From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 563 Deluxe version of the Overlord's Light Wheel!

Chapter 563 Deluxe version of the Overlord's Light Wheel!

Di Shitian was completely suppressed by Youdou, and Xiangtian not only had no advantage at all, but was completely suppressed by Youdou.

The situation on the Jiao Demon King's side was not much better. It was planned to form a gang fight, but now he was alone in a one-on-one fight with Azi Dakaha.

Although the seven demon kings are very famous in Hakoniwa World, but they are "absolutely evil" Azi Dakaha, with the simulated star creation map-Avesta in hand, non-human beings are no match at all.

It was agreed before that he was only a support, but now he has become the main output, and it was said that the final trial of human beings is only "absolute evil", but now there is an "ultimate evil", which is still a hammer. .

The best way now is for Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King to take the time to evacuate, and let the two humans continue to tear each other in the final trial. Even if one of them suffered casualties before, the other cannot be unscathed.

And if they continue to fight the two humans in the final trial, Di Shitian and the Jiao Demon King have no chance of winning at all.

But now the point is, the two of them have evacuated, what about the gods and Buddhas who came with them before?Isn't this a clear way to sell teammates?

And after learning that Yuto chose to become the "Final Trial of Humanity" in order to save the lower levels of Hakoniwa, he felt that if they left like this, even if the two human beings were torn apart in the final trial, Yuuto would not be able to grow in strength Aziz Dakaha opponent.

It seemed that he could also see Di Shitian's hesitation, so You Dou took the initiative to explain: "It is impossible for those suppressed gods and Buddhas to have trouble, at least he still needs these fertilizers before Azi Dakaha defeats me.

If the two of you leave now, because of the absence of the Flood Demon King, it will relieve me a little bit of pressure.

And even if you are struggling to support here, you can't do anything at all, but will only get in the way. "

You Dou's words are quite blunt, but it is indeed true, and even if Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King can help him, You Dou does not want them to intervene.

Although the mission did not clearly state that he and Az Dakaha had to fight one-on-one, but what if...

After much hesitation, Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King finally withdrew and came to the place where Sarah and the others were.

And when the people at the lower levels of Hakoniwa learned that even a three-digit figure and a close-to-three-figure boss with a group of five-figure gods and Buddhas can't do anything to Aziz Dakaha, and the strongest kind of god who is aloof When they were still reduced to fertilizer, everyone also looked dignified.

The situation is becoming more and more confusing. No, two "final trials of mankind" appeared in the same area at the same time. This kind of thing is unprecedented.

But on the battlefield at this time, because of the departure of Di Shitian and Jiao Demon King, Yudou and Azi Dakaha immediately conducted a second round of human trials to tear each other.

But the situation has changed completely differently from before. Using the simulated star creation map—Avesta imitated a large number of gods and Buddhas present, and integrated the power into himself Azi Dakaha, the strength has completely surpassed the current Youto.

The previous [-]-[-] situation has now been completely reversed, and Aziz Dakaha has the absolute advantage.

You Dou is definitely not a soft-hearted person. In order to save the situation, he even wanted to kill the previous gods and Buddhas.

However, Azi Dakaha obviously also thought of Youto, and kept blocking Youto, and even sacrificed some god-level avatars to save the lives of these gods when it was unavoidable.

It's a bit ironic to say that they came to attack "Absolute Evil", but now "Absolute Evil" is protecting them.

And these gods and Buddhas who were surrounded by Azi Dakaha's gods and did not kill them felt ashamed after knowing their current position.

I think they are one of the strongest gods in Hakoniwa, but now they are only qualified to be fertilizers in the face of the final trial of two humans.

After using "Avesta", Azi Dakaha has completely surpassed Yuto in terms of speed, strength, and the strength of gifts.

Although the battle between the two is still fierce, Sarah, Kuroto and others who are watching the battle from a distance can tell that under this situation, it is almost a matter of time before Yuuto loses.

Azi Dakaha punched Yudou, who was moving fast in the air, and the powerful impact even made his body fly out at supersonic speed.

Although the black mud transformed by "The Evil of This World" helped him bear part of the damage, Yuuto still spat out a mouthful of blood.

And this is not over yet, when You Dou flew backwards at supersonic speed, Aziz Dakaha's "Legacy of the Dragon" was also directly formed into a pair of dragon wings by his back.

In the next second, at a speed comparable to space movement, Azi Dakaha's body teleported to Yuto's side again.

He is obviously huge in size, but his speed is extremely astonishing, and Azi Dakaha, who is clasped with both hands, hits Yudou's body with a heavy hammer that has not yet recovered from the inertia of the inverted flight, with the posture of a meteor plummeting , smashed through the entire surface.

And because Azi Dakaha's speed was too fast, his heavy hammer didn't even have time to protect Youdou from the black mud surrounding him, and his body had already fully endured the heavy blow and was smashed to the ground.


A huge sound echoed around. It was obviously just a normal-sized person falling from the sky, but it caused a movement comparable to a meteorite falling to the ground, and even the ground shook slightly.

After You Dou suffered this blow, he also felt that all the bones in his whole body seemed to be broken, and his entire back felt a burning pain.

Even the current body has not completely disappeared due to the impact force, and is still sinking to the ground continuously, and it is afraid that it has been smashed into a place several kilometers deep.

Flapping his dragon wings and soaring in the sky, Azi Dakaha looked at the huge crater formed on the ground in an instant, but he still didn't choose to stop completely.

In the next second, golden rays of light and heat began to gather in the mouths of its three heads, and this clearly represented its essence, the signature gift of tyranny and war weapons "The Overlord's Light Wheel"!
The previous Azi Dakaha's "Overlord's Light Wheel" was resisted once by Yuto's Evil of the World.

But that time was a weakened version that was first consumed by the two aurora pillars of His Highness and Izayoi.

But the current "Overlord's Light Wheel" first uses "Avesta" to integrate the power of a large number of gods and Buddhas, and then adds the super deluxe version of "Legacy of the Dragon".

Compared with the original "Tyrant's Light Wheel", it is not a little bit stronger, and its power can be imagined.

The [-]-meter-tall Az Dakaha stagnated in the air, and the light and heat emitted by the "Overlord's Light Wheel" gathered in the three mouths at this moment even gave everyone a second sun in the sky. illusion!

(End of this chapter)

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