From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 534 The Second "Complete Canon" Candidate

Chapter 534 The Second "Complete Canon" Candidate

"Whether the strongest races and vampires can do this, I can't confirm.

But when it comes to the name Maxwell, the first thing that comes to mind is Maxwell's demon, which is a paradoxical phenomenon that cannot be judged whether it exists.

If the prototype and achievements of this demon king come from the imagination of that physicist Maxwell, then it is really hard to say whether it has an entity. "

Yuto also met another Maxwell in "Blessings to a Beautiful Different World" before, and the identity of the other party was one of the Seven Dukes of Hell.

Its ability is to interfere with other people's cognition, make falsehood become reality, and reality become a lie, that is, a true lie.

And the Maxwell in front of him now, although his abilities are somewhat different from the devil Duke Maxwell he met before, but there is no doubt that his abilities are also extremely tricky.

Because it is a paradox, whether it exists is a problem. When encountering such an enemy, how can we kill him?

"Clap clap clap clap!"

"As expected of a person whom both Ling and His Highness value, but after hearing Maxwell's name, and through a short fight, have you already guessed most of that guy's essence?

That's right, that guy is the physical phenomenon proposed by the physicist Maxwell, a paradox demon commonly known as "Maxwell's Demon".

Because there is no real reason, even if it is beaten to pieces, it can also be restored to its original shape. It is a monster whose vitality is as tenacious as a cockroach. "

Accompanied by a burst of crisp applause, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly walked out from the end of the aisle.

And the figure who applauded and spoke just now is the tall figure among them, and the other party is also one of the three people who had contacted You Dou before, but the other party did not speak at that time.

"Glea, you bastard! Don't think I really dare not kill you!"

Hearing that Graia began to expose his information like an enemy, Maxwell, who was still hiding in the dark, finally couldn't sit still, and showed his figure in front of everyone again.

And just like Yuto said, Maxwell, who was torn apart by his slash before, was completely fine, and now he appeared in front of everyone without any injuries.

"Boy Yudou, are they what you call the "Devil Lord Alliance"?"

While Graiya was fighting with Maxwell, Yuto and Shiroyasha were also communicating in secret.

Apparently Bai Yasha also noticed that although the opponents belonged to the same camp, they didn't seem to be very good at each other.

In the Hakoniwa world, whether it is a demon king or a god Buddha, generally speaking, one's own godhead or spiritual origin is the most core secret.

Because once someone knows what his merits are, in his own gift game, he will be easily overthrown and targeted, just like Pester before.

So, like Graia and Maxwell, who unceremoniously exposed their younger brothers, strictly speaking, it is not just a matter of bad relationship, but the degree of wishing Yuuto to kill each other.

"They are indeed the guys I met before, that Highness is also here, but there is still a little girl missing.

Presumably, their purpose has not been completed yet, and the reason for His Highness and the others to appear here may be to delay time. "

Originally, according to His Highness's plan, Pester's gift game should be able to buy more time, but no one thought that the Yuto who was involved in it would speed up the cracking time of Pester's gift game, and Pest also incorporated into its own community.

Thinking of this, His Highness lifted his hood, revealing a head of dazzling white hair, and looked at Yuuto with those eyes without emotion fluctuations and said: "Sure enough, what Suzu said is absolutely right.

If you can't be our companion, it will definitely become the biggest obstacle to our trip. "

After His Highness watched You Dou say such a sentence, he disappeared without warning in the next moment, and when he reappeared, the person had already appeared in front of You Dou!
With no fluctuating expression, he clenched his right fist tightly and directly punched Yuto's abdomen.

teleport?Spatial ability?No, it's just because the opponent's speed is so fast that Yudou can't even reach it with the naked eye.

Originally, Shiroyasha who was beside Yuto saw how His Highness acted, and raised the paper fan in his hand for a moment, setting off a gust of hot wind to hit His Highness.

However, in the face of the hot wind from the sun that can instantly evaporate the moisture from a person's body, His Highness didn't stop in his footsteps, and punched Yudou directly.


Accompanied by a sound like glass shattering, the hot wind created by Shiraiyasha was actually shattered by His Highness's fist.

And while smashing Shiroyasha's gift, His Highness's fist also hit Yuto's abdomen with unabated power.

The severe pain made Yuto almost spit out bitter water, and at the moment when his body was about to take off into the air, Yuto also forcibly endured the severe pain, pulled out the divine protection around his waist, and at the moment his body flew out, he rotated his body to the opponent Take a stab at the neck as the vital point!

Even if he was injured eight hundred, at least one thousand must be paid back to the other party!
Although Yu Dou didn't think that such a knife could end His Highness, but he received a heavy punch from the opponent in vain. If he didn't leave something for the opponent, it would be unreasonable.

However, when God's Blessing, which is invincible and whose level is comparable to the divine weapon Kusanagi Sword, is even more a spiritual weapon in Hakoniwa World, cuts at His Highness's seemingly slender neck, something that surprised Yuto happened again!
When God Bless's blade was about to hit His Highness's neck, it was bounced away by an inexplicable force!
You must know that ever since Youdou obtained God's Blessing, coupled with his increasingly sophisticated sword skills, since he has thoroughly mastered the profound art of "Fenglin Volcano", there are almost no things that he cannot develop.

Before even the meteorite was split open by him with a single knife, but now it was only slashed at one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, and the blade was actually bounced off!
Before Yuto could think about the power to bounce his blade, what power came from it, the next second Yuto's body flew upside down like a cannonball, and smashed through several thick walls of "Salamandra".

And from His Highness's sudden attack, to smashing Shiroyasha's gift, to Yuto's passive counterattack, and then being punched flying, although the series of actions seem to be many, they all happened in the blink of an eye.

All the people around, except for a few four-digit levels who saw clearly what happened just now, thought that everyone else realized that just a moment later, His Highness came in front of You Dou, and then You Tou was killed by a group of people. The punch was blown away!
And after Bai Yasha had seen the whole story clearly, his eyes were constantly switching between His Highness and Sixteen Yeye, his expression was full of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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