From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 571 Yudou's second simulated star creation map!

Chapter 571 Yudou's Second Simulated Star Creation Map!
"Is it a simulated star creation map? But the simulated star creation map you have should be useless at this time!"

Az Dakaha is naturally no stranger to the simulated star creation map, but he feels strange why the current Youdou can use his own simulated star creation map to increase his strength?
The effects of "Seven Deadly Sins" and "Avesta" are actually similar, except that "Seven Deadly Sins" can only be used on humans, while "Avesta" can only be used on non-human beings.

And because the user group is more harsh, "The Seven Deadly Sins" can not only gain strength through the negative emotions of human beings, but also guide and explode the negative emotions on them, lose their rampage or be dominated by Yuto.

However, what Aziz Dakaha is surprised at now is not the power of Yuto's simulated star creation map, but why Yuto's simulated star creation map can be used, and the surrounding gods, demons and godheads suddenly disappear, what is going on ?

Youdou didn't give an answer yet, but soon, Azi Dakaha and other gods and demons present also found the answer on Youdou.

I saw that there was not only one star map appearing behind You Dou, but two star maps!

One of the star charts is surrounded by darkness and depth, with only seven stars shining, as if to symbolize that the so-called "seven deadly sins" are the most sinful existence and the only hope.

The other star map is full of stars, which can be said to be extremely bright. The stars are like a bank hanging high in the sky, and in the front of the stars is the most shining morning star, as if guiding the stars forward!
If a star map represents a simulated star creation map, then Yu Dou at this moment proves that he has a second simulated star creation map and is still using it now.

The reason why these gods and demons on the third floor of Little Garden suddenly appear and disappear is probably because of the second ability to simulate the star map.

"Simulate the Star Creation Map—Hundred Ghosts at Night! This is the ability that I have when I become the second final human trial "Monster Theory".

Hundreds of ghosts travel at night, gods and Buddhas change!In the field of this creation star map, except for humans and monsters who can not be affected, the spiritual status of other races will appear "deterioration".

The stronger the spirit, the stronger the influence, and the "deterioration" of the spirit into a human is also to help you better overcome the trial.

After all, for gods and demons, if the spirit status is "degraded", the strength will be greatly reduced, and this wave of exchange is an equivalent exchange..."

Yuto hadn't finished speaking, but Azi Dakaha couldn't help but complain.

"God's level exchange! The gods and demons who have been "degraded" into human spirits, although their strength has been weakened, they are indeed better able to overcome the final human trials.

But your other simulated star creation map——The Seven Deadly Sins can perfectly restrain human beings. These gods and demons will only become your playthings from beginning to end! "

Regarding You Dou's shamelessness, Azi Dakaha now has some understanding, and bluntly expressed the current situation of these gods and demons.

And after hearing Azi Dakaha's words, Youdou, who slowly walked out of the black mud ball, also spread his hands, saying that the matter is almost like this, who let him who has two simulated star creation maps, his strength is too great It's strong.

"I finally understand why you followed me without hesitation when you knew my purpose of going to the upper floor of Little Garden.

It's not that you were irritated by me, but it was always me who was caught? "

It's really not Yuto's crazy behavior to follow Aziz Dakaha to the upper floor of Hakoba, but just as Aziz Dakaha said, things have always been in Yuto's plan.

Even Yuto, who was carrying two final human trials before, could only maintain a [-]-[-], or even a [-]-[-] situation when facing Azi Dakaha.

Moreover, such a chance of winning must be maintained under the condition that Aziz Dakaha fights to the death with himself and does not intend to run away.

The "Shadow of the Dragon" possessed by Az Dakaha formed dragon wings so fast that even Yuuto couldn't match it.

If the opponent wants to run away, Yuto, whose strength is almost the same as him, really has nothing to do with the opponent.

However, the situation is different now. Azi Dakaha, who was tricked, is on the third floor of Hakoniwa like Yuto, and under Yuto's series of calculations, his strength is now comparable to double digits.

Even if the current Aziz Dakaha wanted to run, it was impossible for him to get away from Yuto. Apart from staying and fighting Yuto to the death, Aziz Dakaha had no other way to go.

Standing in the void, You Dou just stretched out its arms to the left and right, and a transparent glass-like barrier was like an upside-down big bowl, completely covering all the surrounding areas.

The principle of the transparent barrier is actually similar to Yuto's previous use of "Ghost Way · Duankong", but because his strength has approached double digits now, the strength of this barrier is no longer as fragile as before .

Not to mention those gods and demons that have been greatly weakened due to the "deterioration" of their spiritual status, even if Azi Dakaha wants to force a breakthrough, it will not be a matter of time.

In the next final battle between the two major human beings, Az Dakaha really put his life on the line.

However, the current situation has completely reversed. The three-digit demon king Azi Dakaha, known as the "absolute evil" in the final trial of human beings, is almost completely beaten in front of the current Youto.

Even Azi Dakaha's powerful and destructive "Champion's Light Wheel" was torn apart by his bare hands with his sharp claws in front of Yuuto. It can be said that there is no suspense.

And until Yuto beat Aziz Dakaha to the point where he was exhausted, unable to move his body, and finally planned to seal him, Aziz Dakaha's aura as an "absolute evil" was undoubtedly revealed.

"It's still the same sentence as before, although I lost, you didn't win either. It's also the final trial of human beings, and you can't kill me.

You who are not human cannot cross me, and you are not the hero who stands on the top of the world and ends the doomsday. "

"The Ninety-Nine of the Dao: Forbidden!"

The belt and nails that suddenly appeared from the void sealed Aziz Dakaha's limbs in an instant.

"Bound Dao Ninety-nine and Two Swastikas——First Song, Zhibeng!"

More huge cloth strips wrapped around Aziz Dakaha's body to stop his movement.

"Two tunes and a hundred consecutive bolts!"

Dozens of thick iron thrusts pierced Aziz Dakaha's body, completely immobilizing him.

"The final song is forbidden too!"

A huge stele with a swastika fell from the sky, and finally Azi Dakaha, whose body was entangled to death, was completely suppressed under the stele.

Afterwards, Yuto released a large group of "evil in this world", allowing it to completely fix the stone tablet like cement.

(End of this chapter)

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