From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 532 Maxwell is in a panic now

Chapter 532 Maxwell is in a panic now
(Seeing that the author released a new book yesterday, many people were worried that I would become an eunuch, but it is impossible to be an eunuch.

The new book is only for full-time reasons, and I want to get an extra full-time job. After all, the manuscript fee for this book is really not enough to eat, and I will mainly focus on the old book, and with my character, You don’t need to worry that I will enter the palace at all ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭

"No Name" had been attacked by the demon king a few days ago, causing the community to almost collapse, and the flag had already been taken away by the opponent.

Now the so-called "Alliance of Devil Kings" has meddled in the horn of Star Sea Dragon King?If it is said that all this is a coincidence, Shiraiyasha absolutely does not believe it.

In other words, this so-called "Alliance of Demon Lords" is very likely to be the same demon king who attacked "No Name" a few years ago.

As for their purpose of doing this, it is very likely to release "absolute evil" and then destroy the entire Little Garden?

"Boy, can you explain in detail, what kind of guys are the so-called "Devil King Alliance"?"

While everyone was rushing back to the community of "Salamandra" from the [-]th outer gate at an extremely fast speed, Shiroyasha did not forget to ask Yuuto what the "Devil King Alliance" was about what a guy.

And hearing Shirayasha's inquiry, the others also shifted their gazes to Yuuto. Obviously, it would be good to know a little more about the enemy who is about to fight.

"There were three people I saw, and according to them, they were all demon kings.

As for strength, two of the demon kings are probably at the top five-figure level, stronger than Pest. As for the one called "His Royal Highness", I can't understand it at all. "

Hearing what Yuto said about the combat power of the "Devil King Alliance", everyone was stunned for a moment, it was much stronger than the combat power of "Hamel's Piper".

The previous "Hammel's Piper" almost captured the entire outer gate of the North District, and now the stronger "Devil Alliance" is so difficult, it is natural to imagine.

When Yuto and his group came to "Salamandra", they immediately realized that something was wrong, the whole "Salamandra" was too silent.

And when they walked into "Salamandra", they found that all the lizardmen who were in charge of guarding fell to the ground.

"Master Sandora, Lord Mandela, someone has invaded our community, and the strength of the person who came is very... powerful."

The lizardman in charge of guarding, after seeing Sandora and Mandela, uttered such a sentence with great reluctance, and then completely lost consciousness.

On the other side, His Highness and the others, who were still breaking the Xinghai Dragon King's tomb protection technique, also noticed the movement from outside at this time.

"That's why I said a long time ago that the chess pieces you are looking for are useless at all, and you said that you carefully arranged a gift game for her. Didn't the game be cracked by others in less than a day?"

Beside His Highness and the others, a young man with chestnut hair was sarcastically speaking to Cai Liling and the others about their previous plan.

When Cai Liling introduced His Highness to Yudou before, she once said that His Highness is the leader of the Demon King Alliance - Ouroboros, but judging from the young man's attitude towards him, it is completely impossible to see how much respect he has for His Highness .

"What do you think, Maxwell, how about buying us more time now, instead of mocking how badly our plans have failed?
If this operation fails, not only us, but you also have no way to explain to those above.

Your Highness and the others definitely dare not do anything, so who do you think will bear the consequences of the failure of this operation? "

Cai Liling looked at Maxwell in front of her, and while speeding up the breaking technique, she spoke to Maxwell in cold language.

"Tsk, you also know who the guy is, I can only try to buy you some time, if the situation is not right, I will choose to run away immediately.

Anyway, the instruction given to me by the above is to let me be responsible for monitoring you. If there are mistakes in decision-making, it is your own problem. "

Although Maxwell was in an extremely unhappy mood at the moment, after hearing Cai Liling's words, he still reluctantly went to delay the time.

Because no matter what, they must get the horn of the Xinghai Dragon King, otherwise it will have a great impact on the future plans of the Demon King Alliance.

"Old Ge, please help that fellow Maxwell, he may not be able to hold on for too long on his own.

I didn't expect that the new ruler of the northern district was so capable. Pester-chan's gift game was cracked in less than a day, and even the bell took a day. "

Cai Liling and the others from before were extremely confident in Pester's gift game, thinking that it would definitely be okay to delay for a few days.

However, he never expected that besides the sealed White Yaksha, there would be such a troublesome guy in the northern district.

"Could it be that Yudou and the others from the previous Tianshangyuan intervened?"

Graiya, that is, Ge Lao in the mouth of the bell, guessed.

"Although there is this possibility, but as a community of demon kings, Yuto of the Tenshangin, it should be impossible to stand in the same camp as the class rulers.

Moreover, we have only been in contact with each other for a short time, and it stands to reason that the other party should not be able to know our purpose. "

"No matter what, let you speed up the progress of deciphering the spell, and Elder Ge and I will try our best to buy you enough time.

That guy Maxwell is unreliable at all, whether it is the horn of the Star Sea Dragon King or the simulated star creation map, they are very important to our future plans.

And once this plan fails, knowing that our target is Bai Yasha and the others, they will definitely protect these two things more closely, and the next time they want to make a move, it will be far from as simple as it is now. "

After leaving such a sentence, His Highness also stood up with Graiya, and then went to Yudou and the others to stop them on the only way they must pass.

As for the other side, Maxwell, who set off first, had already encountered Yuto and his group and started fighting.

Maxwell, the Demon King Alliance—the cadre of Ouroboros, a four-digit demon king, is also the person sent by the Demon King Alliance to monitor His Highness and their actions.

Although before leaving, Maxwell acted rather unassuming, but Maxwell is actually quite a proud person.

Because of its own characteristics, coupled with the strength of the four-digit demon king, it can almost achieve the level of rampant in the entire lower level of Hakoniwa.

Regarding the entire Lower Hakoniwa, he thinks that Shiroyasha is the only one who needs a little attention. As for the others, in the face of four-figure strength, they are undoubtedly a bunch of chickens and dogs.

However, when such a confident and narcissistic Maxwell came to the aisle and encountered Yuto and his group, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Because the opponent's lineup is completely different from what he thought before, even he never thought that there are so many awesome existences in the lower level of Little Garden, so why should he block the hammer alone!

Sandora, the ruler of the northern region, Shirayasha, the ruler of the eastern region, Kuroto, Izayoi, Yuto, Alger, Leticia, and Pest, all five-digit levels or Above combat power!

(End of this chapter)

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