From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 994 Lost all HP, still pretending to be aggressive?

"Heavenly Inner Yuto, is this guy really human? Judging from the reaction of humans, it seems that he is not familiar with this guy, and he probably doesn't look like a celebrity in human history.

But this combat power... is really unbelievable. Where did the Valkyrie find this monster. "

Judging from the aura emanating from Yuto, the opponent is undoubtedly a human being.

But the gods are still very surprised that there are such outrageous human beings in this world.

To put it bluntly, in the long history of 700 million human beings, if there were a few more monsters like Youdou, their gods would basically have nothing to sing about.

With strong physique and hand-to-hand combat skills, he fought evenly with the king of the gods. Just when the gods thought that the other party was exhausted, the other party picked up the knife again, proving that besides good physical skills, he was still A master of swordsmanship.

The gods have been mocking humans, but for You Dou, they really couldn't find any words of ridicule.

At first they thought that the other party was crazy, but who knew that the other party really had the qualifications to be crazy.

Fighting against the king of the gods first, and now crushing Poseidon, who is known as the god of gods, to the point where he couldn't lift his head, such a strong record is unique even among the gods.

"Master Shiva, do you think Lord Poseidon can win this battle?"

Because the battle between Yuto and Poseidon has already surpassed the level of most gods, and Yuto and other human fighters are obviously not at the same level, so the gods can't think like before. The gods will win.

In short, the strength displayed by You Dou has shaken the belief of the gods in the victory of the gods!
"If Youdou of the Heavenly Court can continue to use the dark power that he fought with the old man before, Poseidon's chances of winning are slim.

But if the opponent can't use it, the result will be completely opposite. However, according to my opinion, the opponent should not be able to use the extremely evil power of darkness before in a short time. "

The same conversation, Hermes is also having the same conversation with Zeus at this moment, and the answer given by Zeus is similar to what Shiva said.

"The power of darkness used by Youdou of Tianshangyuan before is obviously similar to my form of Atuo Moxiu, and it is a power with great side effects.

Although this short-term ability to increase strength is strong, it is accompanied by huge side effects. It is remarkable to be able to use it once in a battle. "

"After fighting the old man, he can recover his strength at such an amazing speed, this human being is indeed amazing.

Originally, the Valkyrie should also want to use the power to recover Yutou of the Heavenly Court, to catch the gods camp by surprise, and win a victory for mankind.

It's a pity that she probably didn't expect that you didn't let the weaker existence among the thirteen gods to take the head, but sent Poseidon, the god of the sea, to go up. "

You Dou in the arena, at this moment, danced with two knives imperceptibly, and had already started to crush Poseidon to retreat steadily.

The abilities of God Bless the Seven Holy Swords are too comprehensive, coupled with Yudou's own excellent martial arts and swordsmanship, soon there will be knife marks of different sizes on Poseidon's body.

As for Yudou, his whole body is almost completely unharmed!
As for why there is no injury, on the one hand, compared with the damage caused by Yuto to Poseidon, the damage caused by the opponent to him is obviously less, and Yuto has "super speed regeneration".

Even before Poseidon's next attack hit, Yudou's previous injuries had fully regenerated and recovered.

After hundreds of rounds of high-speed attacks, the two separated with one blow and stood at opposite ends of the arena.

Even after such a fierce hand-to-hand fight, the two separated at this moment seemed to be completely exhausted, and even their breathing did not appear a little disturbed.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two people who seem to have no consumption can still see the gap from their current state.

Compared with Youdou whose clothes were a little torn, Poseidon was obviously more embarrassed.

Although the injuries on his body were not fatal, the amount of blood loss was quite appalling when combined with large and small injuries.

Ordinary viewers can't see what the battle just said, but from the state of the two people in front of them, they can easily judge who has the upper hand in the battle.

So naturally, the audience on the human side thought that in this third duel, their human camp was finally going to win their first victory.

Even the viewers who are not only humans think so, even the Valkyrie Brunhilde and Grey think so at the moment.

Zeus is stronger than Poseidon, and the level of swordsmanship displayed by Youto in this battle is higher than his physical level.

If there are no accidents, the possibility of them winning this battle is very high.

However, whenever everyone thinks there are no accidents, accidents happen to him.

I saw that Poseidon, who was standing apart from You Dou, didn't feel the slightest timidity or frustration because of the large and small injuries on his body.

Instead, he held the halberd with one hand, and used the other blood-stained hand as hairspray, combing his bright blond hair with a big back of the same style as blue dye.

"Is this all your strength? It seems that the strength used to fight Zeus before can no longer be used.

Sure enough, trash fish is always trash fish, and I had a little expectation at first, but now it seems that's all there is to it. "

Obviously, the HP on his body is almost gone, but Poseidon is still pulling like a [-]. There is a reason for this,

That is Poseidon who fought against You Dou before, and still hasn't shown his full strength!

The guy who can make the gods fear, the strength is naturally impossible to only have this level.

He has kept his strength before. On the one hand, Poseidon is arrogant by nature, and he doesn't even look down on most gods. To deal with a mere human being in Youdou, he naturally disdains to use all his skills at the beginning.

On the other hand, although Poseidon kept calling You Dou miscellaneous fish, but because the power of "the evil of this world" used by You Dou to fight with You Dou was too amazing, so he has been quite vigilant. Heart.

Now that he realizes that You Dou is no longer able to use the power of "the evil of this world", and he probably sees the opponent's strength clearly, then Poseidon will naturally use all his strength to end this farce as soon as possible.

Powerful divine power erupted from Poseidon's body, and a blue halo visible to the naked eye appeared on his body surface. The powerful divine power caused the entire arena to shake slightly.

The sea water that was originally located around the arena, seemed to be boiling at this moment, and began to become restless and tumbling.

(When I watched the anime, I felt that Poseidon was too ridiculous. When he was fighting Kojiro as a sea god, he didn’t even use the power of sea water. Why is he also called a sea god?
Sol can at least throw the Thunder Hammer a few times, Seagod relies on hand-to-hand combat?This is obviously letting the sea go. )

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