From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 537 Snatching the Simulated Star Creation Map

Chapter 537 Snatching the Simulated Star Creation Map

Also because of this knife, the other people who were still fighting each other at this time were all stunned in shock.

There is no way, the momentum caused by You Dou's knife is too huge, the space is completely torn apart, and the earth is completely separated.

And even Shiroyasha could feel that Yuto's knife had even surpassed the level that four digits should have!

"Sure enough, I still haven't grasped the essence of that knife.

Otherwise, even if someone takes your scapegoat, it should be impossible for you to escape the knife just now! "

That's right, under Youdou's sword of extreme martial arts, His Highness still survived in the end.

It's not because "Leo" is so powerful that it can resist Yuto's strongest secret, but at the last moment, Maxwell used his "space transfer" power to come to His Highness, actively pushed him away, and ate it himself. With this knife.

And the reason why Maxwell would do this was not because he had a good relationship with His Highness, but because he knew very well the importance of His Highness to the "Devil Lord Alliance-Ouroboros".

Once His Highness dies here, there will be no good results for him, so at the critical moment, Maxwell can only gamble on his almost immortality, push His Highness away with his body, and take the initiative to eat the knife.

Facts have proved that Maxwell's characteristics are really awesome, even after eating Yuto's knife that shocked everyone in the audience, he still didn't die completely.

Because Yuto could feel that Maxwell's aura was still there, which meant that the other party was indeed not dead.

However, after eating this knife, You Dou could also feel that Maxwell's aura was far less powerful than before. Obviously, although this knife could not completely kill him, it also affected him somewhat.

As for His Highness on the other side, seeing a deep knife wound on his right arm, there was still an expression of lingering fear on his face at this moment.

Although the slash just failed to hit him directly because of Maxwell, but the injury left on his arm obviously also shows that the gift of "Leo"'s solar sovereignty can't produce any effect in front of the slash just now. !

With one blow, the space was torn apart, the earth was divided, and a four-digit demon king was hacked to death directly. While everyone was still in a trance, Yuto clutched his arm and continued towards a certain echo explosion. shoot away.

At this time, in the sky in that direction, there was a high-pitched dragon cry, and when a starry sky like a star map was reflected in the night sky, it finally awakened everyone's consciousness.

But when His Highness and the others wanted to stop it, they found that You Dou had come quite close to where Bell was.

Looking at the huge star map printed in the sky, Yu Dou also felt a little guilty at this time, because if the current star map is the place where "Salamandra" seals the relics of the Star Sea Dragon King...

Then when they were fighting, Ling should have not broken through the restriction, and the spell would be destroyed, all because of Yuto's last knife, which completely abolished the restriction!

Bell, who was currently cracking the spell, obviously didn't expect that the sudden shaking of the ground earlier made her feel quite uneasy.

But who knew that in the next second, the spell in front of him, which would have taken some time to decipher, would be broken in an instant.

Regardless of why a canyon-like gully suddenly appeared, looking at the shining star map and dragon horn in front of him, Ling reached out to take it out without thinking.

And just when she stretched out her hand to hold the horn of Xinghai Dragon King, a strong sense of death crisis instantly enveloped her whole body.

In the next second, five deep claw marks had been left on the position where Ling was standing just now. As for Cai Liling's figure at this time, she had already arrived at another position.

"Teleportation? Or is it the same as the previous Maxwell, the space ability of movement?
If it wasn't for the knife you swung forward before, which caused your arm to be temporarily scrapped, even if you used an ability I don't know about, you shouldn't be able to dodge just now. "

At this time, You Dou's entire right arm was completely drooping, and Shen You had already retracted the scabbard by him, and the attack method on Ling just now was completely a claw attack using demon power.

In order to get rid of the entanglement of His Highness's arrival, Yuto directly used the "Martial Song" that he had not fully mastered.

And because the current state of him and Shenyou is far from comparable to the previous "blackened" state, so forcibly cutting "Wuqu" with the sword, not only did not reach the power of the previous blackened state, but also it was not good for him and Shenyou. Brings a little side effect.

This side effect is that Shenyou is temporarily unable to enter the state of "Sword Spirit Liberation", and Yuto's right arm is temporarily in a scrapped state because it cannot withstand the previous knife.

Although the "regeneration" ability is constantly being repaired, it may not be a matter of time if he wants to continue wielding the knife.

In order to prevent the "Simulated Star Map" from falling into Cai Liling's hands, Yuto also put away another object that looked like a star map while forcing the opponent back.

And at this time, His Highness and Bai Yasha from a distance followed closely at the same time, and they separated into two camps with a tacit understanding.

"How about it, did you get it?"

When seeing that Ling was safe and sound, His Highness and Graiya were obviously relieved first, after all, although Ling's ability is very suitable for life-saving.

But after seeing Yuuto's knife before, both His Royal Highness and Graiya had to say that in front of a monster like the opponent, even a four-figure top demon king may not be able to be foolproof.

"Just after the spell was destroyed, that guy came over suddenly. He didn't get the "Simulated Star Creation Map·Xing Xing Tai Sui", but only got the horn of the Xinghai Dragon King."

When asked whether the purpose of this trip was achieved, Ling's small face also showed some frustration.

Although the horns of the Dragon King of Xinghai were the main purpose of their trip, the "Simulated Star Creation Map: False Star Tai Sui" is also quite important.

After all, in order to fight against those powerful demon kings of Ouroboros, their current strength is still somewhat insufficient, and "Void Star Tai Sui", according to the original plan, was originally used to increase the strength of His Highness.

"It's okay, Ling, you've done a good job. To be able to get the Xinghai Dragon King's horn from his hand is quite good. We all underestimated him before.

And if you can get the horn of the Xinghai Dragon King, this operation is not a complete failure, so let's retreat for now. "

If the opponent's strength is mediocre, His Highness and the others would naturally want to try to win back "Void Star Tai Sui", but the lineup on the opponent's face is really outrageously luxurious now.

Even if His Highness and the others are determined to make a comeback, they really have more than enough heart and power...

No, it should be said that if they stay here for a long time, they may not even be able to leave in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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