From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 553 The True Purpose of the Demon King Alliance

Chapter 553 The True Purpose of the Demon King Alliance

The direction that Aziz Dakaha is heading now is indeed Yuto's southern district where they are, because as the final trial of human beings, he can feel that the person who may defeat him is here.

What is the "final trial of mankind" is the final trial that humans have to overcome, and at the same time, this is also Aziz Dakaha's own wish.

The news of "Absolute Evil" escaping from the seal was soon known to the entire Hakoniwa, but before Shiroyasha sought assistance from Hakoniwa's upper management, Hakoniwa's upper management told Shiro Yasha their decision first.

That is because the gods and Buddhas on the upper level of Little Garden are afraid of Aziz Dakaha, but they abandon the entire middle and lower levels of Little Garden to separate them from the current Little Garden as the price of sealing Aziz Dakaha.

In name, it sounds nice to be called a seal, but in fact, it is intended that the entire middle and lower floors of Hako Garden will be buried with Aziz Dakaha, so that he will never reach the area above the third floor of Hako Garden.

As for the decision that will be made, it can also be seen how afraid the gods and Buddhas at the upper level of Little Garden are for the existence of Azi Dakaha.

It's not that they didn't think about eradicating "Absolute Evil" before, but as long as there is a simulated star creation map like "Avesta", all races other than humans are basically impossible to be his opponents.

Knowing that Aziz Dakaha might come to the Southern Region, all the communities in the entire Southern Region panicked, and most of them even wanted to seek refuge in other regions.

Although everyone in Sarah in "Dragon Horn, Griffin and Lion" has been trying to inspire people, the actual effect is minimal. Not everyone has the courage to use "absolute evil" as an opponent.

However, just when most of the communities in the southern area were about to leave the southern area and seek refuge in other areas, Shiroyasha also exposed the decision of the upper level of Hako Garden to abandon the middle and lower levels of Hako Garden.

As soon as such news came out, the middle and lower levels of the entire Little Garden really panicked instantly.

Before they faced "Absolute Evil", they originally wanted to hold their ground and wait for the support from Hakoniwa's upper echelon.

But no one thought that because they had suffered too much in the past, now the upper management of Hakoniwa felt that they had completely abandoned them!

Bai Yasha also knew that once such a shocking news was exposed, the already tense situation would immediately fall into panic.

But she also knew that such a powerful drug must be used now to wake up some people who were still in a clear state.

The bosses at the top have already abandoned them, if you still want to escape now, you can only wait for Aziz Dakaha to slaughter them.

The North District and the West District have fallen one after another, and there is no way to resist Aziz Dakaha's god-level clone, let alone Aziz Dakaha's body.

Now the entire Southern District can be said to have gathered most of the combat power of the middle and lower floors of Hako Garden. If even this side falls, then the entire middle and lower floors of Hako Garden will really be over.

So what Shiraiyasha means is to let Yuto and Sarah form a big alliance against "absolute evil", gather all the power of the middle and lower levels, and resist Aziz Dakaha, just like "No Name" many years ago !
In order to buy more time for the alliance formed by Sarah and the others, Shiraiyasha even found Aziz Dakaha alone.

And he returned the "Yasha" spirit on his body to Buddhism, not only regained his own power, but also used his own "sponsor authority" and the power of the sun's sovereignty to forcibly trap Aziz Dakaha for a month. time.

However, although Shiraiyasha has regained her power, as the strongest protoss, she has nothing to do with Azi Dakaha.

And because he regained his power and broke the agreement with the gods and Buddhas, Shiroyasha will be forcibly recalled to the upper floor of Hakoniwa after one month.

And during this month, Yuto and the others not only had to clean up the clone left over from before Aziz Dakaha was sealed, but also continuously gathered all the existing power in the middle and lower floors of Hako Garden.

The strata in the western zone died in battle, Sandra, the stratum ruler in the northern zone, disappeared, and Bai Yasha, the stratum ruler in the eastern zone, was about to return to the upper strata, so the commander-in-chief of the big alliance against Aziz Dakaha could only be controlled by the southern zone Sarah, the floor ruler candidate, is here.

However, when the power of the middle and lower levels of the entire Little Garden was continuously gathered, a few unexpected guests came to the place where the alliance's current headquarters is located, making everyone here look wary.

And the people who came here were none other than the three members of the Demon King Alliance who had been in contact with Yuto and the others in the North District before, His Highness, Cai Liling, and Graiya.

Faced with Azi Dakaha who was about to escape again, the community in the alliance was exhausted. Now that several demon kings have come out, everyone is naturally facing an enemy.

However, when Sarah and the others were about to attack His Highness and the others in the face of bad intentions, the other party said that they also came to defeat "absolute evil".

"Don't be kidding, don't we know what you have done in the North District?

"Absolute Evil" will be released. In the final analysis, it is because of you, and now you are saying that you will come to help us defeat him or something. Do you think anyone will believe such nonsense? "

Regarding His Highness's words, Sarah looked annoyed, because of her younger sister Sandora's matter, she did not have the slightest affection for His Highness and the others.

He is still able to suppress his anger now, entirely out of his own identity and consideration of the overall situation.

"Releasing "Absolute Evil" is not something we can decide, but someone forces us to do so.

Of course, although we are not opposed to doing so, it is right. "Absolute Evil" has always been sealed. For Hakoniwa, it has always been an unstable factor. Haven't you thought about defeating it completely? "

Cai Liling's words directly made the surrounding Sarah and the others laugh. Before, they were also surprised. Your Highness and the others tried their best to release "Absolute Evil". What is the purpose? Unexpectedly, the other party gave such an answer .

"So in order to defeat "absolute evil", you released him? Do you know how many people will die because of this!"

"The road of a hero's growth is full of thorns and sacrifices, isn't it? Without the baptism of disaster and despair, how can a hero be conceived from thousands of people?"

Hearing Cai Liling's sophistry, Sarah finally couldn't stand it and was ready to do something, but was stopped by Yuto beside her.

"I see, is your purpose of releasing "Absolute Evil" to create heroes?

But why do I feel that that hero may not necessarily be His Highness behind you? "

Hearing Yudou's words, Ling and the others were obviously stunned for a moment, but soon, Ling smiled again and said: "I admit that you are very strong, brother Youdou, but even you can't defeat it" Absolutely evil."

"Of course, I am also quite aware of this point, after all, only pure human beings can defeat 'Absolute Evil'.

But why can't it be someone other than His Highness? "

(End of this chapter)

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