The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 387 Lin Chao Practicing Radio Gymnastics

Chapter 387 Lin Chao Practicing Radio Gymnastics
Guan Yu stroked his beard and said, "Zilong, now Liu Gongshan has been defeated by Cao Mengde and is fleeing to the north. It seems that he is coming to us. How should our army deal with it?"

In fact, the second master has long seen clearly such things as internal strife in the coalition forces.Although he is not very clear about the general trend of the world, he has a very good grasp of the war situation. From the weakening morale of the Kwantung Allied Forces, Guan Yu smelled something wrong.

But this internal strife is like an epidemic. No one expected it to come so quickly, and Guan Yu was no exception.

The most important thing is that looking at the direction of Liu Dai's defeat, it turned out to be his side.

At this time, Liu Dai finally remembered that he still had an ally in Xuzhou.

According to Liu Dai's performance all the time, Guan Yu naturally despises him, but this person is related to the Yanzhou strategy formulated by Lin Chao and approved by Liu Bei, so he can't sit idly by.

So, what attitude to take towards the upcoming Liu Dai has become the most important issue now.

This is why Guan Yu asked the three of them to discuss.

Hearing Guan Yu's question, Zhao Yun pondered for a moment, then clasped his fists and said, "Yun Chang, Liu Gongshan belongs to the clan of the Han family. He shares the same clan as the lord, and has always been close to me in Xuzhou. Now he has fled. If we don't accept him, It's a disrespect."

"Affectionate?" Guan Yu sneered, "Liu Gongshan is not close to his elder brother, but to a man with a strong army and a strong horse. Judging from his behavior, he is just a mediocre man!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yun had no choice but to persuade with a wry smile: "Liu Gongshan's performance... is really unbearable, but he is still an ally of Xuzhou. At least until the lord himself denies it, we should treat each other with courtesy."

"Having said that, if we accept Liu Gongshan, we will inevitably offend Yuan Benchu ​​and his followers." Guan Yu stroked his beard and said.His squinted eyes were full of thoughts.

Of course Guan Yu was not afraid of Yuan Shao, let alone someone who was indecisive.It's just that Liu Bei is not here right now, he is in charge of the army, and every move may cause bad influence, so we have to be cautious.

In the past few days, Guan Yu even lamented that when his elder brother left, it would be great if he could leave a gentleman to assist him, so that he didn't have to look forward and backward and think twice about everything.

Zhao Yun shook his head and said with a smile: "Yun Chang, although Yuan Benchu ​​has four generations and three princes, in the eyes of a certain person, he has a false name and is nothing to worry about. Besides, there will be a battle between Xuzhou and Jizhou sooner or later, so why worry too much now .”

It’s not that Zhao Yun looked down on Yuan Shao, it’s because in this battle against Dong, Yuan Shao’s performance was too stable, always hovering on the edge of the pig teammate, sometimes turning into a human, sometimes turning into a pig, causing others to think that his true level is like this .

"Okay, then follow what Zilong said." Guan Yu frowned, and immediately made a decision, and said, "If Liu Gongshan comes to join us, we will treat each other with courtesy. But if he doesn't know good and bad, then don't be patient." .”

Hearing this, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, and Zhang Xiu clasped their fists together and said:


But at this moment, a voice sounded outside the tent.

"No, our army must never take Liu Gongshan in!"

After the words fell, Lin Xi came in from the outside.

With Hua Tuo as his personal doctor, after more than 20 days of recuperation, Lin Xi's typhoid fever finally got better, but his body was still a little weak. He looked a whole circle thinner than before, and his figure looked a little thin.

Of course, it is not known whether it is because of illness or because of Miss Yuchan's company that she is so thin.

Seeing Lin Xi walking in, Zhao Yun quickly stood up, frowned and said, "Zixu, you are not in the tent to recuperate, what are you doing here?"

Lin Xi cupped her fists and said, "Thank you for your concern, brother. My brother is fine."

Zhao Yun walked up to Lin Xi in two or three steps, and ignored Lin Xi's objection, forcibly supported him and sat down.

On the side, Guan Yu and Xu Huang looked at Lin Xi with concern.

After Lin Xi sat down, Guan Yu said, "Zi Xu, thanks to the genius doctor Hua in the army, you have saved your life. Although there is no danger of life, you still need to rest well."

"Thank you brother for your concern. Doctor Hua said that the illness of a certain patient has almost healed. It's just that my body is a little weak due to being bedridden for twenty days, and I need to move around."

The age difference between Lin Xi and Guan Yu is a bit large, so it is naturally not suitable for matching.And because of Lin Chao's relationship, Lin Xi called "brother" appropriately.

Hearing this, Guan Yu nodded slightly, and then said, "Zixu, you said just now that you can't welcome Liu Gongshan, what do you mean?"

Lin Xi shook her head and said, "This is not someone's opinion, but a communication from the school affairs office."

Hearing that it was a summons from the school affairs office, everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.Because Lin Xi, as the magistrate of the school government, should be the one who received the spy report.And there are only two people who can convey instructions to him, one is Liu Bei and the other is Lin Chao.

Hearing this, Guan Yu asked, "Is it brother Jun's order, or Zichu's intention?"

He didn't ask what the content of the subpoena was, but first asked who it meant, which was related to how he responded.If it was Lin Chao's intention, Guan Yu would consider it carefully and act accordingly.

If it is Liu Bei's order, then there is no autonomy, or it must be completed at a discount.

Lin Xi took out a letter from his bosom, handed it to Guan Yu and said, "This is the order of the lord Jun. Liu Gongshan, the governor of Yanzhou, as a clan, did not want to serve the imperial court, but supported his own troops and was willing to sell for a price. He even secretly cooperated with the traitor Dong Zhuo. Fornication can be prosecuted, and the crime can be punished!"

Hearing what Lin Xi said was so serious, Guan Yu quickly opened the letter, frowned, and after reading the contents, he slammed the table and said loudly: "Xu Gongming, Zhang Boyuan obeys the order, order you two to lead [-] soldiers each, Follow me out of the camp and face Liu Gongshan!"

"Zilong, you and Zixu are staying in the camp!"

Although everyone didn't know what was in it, they were discussing whether to treat Liu Dai with courtesy just a moment ago, but now they were going to fight.Seeing that Guan Yu's attitude changed so quickly and so resolutely, the generals did not dare to neglect, and immediately clasped their fists and said yes.

As for how this letter came about, we have to start from two days ago.

Hearing the news that his younger brother Lin Xi was ill, Lin Chao was so excited that he passed out, which worried Liu Bei and everyone else to the core.After the doctor arrived and treated Lin Chao, he came to a conclusion.

That is, he spent most of the past two months on the road, which caused Lin Chao to be physically exhausted. Before he had time to rest, he suffered a severe mental injury.

Physical fatigue, emotional agitation, and eventually fainting are not uncommon, as long as you rest for a few days.

In layman's terms, because Lin Chao was weak since he was a child, what normal people can bear may be too much for him.

Well, synonymous with weak chicken, nothing more than that!
Now, Liu Bei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of his hanging heart.

Sure enough, as the doctor expected, after being in a coma for a day and a night, Lin Chao woke up, but his spirit was still not very good. He was worried about Lin Xi's safety in his heart, which caused him not to think about food and drink, and his whole body became thinner day by day.

It wasn't until a few days later that news came from the camp that Hua Tuo had stabilized Lin Xi's condition and that his life was not in danger. Lin Chao then heaved a long sigh of relief.

Ten miles away from the big camp, after Liu Bei brought Xuzhou Wenwu here, he asked his soldiers to build a new camp.

In the afternoon, Lin Chao was exercising in an open space outside the camp.

His movements are very slow, and every move he uses is something that is not available in this era.For this reason, Tian Feng and Xun Chen, who have always claimed to be knowledgeable, also visited several times, but they still did not recognize what Lin Chao practiced.

But if it is placed in later generations, someone will definitely recognize it at a glance. The scientific name of this set of movements is the eighth set of radio gymnastics!

Since the last coma, Lin Chao felt the limitations of his weak body more and more, so he had the idea of ​​exercising.Although the generals in the army are highly skilled in martial arts, they all follow a fierce line, which is not suitable for the weakling Lin Zichu.

Therefore, Lin Chao remembered the radio gymnastics learned by later generations.

Of course, in addition to radio gymnastics, he also sometimes plays Tai Chi, practice Wu Qin Xi, Ba Duan Jin and other slow-motion kung fu.

These sets are all about self-cultivation and physical fitness, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and they are more suitable for Lin Chao's current state.

For more than half a month, Liu Bei did not allow Lin Chao to intervene in any government affairs and military affairs, lest he think too much and make his already weak body worse.

And Lin Chao was also happy to be leisurely. Apart from exercising, he just wrote and read books every day, and he gained unprecedented relaxation in the past few years.

Of course, he has not forgotten his favorite activity before becoming an official - fishing!
Although it is always the air force, Lin Chao still enjoys it!

Nourishing the body, nourishing the qi.With the time of more than half a month, Lin Chao not only recovered his physical condition, but also reflected on what he had done in the past few years. His whole mind was unprecedentedly clear, and he even fell into a state of epiphany several times.

Things that were invisible before can now be seen clearly.What used to be considered unthinkable is now considered commonplace.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Chao believes that his method of recruiting talents is still not smart enough, and he needs to learn more.

Not far away, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, and Tai Shici sat and drank wine.

Liu Bei had already explained to Tai Shici that he had to watch Lin Chao and report to him immediately if there was anything wrong.In the end, Liu Bei felt a little uneasy again, and even left Dian Wei here.

And with Dian Wei, Zhang Fei can be seen from time to time.

Before meeting Dian Wei, Zhang Fei believed that he had never had a rival in drinking, but after having Dian Wei, he couldn't not only fight for wine, but also for arm wrestling, which made Mr. Zhang feel so embarrassing.

Therefore, Zhang Sanye, who was not convinced, came to challenge every day and asked Tai Shici to be the referee. Although they always lost more than they won, the three of them always returned home having fun.

No, Zhang Fei lost again. After drinking a large bowl of wine, he looked at Lin Chao, who had changed from the eighth radio gymnastics to Wu Qinxi not far away, but still practiced selflessly. He lowered his mouth and said:

"Tell me, what kind of thing is this that Zichu practiced, why can't I, old Zhang, not understand it!"

Dian Wei has always been a die-hard fan of Lin Chao, and the person who asked the question was Zhang Fei, who immediately sneered and said: "What kind of person is the supervisor, if even Zhang Yide can see through your every move, how can you defeat the enemy?"

"Dian Junming, what do you mean by that!" Zhang Fei refused to accept, "Although my old Zhang is not so fancy, he is not stupid. Don't talk about those nonsense, just say that Zichu has practiced so much. What is the use of the thing, can it be possible to practice some martial arts?"


Dian Wei was speechless for a while.

In fact, he didn't understand the use of Lin Chao's slow movements, but out of trust in Lin Chao, he always felt that Lin Chao's every move had a deep meaning.


Seeing that Dianwei was speechless, Zhang Fei immediately laughed and said, "Dian Junming, you can't tell! Even if there are some mysteries in what Zichu practiced, you are as ignorant as I, Old Zhang. What is there to be proud of!"

Zhang Fei couldn't fight wine or wrestle his wrists, but when he talked about it, it was true, and he even came back with a big victory every time.

Seeing that the two of them were choking again, Tai Shici quickly persuaded with a smile: "You two, if you have something to say, talk it out, if you really can't do it, just fight, life and death are at your own risk, just don't hurt your friendship."

Zhang Fei: "..."

Dian Wei: "..."

Why didn't I see it before, this Taishi Ziyi is not a good thing!
The two sighed together in their hearts.


Lin Chao is very leisurely these days, and most of the civil and military personnel in Xuzhou are very leisurely these days, but there is only one person who is very busy, busy jumping up and down doing things.

This person is naturally the favorite of the Xuzhou group, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

"My lord, Jia thinks what Zichu said is very true. If the epidemic is spread deliberately while the epidemic is rampant, most of the princes will die of the disease. At that time, the disaster of the world will be over!"

That's right, it is to use the hand of the plague to mess up these princes, and then Xuzhou can send troops to sweep the world.Such an opportunity at your fingertips is fleeting, and Guo Jia naturally doesn't want to let it go.

After listening to Guo Jia's words, Liu Bei smiled wryly, even put down the wine bottle in his hand, and said, "Feng Xiao, what you just said is really shocking, it's fine to talk about it here, but it's fine if you go to other places. Don't say any more."

Listen, listen, such shocking words, just say it in secret.Secondly, like Zichu, you can mention it cryptically, how can you say it so openly!

Aren't you afraid that the wall has ears?
If it gets out, no matter whether you did it or not, what will others think of you!

Filial piety is good in everything, but sometimes this head is not very bright.

Using the hands of the epidemic to kill princes, this kind of thing can be thought about and done, but it cannot be said.Once it is said, there is no room for redemption.

Besides, Liu Bei didn't feel the need to do this. Although Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao were ambitious, it didn't mean that there were no loyal court officials among the princes.

For example, Cao Cao Cao Mengde, in order to crusade against Dong thief, but fought all his family property by the Sishui River.

Another example is Sun Wentai, the fierce tiger in Jiangdong, who made his first contribution in this battle against Dong.

And his senior brother Gongsun Zan, these are all loyal ministers.Guo Jia's move was too wide-ranging, and Liu Bei never thought of using it, and it didn't conform to his style of action, and even touched his moral bottom line.

Although there are people with wolf ambitions among the princes, how can the soldiers be innocent?

I, Liu Xuande, don't bother to use the epidemic to harm people!

(End of this chapter)

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