From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 529 Acquired Another Lolita Demon King

Chapter 529 Another Lolita Demon King

The Black Death raged in the [-]s. At that time, because of its terrifying contagion and relatively poor sanitation conditions at that time, it caused a full one-third of the European population to be reduced.

Pest was originally the daughter of a European nobleman in the Middle Ages, and was considered by her father to be a pawn in marriage with other families.He did not go to school before his death, but he mastered reading and writing skills by self-study.

In order to improve the harvest failure of serfs due to global cold, he successfully practiced the new farming theory, so he was loved by serfs.

But after being infected with the Black Death, he was abandoned by everyone and even his family, and finally cursed everyone to die.

Because of the effect of the curse, Pest obtained the spiritual status, and wandered around Europe for hundreds of years as a wraith.

Whenever I see people who have the same experience as me, I will lead them away because I can't stand it, and before I know it, the number of such teams has reached [-] million!

If Mel is the heir to the will of the [-] children in "Hamel's Pied Piper".

Then Pestor is the trustee of the will of [-] million vengeful spirits, and Pestor, who has made achievements of [-] million vengeful spirits, is definitely a well-deserved son of the black dead spot.

White Yaksha will be sealed at the beginning of the gift game, and now the answer has come out.

In the [-]s, the sun entered an extremely short Little Ice Age due to its cycle.

The sun does not come out, the global climate is cold, and crops are not harvested. Infectious diseases like the "Black Death" naturally spread faster.

What White Yaksha itself represents is the runner of the sun.Of course, what Pest represents is the [-] million vengeful spirits in the [-]th century. During this period, the sun entered the ice age, and Shiroyasha was naturally sealed.

And that's why Pester wanted to take revenge on the sun. If it wasn't for the sun's laziness, the Black Death wouldn't be so rampant, and there wouldn't be so many dead souls on her body.

With one against four, Pester was knocked down again and again, but struggled to get up again and again.

To be reasonable, with [-] million resentful souls on his back, plus the blessing of Grimoire, Pester's strength has definitely reached the top five figures.

And its ability is both offensive and defensive, because it occupies the home court advantage, even if it is against four digits, it will not be too empty.

It's just unlucky that the aptitude of the opponent she encountered this time is really bad, and the black death virus, which makes people shy away, is often absorbed by the man opposite with an unknown black substance.

And Alger's gift of petrification can also easily break through the defense of the black death virus, and the black rabbit even took out the "Vajra Pestle" and other gifts of Godhead.

Although Pester's achievements are extremely remarkable, but he is only a novice demon king, so he can't stand such a wheel battle.

"Admit defeat, even for your subordinates who are still struggling.

Even as you said, the outbreak of the Black Death in the [-]th century was not simply a natural disaster, but was blessed by the stars.

But the idea of ​​changing the fate of history is not advisable. The historical process of human beings is a fixed number, and only after experiencing disasters again and again can human beings continue to evolve and grow. "

"You want to change the fate of the [-] million people who died of the Black Death, but have you ever thought about how many people will be responsible for their changed fate?

It is not advisable to change history, and it is too difficult. No one can control time, otherwise they will eventually disappear in the torrent. "

Pester glanced at La Ting, who was already dying in Dean's hands, and then at Weser, who was pressed and beaten by Izayoi, with a tangled expression on his face.

Although the members of the Devil King Alliance once said that Weser and La Ting could be regarded as abandoned children, Pest always regarded them as his important companions.

They trust themselves so much, but if they abandon them, then what is the difference between them and those who abandoned her because of the Black Death.

But with [-] million resentful spirits on his back, even if he gave up revenge on the sun, at least he would have to change their fate.

"This gift game, 'GrimmGrimoireHameln' has no chance of winning.

Even if you are unwilling to admit defeat, the final result is that you and your two subordinates will die together.

Moreover, can revenge against the sun really change the fate of those [-] million people?The person who told you that should not be His Highness and the others, right? "

Originally, Pester's expression was a little hesitant, but when he heard Yuto say the name of "Your Highness", his expression showed a look of extreme surprise.

"Sure enough, but you probably don't know it yet, not only your two subordinates, but you are also regarded as an abandoned son.

Let's make a deal, give up the gift competition here, and join my community. In exchange, I will do my best to find a way for you to change the fate of [-] million resentful spirits.

Whether to choose to admit defeat, or be beheaded here, the final choice is yours. "

If it was an ordinary demon king, Yuu Dou would have slashed the opponent with a single knife by now, and would never choose to talk too much nonsense with the opponent.

But for Pest in front of him, Yuuto felt that the other party was not a bad existence, even an extremely affectionate existence.

To be able to take revenge on the invincible sun for the sake of [-] million vengeful spirits who have never met before, but also to be shaken by the goal he insisted on because of the safety of two subordinates.

If possible, such a person Yuto really doesn't want to kill easily, and because he is used to accepting younger brothers in other worlds, the occupational disease of the monster master is also coming up now.

"Can you really help me change the fate of [-] million resentful spirits? Why should I believe that what you said is true, instead of just using me like His Highness?"

Pester looked at Yuto in front of him with a suspicious expression on his face.

"I can only say that I will do my best, but I can't guarantee that I can do it.

As for whether you believe it or not, it depends entirely on your own judgment. As for whether I will use you like His Highness and the others, I can guarantee that everyone who becomes my partner will be regarded as a family member.

And I, Youdou of the Heavenly Court, even if I become a devil, I will never betray my beloved family! "

"And let you join my community, not because of your strength, but now that you surrender to my community or fall into other communities, the ending will not be too good.

As the demon king who disrupted the "Fire Dragon Birth Festival", "Salamandra" cannot let you go.

As for "No Name", it is the community of the Eastern District. Even if they accept you as the Demon Lord, the stratum ruler of the Eastern District is Shiroyasha.

However, the community I am in now, "Ghost Travel", is different. My identity is the Demon Lord, and the members Algar and Leticia are also former Demon Lords. "

(End of this chapter)

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