From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 539 The Strongest Community in the North District "Ghost Night Walk"

Chapter 539 The Strongest Community in the North Region "Hundred Ghosts at Night"

His Highness and the others left, and the turmoil in the North District has finally come to an end.

However, although they successfully resisted the attack of the Demon King and did not cause too many casualties, none of the people present could be happy.

Yuto originally planned to return the "Simulated Star Creation Map" to "Salamandra", but Sandra and Mandela's decision surprised Yuto.

Sandora actually said that although "Xingxing Taisui" is the property of Xinghai Dragon King, it should really belong to their "Salamandra".

But if it wasn't for You Dou, this simulated star creation map might have fallen into the opponent's hands long ago.

Moreover, in the current "Salamandra", there is no one who can use this "Simulated Star Creation Map". Instead of staying in "Salamandra" to collect dust and attract the coveted people, it is better to give it to Yuto.

Of course, as Hakoniwa's most precious item, the Simulated Star Creation Map, "Salamandra" was naturally not given to Yuto in vain.

In exchange, Yuto must agree that once the time is right, Yuto must assist "Salamandra" in revenge against His Highness and the others.

And when the North District encounters a disaster in the future, Sandora also hopes that Yudou and the community in which it is located can lend a helping hand.

It has to be said that although Sandora is young, she is really excellent in decision-making and judgment.

Although the "Simulated Star Creation Map" is good, if it cannot be used, it is just a decoration.

And no one knows whether His Highness and the others who coveted this thing before will make a comeback one day.

Rather than keeping something so dangerous and unusable, it would be better to trade it for a reliable ally.

From the information obtained before, it is not difficult for Sandora to hear that the so-called "Devil Lord Alliance" is targeting the entire Lower Hakoniwa.

That is to say, in the near future, the lower strata of Hakoniwa will face unknown attacks, and the eastern district has the strongest stratum, Shiroyasha, and "No Name", who performed well in this battle against the devil king.

But what do they have in the North District?Even myself, the "stratum ruler" of the North District, has just taken office, and his strength is barely five figures.

Although the leader of "Will o'wisp" is known as the strongest demon in the North District, he seldom appears. Even in this chaos in the North District, only Pumpkin Jack and Ayesha have contributed.

So to put it bluntly, the four areas in the lower Hakoniwa, if you really count them, their northern area is probably the weakest.

At first, Sandra and Mandela knew nothing about Yuto, but after getting to know them, they realized that Yuto was also from "No Name" in the Eastern District.

But its current community "Ghost travel" was established in the North District, so it is not a problem to say that it is a community in the North District.

So now that the crisis is approaching, "Salamandra" would naturally want Yuto and the others to stay in the North District if possible.

After all, the "Ghost travel" where Yuto is now, although the community has just been established, there are only five or six members at full count, but in terms of combat power, even calling it the strongest community in the lower Hakoniwa is a bit of a problem None.

"Ghost travel", a seven-figure community, has not been upgraded because it has not been established recently and has not participated in any large-scale gift games.

But its leader, Tianshangyuan Yudou, a half-ghost clan, holds more than two digits of gifts, and his peak combat power is unknown, but according to preliminary judgments, he is a four-digit top demon king.

Community staff officer Leticia, "Hakoniwa Knight", the pioneer of the class ruler system, a purebred vampire, although she lost her godhead, she still has a five-digit demon king at the peak level.

The second maid of the community, Alger, the most vicious demon star, the strongest kind of protoss, once had a problem with Hakoba, and has a four-digit level of demon king.

The newcomer to the community, Pest, who just became the No. [-] maid, the son of the black dead spot, because he did not die in this gift game, so the godhead was not lost, and the strength of the five-digit demon king is top-notch.

Even for Weser and La Ting, because Weser received Pest's godhead gift, judging from his ability to be able to harden steel at Izayoi and destroy one of his arms, he should also have a five-digit level.

As the weakest member of the community, La Ting was originally at a six-figure level, but after Yudou also endowed him with a "Godhead", his combat power was comparable to Weser's.

In Little Garden, the existence of the upper "godhead" or "spiritual rank" has the ability to bestow the lower "divine rank" or "spiritual rank".

Just like White Yaksha bestowed the "Godhead" on the white snake at the end of the world, and Leticia bestowed the "Spirituality" on the vampire Gard, the tiger man.

When Yuto came to the Hakoniwa world, although the half-ghost clan's spiritual status was not high, there was another extremely high spiritual status and even a godhead, that is the spiritual status of the "lord of monsters".

In the main world, when You Dou Li fought against Ye Renshen, his strength had already touched the ceiling of the lower realm's strength, and there was no monster in the main world that was stronger than him. The position of "Monster Lord" is well-deserved return!

La Ting is a mouse, and Yuto was endowed with the godhead as the "lord of monsters", so she naturally also obtained the spiritual status of "monsters".

However, probably because the identity of Yuto, the "lord of monsters", is not high enough, so there is only one "godhead" that he can bestow.

Originally, Yuto intended to bestow this divinity on Leticia, but Leticia, who seldom rejects Yuto, refused this time.

On the one hand, it was because this godhead was not suitable for her, and on the other hand, it was because Leticia herself had a stronger godhead, but it was temporarily lost now.

This also led to today's La Ting, who was so grateful to You Dou that he burst into tears, and his respect for him even surpassed that of Pest, the original owner.

Because even she herself didn't expect that they lost the gift game, not only did she not receive any punishment, but she even obtained the "Godhead" because of it, and her strength increased greatly.

And compared to the original "Hamel's Piper", La Ting feels that their current community "Ghost travel" is much more powerful than before.

The only thing that makes La Ting feel a little lost is that she looks at Lady Leticia, Lord Alger, and Lord Pest behind Master Youdou, and there is a strong resentment in La Ting's name.

Her figure is too good, this one with protruding front and back is totally not the loli figure Yuto-sama likes, how can she compete with other adults in the community for Yuto-sama's favor?
But all in all, the community where Yuto is now "Ghost travel", although it is a demon king community, should not be tolerated by "class rulers", but now it has become a special case among special cases, and is specially allowed to establish in the northern district. station.

Some people set up the rules, and naturally some people break them. The previous stratum ruler system was created by Leticia, so it seems that there is no big problem for them to break the rules with "Ghost travel".

And this also proves that once the strength reaches a level beyond the constraints of the rules, then it is really possible to ignore all rules and regulations.

(End of this chapter)

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