From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 560 "Ultimate Evil" Fights "Absolute Evil"!

Chapter 560 "Ultimate Evil" Fights "Absolute Evil"!
The arrogant and unruly style of breaking the army, the lazy and steady mountain of giant gates.

Because it has become the "ultimate evil" that represents the negative emotions of human beings, Yuuto's moves now also carry a lot of negative energy.

In addition to the surge in the power of the moves, the same negative emotions will also affect those who are not firm-willed, causing them to degenerate and even go berserk.

Of course, because Aziz Dakaha is also one of the final trials of mankind, and he is the villain representing "absolute evil", these negative emotions have little effect on him.

But there is no doubt that because of the influence of these negative emotions, Yudou's Fenglin Volcano is now comparable to the esoteric level in every style.

The Shadow Blade was successfully resisted, and Az Dakaha didn't feel any surprise. Rather, he would be too disappointed if Youdou was killed like this.

From the perspective of the human nature they represent, Yuto's "Ultimate Evil" is indeed stronger than his "Absolute Evil" in terms of force.

But I am a veteran demon king who has been the "Final Trial of Humanity" in Hakoniwa for many years, and a strong man who has fought against millions of gods. Yuto, as the "Final Trial of Humanity", is now considered a moe with good potential. Just new.

With a body that is [-] meters high and one arm alone, it is as thick as a huge commercial building. Such a punch directly hit Youdou on the ground, which also directly caused an earthquake on the ground, and the ground instantly cracked.

And because compared to Aziz Dakaha's current size, Yuto's body is hardly even the size of an ant.

The area covered by the opponent's fist is already about ten meters around Yuto, and Azi Dakaha's body has become so big, but the speed and strength have not been weakened in the slightest, but have become stronger !
With such an outrageous attack range and attack distance, it is no longer an attack that can be dodged through a few movements.

To put it bluntly, a small step by Aziz Dakahama is equivalent to a marathon.

A huge fist fell from the sky, and the towering black mountain before was crushed and shattered inch by inch under the crush of the fist.


With an earth-shattering sound, a super-large crater with a radius of tens of kilometers was instantly formed on the ground.

Just one punch caused a natural disaster-level blow to the landscape, and such a punch, not to mention that it is impossible for ordinary people to run ten kilometers away in an instant, even if they ran several kilometers away, they would still suffer. Certainly affected.

Is it an exaggeration to smash the ground with a radius of ten kilometers with one punch?For others, although it is quite outrageous, it is indeed a rare and common thing for Azi Dakaha, who is currently a giant of [-] meters.

A large area of ​​collapsed ground, Aziz Dakaha stared at the position of his fist, but his expression did not succeed in crushing the enemy's joy at all.

Because he could clearly feel that Yu Dou was not only not dead, but nothing happened at all.

And keeping his fist hitting the ground, Aziz Dakaha could feel that under his fist, a powerful force was constantly lifting his fist up.

Accompanied by a burst of blue veins in his arm, Aziz Dakaha's arm suddenly exerted force, and the ground collapsed again. Aziz Dakaha tried to crush Youdou under his fist with stronger strength.

But soon, he found that the fist he had pressed down just now was like squeezing a sponge, constantly floating upwards.

When this happened, it wasn't that Aziz Dakaha didn't use his full strength, but an unbelievably powerful force under his fist was fighting against him.

And You Dou, who was under the deep pit at this moment, did indeed make a one-handed punching action at this moment, and the object of the punching with him was Azi Dakaha who used the Dragon's Shadow.

After becoming the "Final Trial of Humanity", Yuto's "Ghost Power and Chaos God" skill has naturally also evolved, and his own strength has also increased significantly.

In terms of strength, he may not be the opponent of Aziz Dakaha, but he will not be completely crushed.

Feeling the terrifying power coming from his right hand, Yuto slowly extended his left hand to the handle of the Divine Blessing Saber at his waist.

Just when Az Dakaha was about to use stronger power again to completely crush Yudou under his fist, a black flame soaring to the sky suddenly burned from under his fist.

"Fenglin Volcanic Flow Three Styles, Aggressive Like Fire—Wrath of Greedy Wolf!"

The raging black flames, like a creeper, crawled towards Aziz Dakaha's entire arm at an extremely fast speed with a strong aggressiveness.

And Az Dakaha obviously also discovered these black flames in an instant, not only very ominous, but also quite dangerous.

Just when the flames were about to spread to his body at an extremely fast speed from his arm, Azi Dakaha actually endured the severe pain caused by the burning, and directly violently tore off his arm.

Although Az Dakaha's current body is [-] meters tall, and his figure seems to be in a physical state, but it is only the power of "Dragon Shadow".

In other words, what formed his huge body now was just his shadow. Although an arm was torn off, the impact on his body was not too great.

And he made such a decisive decision, naturally because Azi Dakaha could clearly feel how important and dangerous the black flame just now was.

And the facts also proved that what Aziz Dakaha did just now was absolutely correct.

As soon as the huge arm was separated from the body, it was completely covered by black flames at an extremely fast speed, and melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the fire became more and more intense. Even after losing Yuuto's control, the flames did not seem to be going to subside the meaning of.

And as his arm was gradually engulfed by black flames, Aziz Dakaha could also feel that the gift of his "Shadow of the Dragon" seemed to be missing a part.

And the missing part seems to be the part that is being burned by the black flame at the moment. This black flame of the other party can actually burn the gift!

"I have a very keen intuition. After I became a human being in the final trial, the power of "Aggression Like Fire" may not have improved much compared to other moves, but it is definitely one of the most difficult abilities.

Using the anger of human beings as fuel, as long as the anger of human beings is not extinguished, the black flame will also not be subdued until there is nothing left to burn, even if its object is a gift! "

Waving Shenyou, who was still wrapped in black flames in his hand, sheathed it, and Youdou also slowly walked out of the deep pit at this moment.

And looking at the black flames that had completely swallowed his arm within a few dozen breaths, Azi Dakaha also showed a rare look of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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