From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 83 Spider Princess: What if the lord likes this one?

Chapter 83 Spider Princess: What if the lord likes this?

Although Brother Spider and Sister Spider didn't know what happened to Spider Princess, they knew that the current Spider Princess is not what it used to be.

With the strength shown by the other party just now, he was able to slaughter the father of spiders except for the most tired and most powerful spider in the spider family.

With such strength, they can even match Tii, and if they choose to stand on the side of Spider Princess, maybe they can get rid of Tii's control because of this?
Not only Spider Princess, but other members of the Spider family have actually been tired of so-called "family games" for a long time.

It's a pity that Tired's strength is too strong, they can't resist at all.

And compared to being moody and tired, Brother Spider and Sister Spider also think that Spider Princess, who has always been timid, should be able to talk better.

And Tanjirou and the others who had already suppressed Spider's brother, when they heard that the two evil spirits actually called Spider Princess "mother", their faces suddenly flashed a bit of vigilance.

In fact, after Spider Princess "demonized" before, Tanjirou's remaining doubts about Spider Princess have been completely dispelled.

Because Spider Princess's body after being demonized, the smell on her body is similar to the smell on Big Brother Yudou before.

But when he heard the two evil spirits calling Spider Princess "Mom", Tanjirou showed his vigilance again.

And began to doubt the truth of what the other party said before. If it was false, then it would be less fortunate, because the strength of this female spider was obviously stronger than that of the big man just now.

And if it's true, Tanjiro just wants to show that Yuto-san really has a hand, and even the mother of two children has it.

Seeing that the two evil ghosts are not too young, this is the rhythm of directly enjoying being a father...

"Shut up, I'm not your mother, it's just a fake family game, you haven't taken it seriously before, have you?
Not as much as the guy lying on the ground did, but neither of you two are good. "

Regarding the intercession of the spider brother and the two, Spider Princess maintained a ruthless attitude and shot a few threads of spider silk to pierce their bodies. The strong paralyzing toxin instantly made the two collapsed to the ground.

Spider Princess doesn't have a sun blade, so she can't completely kill the evil ghost, so she can only choose to paralyze the opponent, and then urge Tanjirou and the others to make up the sword.

The reason for Zhu Ji's ruthless actions was not only that she was utterly disappointed with this so-called "family" from the very beginning, but she also kept a little selfishness.

Although Yudou said before that he would not transform other evil spirits, but who can say for sure.

The elder brother of the spider doesn't matter. With the honor of the other party, even if he becomes a monster, it is estimated that he is still ugly.

And the other party is still a male, so the lord should not be good at this, but seeing the beautiful appearance of the spider sister, the spider princess feels threatening.

Although the other party's body is a little flat, far from what he expects, but in case..., the lord likes this bite, what should she do with Spider Princess?
Therefore, in order to eliminate this possibility, Spider Princess resolutely stifled the possibility in the cradle.

Maybe even Spider Princess herself didn't realize that after she became a monster, she seemed to have become a little sick...

After freeing the father of the spider, who was worse than death, Tanjirou looked at the spider princess who had returned to the original, and swallowed directly, feeling that it would be better to stay away from the other party in the future.

Although the current Spider Princess is dignified, gentle, and peaceful, after he just saw the horror of the father of spiders, he can't believe his eyes at all now.

Like the previous Yudou-san, Tanjirou feels that the opponent's usual character cannot be used as a reference at all, because once they enter the battle, they will become completely different people...

At this time, not far from here, when Tanjiro and the others were fighting against the other evil spirits of the Spider Mountain family, Yuto also saw the main target this time.

The ghost of the spider named Tired, and it is also one of the twelve ghost moons as the fifth of the last string.

Tired's appearance is that of a short teenager, with white hair that is as close as the spider family. In the spider family, he also plays the role of a young "last son".

But in fact he is the strongest in the spider family. Most of the other members of the spider family are forced to gather together because they are afraid of being killed or threatened by the ghost killing team.

From beginning to end, people who are addicted to the "play house game" are only tired.

And probably because the experience of tiredness in childhood is somewhat similar to that of the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, so this ghost king's tolerance for tiredness is far more than others.

He even allowed him to behave in Natian Spider Mountain, but Tien looked like a child, but since he became an evil ghost, his age would not increase, so how long he lived was completely unknown.

"It seems that you are the so-called Twelve Ghost Moon, and it would always give me some psychological burden to let me cut children or something.

But since you're a demon, you shouldn't be as old as you look. "

Yuto looked tired looking at the young man in front of him, and he didn't think that the biggest boss of Natian Spider Mountain was actually a child-like evil spirit.

"It seems that my useless family members have not shouldered their responsibilities as parents and brothers and sisters.

But that's fine. After I kill you, I'll kill them too, and then find a new batch of family members. "

Compared to Yuto's surprise, tired looking at Yuto's expression was full of anger.

On the one hand, such anger stemmed from Yudou breaking into the spider mountain in that field, disrupting their family's life.

On the other hand, it came from his "family", because Tired felt that his family was useless, and once again failed to protect him, allowing Youdou to appear in front of him.

Although it is the strongest ghost in the spider family, it is still the existence of Twelve Ghost Moon.

But tired of playing the role of "last son", he always wanted to play the role of being protected by others.

And the useless "family" actually failed to protect him again and hurt him, which made him extremely angry.

Tired has a twisted attachment to family bonds.I believe that no matter what happens, parents must protect their children, and older brothers and sisters must protect their younger siblings, even if they risk their lives.

And after hearing such cold and ruthless words with a tired face, the residual guilt before Yudou disappeared instantly.

Yudou also has a family. Although his sister is black-bellied and naughty, and their mother is nagging and confused, it is undeniable that they are Yudou's most valuable asset.

"It seems to you that family seems to be something that can be replaced at will?

You who want to be protected by your family, have you ever thought that the so-called family love is not a one-sided payment, have you ever thought of using your strength to protect your family? "

(End of this chapter)

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