The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 393 Eating hot pot and singing, suddenly started to hurt people!

Chapter 393 Eating hot pot and singing, suddenly started to hurt people!

The snow fell heavily and for a long time.

After the monarch and his ministers went out to watch the snow for a short time in the middle of the night, the wind and snow started again and did not stop until the next morning.And for the next five or six days, the snow fell intermittently, and the sky never cleared up.

The north wind is bitter, the wind and snow are mixed, and the weather is freezing. It is not suitable for outdoor activities. In addition, the conditions for keeping out the cold in this era are extremely poor. Soldiers with frostbite faces and even frostbitten hands and feet have begun to appear in the army.

Seeing this, Liu Bei immediately ordered Guan Yu to stop his daily training and hide in the tent to warm himself by the fire.

Anyway, all the soldiers who are currently infected have been selected, and there is no risk of a large-scale outbreak of the disease if they gather together.It was just that when the order was issued, Lin Chao added another one, no matter how cold it is, when hiding in the tent to warm up, you must keep ventilation to avoid poisoning.

Lin Chao didn't explain the whole story in detail, and just asked Guan Yu to follow suit.

At the same time, Lin Chao, who knew he was weak, did not continue to organize barbecue meetings even in his free time, but switched to a small hot pot to warm wine.

At the beginning, Lin Chao just secretly ate alone.Later, seeing his younger brother Lin Xi recovering from illness, and hanging out with Miss Yuchan every night, causing his whole body to lose weight again, he ordered the soldiers to hunt some game and cook a pot of soup for himself and his younger brother Lin Xi. body.

As early as when he was in Jizhou, Lin Chao asked the Zhen brothers, who were big merchants in Jizhou, to help him pay attention to the seasoning.At present, there is no such thing in the Central Plains, but there are many in the Western Regions.

The Zhen brothers did not dare to neglect these little hobbies of their eldest uncle, and hurriedly drew attention to the spices of the Western Regions.

After getting it, Lin Chao took a lot of effort to grind it into powder, even when he went out to fight, he would bring some with him.Anyway, this gadget doesn't take up much space and doesn't weigh much, so it's very easy to carry.

Therefore, it is only because of Lin Chao's barbecue meeting that the meat that comes out of the test is so tasty.

Guo Jia had noticed this a long time ago, and was very eager for the small bottle that Lin Chao carried with him, but Lin Chao watched it so closely that he never had a chance to do it.

In the cold winter months, these seasonings are a perfect match for hot pot!

After two days of eating, the two brothers still hadn't satisfied their cravings, but Lin Chao no longer wanted to cook by himself, so he called the sisters Diao Chan and asked them to help cook, and the two brothers sat back and enjoyed.

After another two days, the incident came to light.

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter, and it's freezing outside, but your tent at Lin Zichu is steaming before meal time, and it's still full of tantalizing scents, who can bear it!

The first person to discover it was of course Guo Jia.

After tasting the roasted meat that day, he immediately and keenly noticed that the small bottle that Lin Chao carried with him contained important things, so the meat he tested was completely different from the meat he had eaten in the past. .

So when he had nothing to do these few days, he ran to Lin Chao here, just looking for a chance to let him go.

But when he walked in that day, he found that the Lin brothers were eating hot pot and singing, and there were two young ladies waiting beside them.


Before Guo Jia had time to make a sound, he smelled the aroma of the hot pot. He couldn't care about anything immediately, and rushed over like a vicious dog. He even pushed Lin Chao away unceremoniously, and sat there by himself. Dine.

Lin Chao patted his forehead helplessly, he understood that this time the fun would be great.

Sure enough, when Guo Jia came again next time, Jia Xu followed behind.

Next time, Uncle Xun Chen and Nephew followed, then Ju Shou, and finally Liu Bei.

Everyone was happy, but every time they wantonly indulged in a carnival, they made Lin Chao's tent into a mess, and almost made Lin Chaojun yell at him every time.

Another morning, Lin Jianjun went out to watch the sky, vaguely feeling that the snowstorm would stop in two days, so when he returned to the camp, he ordered someone to call his younger brother Lin Xi.

At this time, Miss Diao Chan was preparing hot pot for lunch in the tent.

After having a good time yesterday, Liu Bei, who likes and is good at eating banquets, uttered bold words, saying that he would have a meal at Lin Chao's place at noon today.

Ever since, everyone cheered and bowed to the ground, calling the lord wise, we have long wanted to do this!

Helpless, Miss Diaochan woke up early today and has been preparing lunch in the tent.

Seeing Lin Chao walk in now, Diao Chan hastily bowed and said, "Brother!"

After such a long time, Diao Chan has already changed her tune and is used to calling Lin Chao elder brother.

But after staying in Luoyang for a few months and learning all kinds of etiquette and rules from Professor Ju, Diao Chan's military spirit gradually faded away, exuding a tranquil temperament from the inside out.

But often with a casual glance, one can still see the sharpness and courage in this woman's eyes.

It's just that this calm temperament was not wasted. Liu Bei actually wanted to move the hot pot into his camp a long time ago, and it was because of Diao Chan that he condescended to come here almost every day.

It is really a great pleasure in life to eat and see beauties!

When Lin Chao was seated, Diao Chan hurriedly served a cup of hot tea.Lin Chao blew on the hot air, and after taking a sip, he smiled and said, "Diao Chan, both of your sisters have done great work in killing thieves, but Yu Chan is serving as Zixu's concubine, and she has been wronged."

Lin Chao also heard about Liu Bei betrotting Yuchan to Lin Xi as his concubine, so he comforted her.

Marrying Lin Xi was Yuchan's wish, and it was appropriate, but the matter of being accepted by Lin Chao into the Lin family wall could not be carried out.

Hearing this, Diao Chan smiled lightly, her pair of beautiful eyes were full of gentleness.

"Thanks to the kindness of my elder brother's naming, my sister and I have been lucky for three lives. Not to mention the matter of Yuchan, it is her dream, so why talk about grievances."

"That's good. Although the credit of the two of you sisters cannot be announced to the public, I don't want you to be wronged." Lin Chao said with a smile, "I mean, after I return to Xuzhou, I will have a big banquet for the guests and advertise the world. How would you like to take you into my Lin family and find a good marriage for you?"

"Thank you, brother, for your kindness!" Diao Chan hastily bowed to thank her.

Lin Chao stretched out his hand to help.

"You and my brother and sister will be our own from now on, so there is no need to be so polite. When it comes to marriage..." Lin Chao suddenly showed a strange smile on his face, and said, "Diao Chan, I wonder if you have discovered that in recent days... The look in Xuande's eyes when he saw you... seems to be a little strange."

As soon as this remark came out, Diao Chan's face immediately turned red.

She also vaguely knew Liu Bei's intentions, but the difference in status between the two was like clouds and mud, so she didn't think much about it.

"Yes, yes!" Lin Chao laughed suddenly, "There is only one concubine in Duke Xuande's mansion, if Duke Xuande intends to take you as a concubine, I don't know how you would like it?"

Hearing this, Diao Chan's face turned even redder, and she bowed down again, "I will follow my brother's orders!"

Diao Chan married Liu Bei as a concubine, but it might not be a good destination.With her here, even if Liu Bei ascends the throne in the future, she will not be bullied in the palace.

While the two were chatting, Lin Xi arrived with Yuchan.

To be precise, the two did not come together.

Yuchan has been helping Diaochan these days, acting as a waiter.

Lin Xi cupped her fists and said, "Brother!"

"sit down."

Lin Chao waved his hand and pointed to the seat opposite him, and the two brothers sat down opposite each other.

On the side, Diao Chan saw that the two brothers had something to discuss, so she pulled Yu Chan away and went to work on the lunch dishes.

Lin Xi took a sip of tea before asking, "Brother, what are you calling me for?"

Lin Chao stretched out his hand and poured another cup of hot tea for his younger brother. This time he said, "A few days ago, someone heard that Duke Xuande wanted to appoint you as the chief general of an army."

"Yes." Lin Xi nodded and said, "But this matter is my lord's order, and it is definitely not Xi's initiative..."

Seeing that Lin Xi was in a hurry to explain, Lin Chao interrupted with a wave of his hand, and said, "Of course this matter is the order of Duke Xuande, but you have been in charge of the school affairs office for two years, so it's time to move your position. Therefore, A certain person doesn't object to you being in charge of the army alone. It's just that I wonder if you are ready?"

Lin Xi said seriously: "This is natural, please don't worry about it, brother!"

Lin Chao smiled and said, "Since that's the case, can you tell me?"

"Brother, I have already made up my mind. I am going to choose a wise and brave man from the army as the deputy general. Of course, I dare not act arbitrarily on this matter, so I have already reported it to the lord, and the lord has already agreed."

The two brothers were chatting, and Lin Xi's answer was not so straightforward, but expressed his true thoughts.

Hearing this, Lin Chao nodded, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Regarding this point, the two brothers thought of going together.

This kid, Zixu, has really grown up a lot in the past two years, but he doesn't know what his vision is, and who he plans to recruit as a lieutenant general.

Now in the Xuzhou camp, except for Guan Zhangzhao and Dian Wei, the rest can be Lin Xi's lieutenants.It's just that among so many generals, it is still unknown whether he can recognize people with his eyes and choose the most suitable person to assist him.

That's right, it's the most suitable, not the strongest.

"Then who are you going to make your lieutenant general?" Lin Chao continued to ask.

Lin Xi replied without hesitation: "Xu Gongming."

Hearing this, Lin Chao frowned immediately, and asked in confusion, "Why him?"

It's not that Xu Huang can't do it, but that Xu Huang is still affiliated with the school affairs office. Although he has faced the enemy head-on in this battle against Dong, he is the school affairs office's prime minister after all.

Seeing Lin Chao frown, Lin Xi was afraid that his elder brother would disagree, so he hurriedly explained: "Brother, Xu Gongming is a man with outstanding ability, rigorous in running the army, and loyal to his duties, he is a rare general!"

"Nonsense, Xu Gongming's ability is better known than your brother!" Lin Chao frowned, "Let me ask you, if you leave, there will be no leader in the school office, who will the Xuande Guild choose as the new magistrate?"


Hearing this, Lin Xi was taken aback, and after a while, she cupped her hands and replied: "The school affairs office is a confidential place, so it is naturally appointed by the lord himself, and I will be the one to talk about it."

What Lin Xi said was exactly the way to be a minister, but Lin Chao was very dissatisfied.

"Zixu, Mr. Xuande handles a lot of affairs every day. How can he know the affairs in the school affairs mansion in detail." Lin Chao frowned and said, "Furthermore, the school affairs mansion is a sharp knife in the hands of Mr. Xuande. As long as it is sharp, it is enough. How can you use it?" Go pay attention!

This weapon doesn't work, just change it.I say that, do you understand? "

Looking at Lin Xi again, she still looked dazed.

Immediately, Lin Chao's expression of hatred for iron and steel appeared on Lin Chao's face, and he sighed secretly in his heart, his younger still too simple.

"Let me ask you, as the former head of the school affairs office, you naturally know everything about the school affairs office. If you want to appoint a new government order, Duke Xuande will definitely ask your opinion. Do you have a suitable candidate to recommend?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi was at a loss for words.

As a department, the School Affairs Office naturally has its functions.Of course, Liu Bei doesn't need to know how many people are there, who is in charge of what, these are all matters of government orders.

There are only two things Liu Bei has to do, and that is to give orders and wait for the results.

My lord may not understand, but you, Lin Zixu, as a government official, cannot but understand.Now that you have been promoted, if you are asked to recommend a suitable candidate, you can't tell, so what are you doing as a school official?
As for Liu Bei not using someone you recommend, that is another matter, but if you recommend improperly or fail to recommend, it proves that you are incompetent!

Also because of the particularity of the school affairs office, the candidates you recommend must be strictly controlled.Outstanding ability is second, the most important thing is to be one of your own, so that Liu Bei can trust him.

Moreover, the Dahan also has laws and regulations that clearly stipulate that if an official commits a serious crime, the leader is also responsible for not investigating it.

Therefore, recommendation is really not something you can do randomly.

Looking left and right, Xu Huang, the current Fu Cheng, is the most suitable candidate.

But it's good for you, I just got Xu Huang to be your lieutenant general.

It can be seen from this that you, Lin Zixu, have never thought about this at all.

Just like this, dare to say in front of yourself that you are ready?

Ever since, the more Lin Chao thought about it, the more angry he became!

Of course, the facts may not be as serious as what Lin Chao said.Liu Bei is the lord of heroes, if he doesn't get a suitable candidate from Lin Xi, he will naturally laugh it off and make up his own mind.

After all, the current Xuzhou Group as a whole belongs to the rising stage. Looking around, it is full of idealistic paradise, and for the time being, there is no room for villains who play tricks.

It's just that as the chief general of an army, he may even be a great official in the frontier in the future. You can disdain these methods, but you can't understand them.

Lin Xi was left speechless by Lin Chao's words, and finally had no choice but to cup his hands in frustration and said, "Brother, Xi knew he was wrong. Xi Wan shouldn't have made a fuss about the deputy general, so please punish him!"

"Punishment is not necessary, but before doing things in the future, use your brain more, and never act on impulse."

Lin Chao stared at his younger brother and said earnestly, "Mr. Xuande is the Lord of Benevolence and Righteousness. Naturally, he will not blame you for this. But I will be a Hanchen for a day, and I will be a Hanchen for the rest of my life. If one day, Xuande dies, a certain When you are not alive, if you don't think carefully, you may be taken advantage of by villains."

"Zixu, life is never smooth sailing, you have to learn to face everything alone, do you understand?"

Listening to Lin Chaoyu's earnest teaching, Lin Xi nodded slowly, and said very seriously: "Brother, Xi understands."

In fact, Lin Xi did not make a mistake this time, and it is indeed not up to him to decide the candidate for the new school office order. It can be said that it is just a small negligence.

But Lin Chao just wanted to take the opportunity to beat him, lest he would float up.

After all, Lin Xi will be the leader of the first army in the future, and he will be at the top of Xuzhou regardless of his status or status. It would be inappropriate to reprimand him like today.

Fortunately, Lin Chao felt that the beating just now had some effect.

Looking at the ashamed Lin Xi, Lin Chao took out something from his arms, handed it over, and said at the same time:
"Since you have selected Xu Gongming as the deputy general, and Duke Xuande has also agreed, it is inconvenient to change it as a brother, so as not to make you look bad. As for the next government order, I will discuss it with Duke Xuande, and I will You don't need to worry about it anymore."

It turns out that my brother still wanted to save some face for me!

Lin Xi, who was ashamed, took the object, and at the same time her heart was moved, her face became even more ashamed.

"Brother, what is this?"

Lin Chao smiled and said, "Chuan Guoxi..."

Hearing this, Lin Xi shuddered all over, and almost missed the pocket in her hand, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Brother...what do you mean by giving me such fetishes?"

Lin Chao continued to laugh and said, "You put this thing away and rush to Daying tonight. There is also a letter in your pocket. After you arrive at Daying, you will open it together with Xu Gongming. The letter will be burned after reading it.

This mission is your last mission in the school affairs office, you and Xu Gongming act together.If you do well, let Xu Gongming leave the school affairs office and make you a lieutenant general. "


Hearing this, Lin Xi hurriedly stood up and bowed her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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