From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 982 The final result is "a draw"?

As soon as the surrounding time flow recovered, the audience in the arena finally became able to understand the battle.

Compared with the previous fight where the two were so fast that it looked like they were standing still, the ultra-high-speed punches of the two now clearly made the contest more interesting.

As the narrator, Heimdall also wanted to explain the battle situation at this moment, but he found that he couldn't explain it at all.

Because of today's battle, he can't understand it at all.

The king of the gods and the strongest human being are like two pure beasts, they completely release their instincts and want to kill each other.

Fighting until now, whether it is You Dou or Zeus, they have no moves at all, and it can even be said that they have no rules, and all the movements of the body are given to the body's instincts.

But their purpose is the same, that is to knock down the guy in front of them!
Without gorgeous martial arts, and without frequent attacks, the two strong men just fought each other there like gangsters fighting.

However, for some unknown reason, the battle qi emanating from one person and one god at this moment made all the gods and gods in the arena feel their blood boil, and they even clenched their fists inadvertently.

In this battle, it is not surprising whether it is won by gods or humans.

Now the main thing to see is whether the will of God can win, or whether the determination of human beings can win!
There is no distinction between day and night in the heavens. One person and one god fought for a whole day after leaving the near-stationary time and space. final result.

Zeus's "Aduo Moxiu" form collapsed first, and plasma burst out of his body in the exclamation of the gods, and he fell to the ground without knowing his life or death.

After seeing Zeus fall to the ground, Yuto also seemed to lose the last trace of support, and also fell on his back.

However, compared to Zeus who had completely lost his fighting consciousness and was even in a coma, Yudou's body was sore and even unable to move, but he still retained consciousness.

If he is given a little time, with the recovery speed of his magic power, "Super Regeneration" will heal his body again soon, giving him the ability to end Zeus.

Looking at Yuto and Zeus who fell at the same time, Heimdall, as a notary, also had a rather embarrassed expression at the moment, not knowing how to announce the result, and finally could only look at the other big figures in the audience.

Although he is serving as the notary of "Ragnarok" this time, among the gods, he is only a small person after all.

Heimdall was also worried that if he said something wrong, he would be liquidated by the big bosses in the heavens.

And soon, Heimdall also got hints from Odin, Shiva and many other celestial figures, announcing that the battle ended in a draw.

However, humans and Valkyrie are naturally dissatisfied with such a result.

When he saw Zeus' blood vessels burst all over his body and fell directly to the ground, Brunhilde trembled with excitement.

This is Zeus!The strongest existence among the gods in the heavens!
Yuto not only won the first victory for mankind, but even solved the most difficult enemy.

But when he heard the result announced by Heimdall, the Valkyrie Brunhilde immediately exploded, and even directly stood up to raise objections.

"We have objections to the result of this battle, why is it a draw! No matter how you look at it, the winner should be the human side!"

Leaving aside that Zeus completely lost his fighting consciousness and fell into a coma, Yuto remained awake.

Even if it was the time to fall to the ground, Zeus fell to the ground before Youdou, how could this situation be a draw.

For such a result, no matter whether it is the Valkyrie or everyone on the human side, it is naturally unacceptable.

"In a duel, there is no such thing as whoever falls to the ground first loses, and there is no such rule in Ragnarok.

Unexpectedly, neither of them can continue to fight, so ending in a draw is naturally the fairest result. "

Since Zeus, the leader of the gods, is still lying unconscious on the field at this moment, it is natural for the Nordic god king Odin to preside over the overall situation.

And for the reasons he gave, the gods also nodded in agreement.

The two crows Fujin and Wuni on Odin's shoulders taunted even more unceremoniously at this moment: "The existence of a mere demigod dares to disobey the decision of the gods."

"That's right, that's right, it's kindness to mankind to be able to end in a draw, don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

"Ragnarok" was the first time in the heavens, and it was a law set by the gods as a joke at that time, and many details in it were not perfect.

In this situation, the gods have the final say.

After all, it was the gods who gave human beings the only remaining chance to survive. The rules should be decided in this way, and naturally they have the final say. Who made them the stronger side?

"Fair? It's ridiculous! The fighters represented by the gods are completely unconscious, while the fighters represented by humans are still conscious.

If this is the case, why don't you rush to announce the result, let them lie down for a while and see how the final outcome will be? "

Odin is the supreme god of Nordic mythology, and Brynhildr is the Valkyrie of Nordic mythology. Facing the titular supreme boss, Brynhildr is not at all cowardly at this moment, and even speaks out directly.

The reason why Brunhilde made such a proposal was also because of the suggestion of God Bless beside them.

Because Shenyou told them that Yuto's magic power recovery speed is amazing, and it also has the ability of "super speed regeneration".

As long as he is given a few more minutes, he will be able to get up again, and give old Zeus the final blow.

It was also because of God Bless's words that Brunhilde was even more dissatisfied with the "tie" result proposed by the gods.

Just kidding, seeing that the first victory of mankind is about to be won, the gods actually want to define it as a draw, isn't it a bully?

The human side was also furious at the moment because of Brunhilde's words, expressing that they would rather die than accept such a result.

Their human fighters fought fiercely so far, and finally won the victory, but the gods tried to erase it, which made all human beings feel extremely indignant.

It even feels like everything done by Lu Bu before and You Dou now has been obliterated.

"I accept the result of the draw, but I also have one condition, that is, I want to continue to participate in the future duel between humans and gods!"

Just when the human side was furious and even showed a driver who wanted to fight the gods, You Dou in the arena suddenly stated his conditions in a very loud voice.

It's okay to ask him to compromise, but at least you have to take out a little leverage.

"You are all high gods, you don't even want this last bit of face, do you?

Besides, in my current dying state, even if I participate in the subsequent battle between humans and gods, what can I do? "

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