From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 525 The Sealed Sun

Chapter 525 The Sealed Sun
Bonus game name: "The PLED PIPER of HAMELIN"

Game participants: currently located in the outer gate of [-], the outer gate of [-], the contestants in the stage area of ​​the boundary wall, the sponsor and the community.

The contestants and organizers designate the leader of the game, the runner of the sun—Protoss White Yaksha.

The organizer's victory condition: subdue and kill all contestants.

Game participant victory conditions:
[-]. Defeat the game leader on the sponsor side.

[-]. Break the hypocritical inheritance and establish a real inheritance.

Oath: Respect the above content, based on the glory, flag and sponsor's authority, to host the gift game.

"GrimmGrimoireHameln" print
You Dou casually caught a black contract document that fell from the air, and the content and rules of the game described above were just like this.

As Yuuto had expected, the "Fire Dragon Birth Festival" this time was really not peaceful. The black contract document appeared, which meant that the demon king was coming, and because they were in the stage area, Yuto and the others were also involved. In this gift game.

When they sensed the arrival of the Demon King, no accident, the entire 3999999-4000000 people in the outer gate fell into panic.

In the lower level of Little Garden, the devil king is not a fun thing. Once the opponent appears, it means the demise of many communities and the death of personnel.

The originally cheerful festival, but because of the sudden attack of the Demon King, the whole venue fell into turmoil.

And Bai Yasha, the strongest class ruler who is the pillar of everyone's heart, was about to say something to calm people's hearts, when a black storm appeared in a spherical state and completely imprisoned her.

Shiraiyasha tried to break through, but she found that the black storm that imprisoned herself did not seem to come from someone's power, but from the power of the rules in the game

And as long as it is a rule in the gift game, then even if Shiroyasha's strength is awesome, he will not be able to disobey the will of the entire Hakoniwa world.

It is obviously unreasonable to be designated as the designated game leader of the game participants, but now he is sealed because of the rules.

Therefore, Black Rabbit, who has the authority to make judgments, quickly challenged the fairness of the gift game to the Hakoba Center. The organizer and the contestants also need to show up at the same time to explain whether the game is fair.

The devil has the right to force the gift game, but the content of the gift game must be fair, and even the devil can't change this.

Soon, in a hall of the "Salamandra" festival, "GrimmGrimoireHameln" who was the organizer, Sandora, the ruler of the northern district, and "No Name" all appeared on the conference table.

"GrimmGrimoireHameln" is Hamel's piper, and also the organizer of the attack.

"GrimmGrimoireHameln" There were three people who appeared on the conference table, one of them was a capable man with short black hair and wearing a military uniform.

One is a hot figure, wearing a white swimsuit, with a white cloak behind her, Yujie with elf ears.

As for the last person, it was a loli with rose-colored hair in a black and white spotted dress and a black headband.

Among the three, judging from their positions and attitudes, it is not difficult to see that the person in charge of "GrimmGrimoireHameln" is a loli wearing black spots.

In other words, the demon king community that attacked the venue this time is the three people in front of them, and its leader is the Lolita in front of him, and Lolita is the demon king!
As the referee of the gift game, Black Rabbit has the authority to judge and arbitrate the game. She can question the game held by the organizer and temporarily suspend the game.

But doing so is not without any cost. If there is indeed a problem with the organizer's gift game, the organizer will be punished to a certain extent.

But if there is no problem with the game itself, then the organizer can use the excuse of suffering innocent injustice to strive for more favorable game conditions that are not excessive.

Even with the right to arbitrate, Black Rabbit would generally not choose to interrupt the game. After all, the cost of doing so would be too high, and if one is not good, it will lead to a more unfavorable situation.

But under the circumstances at that time, Hei Tu couldn't choose either, because the rules of this gift game were too strange.

Knowing that Yasha is the designated game leader of the game participants, but he was sealed for unknown reasons, so he couldn't participate in the gift game at all. This is simply too outrageous.

Moreover, Shiraiyasha was originally the highest combat power on their side, and it was because of this that Mandela of "Salamandra" invited Shiraiyasha to participate in Sandora's succession ceremony.

But now the Demon King has arrived as promised, but Shiroyasha, who was originally the strongest insurance, is now sealed in the festival venue without doing anything.

"First of all, our gift game is absolutely fair, Baiye's protoss will be sealed, and it didn't violate the rules of the game at all.

Secondly, for the unjust injustice suffered by our community this time, I ask the referee to extend the interruption time of this gift game to the longest. "

"Hakoniwa Noble" Moon Rabbit's ears are connected to the entire Hakoniwa center, and they can also use their ears to judge whether the other party has the possibility of lying.

It is also for this reason that Kuroto has been invited by Shiroyasha to serve as a referee for various games.

As for Spotted Lolita, that is, Pester's statement, everyone looked at Heitu with anticipation at this time, expecting to hear the answer they wanted from him in the next second.

But soon, the black rabbit also drooped its ears with a disappointed face, because it had passed the answer she got from the Hakoniwa Center just now.

The demon king named Pest did not lie, the community where the other party was located did not violate the rules, and there was no violation of the gift game.

However, Black Rabbit felt a little puzzled by the conditions proposed by Pester. The other party actually planned to extend the interruption time of the gift game to the longest period?

If I remember correctly, there are two victory conditions for the game participants in this gift game. One is to defeat the game leader of the sponsor, and the other is to "break the false inheritance and establish a real inheritance."

That is to say, if the game participants want to win the gift game, they must meet two conditions at the same time.

The second condition is to establish a real inheritance is not difficult to understand, it should be a condition similar to solving a puzzle.

However, for the second winning condition similar to deciphering, the longer the gift game is interrupted, the longer the time left for the contestants to think?Isn't this more beneficial to the parties involved in the game?

If this is the case, why did "GrimmGrimoireHameln" as the organizer give up its own advantages?

Could it be that the Lord Demon King will be merciful sometimes, seeing that they have little chance of winning, so he deliberately releases water?
"Because the purpose of the opponent is to delay the time as much as possible. When the demon king attacked, most people should only notice the black documents falling from the sky, but they didn't pay attention to the black storm that raged around at the beginning.

There should be a lot of people in the venue now, and the body has already started to have adverse reactions, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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