nailed to the stake, and the kraft paper also wrote the rules and participants of this gift game.

Boon Game Name: Invasion

Game participants: Kuen Asuka, Kasukabe Yao, Ren Russell

Winning Conditions: Destroy Jaird Gasper lurking in the host headquarters.

Winning method: Use the special weapon designated by the organizer to eliminate it. Except for the special weapon designated by the organizer, other methods cannot "eliminate" Jaird Gaspar.

Failure Condition: Surrender, or the game participant is unable to complete the above victory conditions.

Designated weapons: Placed in the game field, the specific location needs to be found by the game participants themselves, and no relevant information will be provided.

Following the above rules, under the glory and banner, "No Name" participates in the gift game.

『Fores Garo』print
"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that Brother Youdou really guessed that the other party will use the authority of the organizer to set the rules of the game that are beneficial to him."

When seeing the rules of the game that appeared on the kraft paper, Izayoi couldn't help but clucked his tongue.

Because judging from the rules of this gift game, for Asuka and the others, it can even be described as more than unfavorable.

First of all, the game venue is the jungle that Asuka and the others are not familiar with, but it is extremely beneficial to the orcs.

The second is this gift game. The conditions for victory are also quite harsh. Asuka and the others not only have to destroy Jard, but even use designated weapons to destroy each other in order to win the final victory.

That is to say, apart from the special weapons designated by the organizer, neither Asuka nor Yō's gifts can have any effect on Jard.

The opponent obviously used the rules of the game to form a different kind of "immortality".

As for the so-called "special weapon", there is no specific description in the rules, so if Asuka and the others want to win, they must find a "special weapon" that they don't know what it is in the jungle of Nuo Da, and use it to attack Kill Gard to win the game.

Before coming here, Jin did some homework, and he also did some research on "Fores Garo" and Gard.

Although "Fores Garo" has a bad record, it has to be said that the opponent is indeed one of the strongest communities in the outer gate of the Eastern District.

As the leader, Jard also possesses the three gifts of human, tiger, and benefactor, so he has several forms, and his strength can be regarded as remarkable.

Now Jard has used the rules of the game to complete an alternative "immortality", and the difficulty for Asuka and the others to win has also been continuously raised.

However, no matter how harsh the victory conditions are, the current "No Name" has no way out.

Because the kraft paper has already appeared, it means that the contract has been reached, and the center of Hakoniwa has also accepted this gift game.

If you choose to back down here, it is equivalent to the surrender of "No Name", and Gard wins the gift game.

Bite the bullet and enter the seemingly gloomy jungle, Kasukabe Yō first used his ability to communicate with animals, and began to obtain information from the animals in the jungle, trying to find the special weapons in the jungle as quickly as possible.

As for Youto and Izayoi, although they are not participants in the game, there is no restriction on non-participants from entering the jungle, so they also walked in at this time.

And when entering the jungle for the first moment, Yudou frowned when he smelled the smell in the air.

"You said that Jarhard was a tiger orc, right?
But why am I in the air now, and smell something else?This smell is somewhat similar to ghosts, but it also smells like blood? "

As a half-demon, You Dou's sense of smell is obviously different from that of ordinary people, and besides the strong smell of blood, You Dou also found that this jungle seemed to have some different changes from the night before.

"Well, I also smelled a very strong smell of blood, and the animals in the jungle told me that the building in the center of "Fores Garo" gave off a very dangerous smell, and they dare not approach it."

Regarding Yuto's words, Yo also nodded in confirmation, but besides the smell of blood, Yo didn't smell any other strange smells.

And just as the few people continued to advance into the depths of the jungle, a big tree on the side, as if it had life, stretched out its tentacle-like vines and entwined towards the unsuspecting bird.

But fortunately, Dazzling and fast at the side, using the power of the griffin to control the airflow, a wind blade directly tore the vine into several sections.

"These trees are not ordinary trees, but have been "demonized"!"

Seeing the trees in front of him that could attack on their own and become extremely gloomy, Ren obviously knew more, so he immediately reminded him.

At the same time, Ren was quite surprised. From what he knew, Jard was supposed to be a tiger orc, and he didn't have the power to "ghost" trees.

Moreover, there is only one person in Jin's memory who can "ghost" such a number of plants...

(End of this chapter)

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