The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 410 The world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs!

Chapter 410 The world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs!
The days of Taishan County have not been peaceful recently.

Since Liu Bei led his army to break the siege of Mount Tai at the beginning of the year, Lin Chao took the opportunity to bring Taishan County into the sphere of influence of Xuzhou, and then began the westward march to conquer Dong Zhuo.

This battle took a long time, it took more than half a year to fight, and it was not until the cold winter months that the troops returned.

In this nearly a year, the situation in Luoyang, the capital, has undergone a series of ups and downs. The change in the battle situation, Dong Zhuo's death, and finally Sun Jian's heart was pierced by thousands of arrows, which made people amazed.

As for Taishan County, nothing happened.

Taishan County is located in the northwest of Yanzhou. It is connected to Qingzhou in the north and Langya County in Xuzhou in the east. Because of the dangerous terrain of Taishan County, surrounded by mountains and mountains, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. That's why it was chosen by Lin Chao as a defense for the north of Xuzhou. barrier of the environment.

But such a barrier has been under attack this year.

At the beginning of the year, Liu Bei personally led an army to rescue Mount Tai. Taking Zhang Liao as the vanguard, he broke the siege of Mount Tai. Xu Huang even beheaded Chang Xi with his own hands.Liu Bei defeated Wu Dun, and later the Sun Guan brothers surrendered with their troops, but this does not mean that Taishan County is really as stable as Mount Tai.

Zang Ba in the north is not a short-sighted person, so naturally he dare not easily stroke Liu Bei's beard, but the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou in the east doesn't care so much.

At the beginning of the first year of Zhongping, the three brothers Zhang Jiao, the leader of Taiping Road, led the uprising.

Within ten days, the world responded!
But just ten months later, the three Zhang Jiao brothers went offline one after another.The first religious uprising in the history of China has been declared a failure, and it can be called ups and downs!

Although Zhang Jiao was defeated and died, the millions of Yellow Turban soldiers would not disappear in a short time.Therefore, there are many remnants of the Yellow Turban forces in the Han Dynasty, among which Qingzhou is the most important.

In addition, the imperial court was busy with internal strife, and the ten permanent attendants were busy confronting the powerful families, so naturally they had no time to take care of these remnants of the Yellow Turbans.

Although the army has been sent to conquer many times, the grassroots governance of the Han Dynasty has been out of order, how can the Yellow Turban be completely pacified!

But these remnants of the Yellow Turbans did not have the same vision and pattern as Zhang Jiao, and they did not know how to govern and develop, so they became rogues.Harassing the people everywhere, burning, killing and looting, doing all kinds of evil.

These remnants of the Yellow Turbans who were born at the lowest level did not have the slightest mercy when facing the common people at the same lowest level.

But Zhang Jiao is just a great virtuous teacher with firm beliefs, so what evil could he have?
He just wanted to give the big man a bell, so what's wrong!
After Liu Bei led the army to set off, in April, it was the early summer when there was no harvest, Guan Hai, commander of Huangjin Daqu in Qingzhou, saw that the army was short of food, so he led troops to attack Mount Tai.

As for the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, Lin Chao naturally held back.

Along the way Zhang Liao and Gao Shun stationed in Xuzhou.

Along the way, Lu Qian and Xu Sheng assisted Zhang Liao to frighten all directions.

Lv Qian, who was a fan of the Lin Dynasty and served as the guard of the Lin Dynasty, led the army. In addition to assisting Zhang Liao, he also faintly intended to check and balance Zhang Liao.After all, after Liu Bei and others came out in full force, Zhang Liao had become Xuzhou's supreme commander in the actual sense.

After learning of the Yellow Turban's attack, Zhang Liao made a decisive decision and sent Lu Qian and Xu Sheng to take the initiative to attack, and then defeated the enemy in Banyang.However, after all, Lu Qian only had a few thousand people under his command, and he did not dare to pursue the Yellow Turbans, which had hundreds of thousands of people.

And Zhang Liao was sitting in Xuzhou, so naturally he didn't dare to easily put his troops into the battlefield.

Therefore, Zhang Liao was in Xuzhou, and Lu Qian was in charge of Mount Tai, so the situation was exhausted.

Under Banyang City, Guan Hai ordered hundreds of thousands of yellow scarves, regardless of gender, age and age, to attack the city, resulting in tens of thousands of casualties and bloodshed.

Guan Hai is also helpless, after all, there is no food in the army, even if these people don't attack the city, they will starve to death!

Instead of sitting still and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative to attack. If you can break through the city and defeat Lu Qian, you will be able to drive straight in and take down the important town of Mount Tai.At that time, food will no longer be a problem.

It's just for survival, no matter how you beat it, you won't be ashamed!
Guan Hai was helpless, and Lu Qian was even more helpless.

He was responsible for guarding the city. Although he couldn't bear to kill the old, young, women and children, he couldn't sit back and watch the city fall into the hands of thieves, so no matter whether it was a woman or a child who rushed up, he ordered to shoot.

In front of the city gate, the corpses were once piled up so high that they even reached the level of the city wall.

Seeing this, Lu Qian was afraid that Guan Hai would order someone to step on the corpse and enter the city, so he had to order his soldiers to burn the corpse.

For a moment, the city of Banyang was full of flames.

What can be used as fuel is not firewood, but the bones of tens of thousands of low-level people!
In this regard, Yang Yu, who is the Banyang Order, couldn't bear it, but he couldn't blame Lu Qian for his actions. In the end, he could only look at the flames soaring into the sky and sigh, and said with a sad face:
"Naturally, the world is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog..."

Yang Yu, born in the Taishan Yang family, is the same clan brother as Yang Yue who was killed by the Lin Dynasty at the beginning of the year.

The Taishan Yang family is a famous family, and the ancestors also had Sangong, who have been high-ranking officials with a rank of two thousand stones for generations.

His father, Yang Xu, used to be the prefect of Nanyang. He was a man of outstanding ability and noble conduct, and was quite clean as an official, so he left the reputation of "Xuanyu prefect".

Lin Chao actually recruited a behemoth like the Taishan Yang family on purpose. Before killing Yang Yue, he was just trying to scare the monkeys.Afterwards, he also sent someone to explain the situation to the Yang family, but the local snake Yang family could only smile and wipe away all grievances in the face of the powerful Liang Lin Chao.

Banyang besieged the city for several months, and Guan Hai's subordinates suffered countless deaths and injuries, but they failed to break through the city after all, so they had to retreat angrily.

But this battle was extremely tragic. The Yellow Turban Army killed and injured tens of thousands, and Lu Qian's soldiers also suffered thousands of injuries. Even the brave Xu Sheng was seriously injured because of his charge.

After the war, Lu Qian led his troops to rest in the city, while Yang Qi began to deal with the wounds left by the war and restore people's livelihood.

When Yang Qin was trying to restore order and encourage the people to produce, a strange news came, which made him very suspicious of life.

Dong Zhuo is dead!

Of course, this is something to applaud, and the sheep is no exception.

It's okay for Dong Zhuo to be killed, but there is a problem with the person who killed Dong Zhuo.

It's actually Cai Yong's daughter!

The news clearly stated that Cai Bojie, as a loyal minister of the great Han Dynasty, was just an illusion before saying that he was attached to Dong Zhuo, and his real purpose was to eradicate Dong thief and serve the country loyally.

For this reason, Cai Shizhong did not hesitate to raise his two biological daughters as tigers and marry Dong Thief.

However, the second daughter of Cai Shizhong is a woman who refuses to give up her eyebrows. On the wedding night, at the time of the bridal chamber, Dong Thief was executed in one fell swoop!

Now it is widely rumored that Cai Shizhong's two daughters are both heroic and brave, and they can be regarded as heroes among women.

This matter itself is not a problem, but to Yang Qi's ears, there is a big problem.

Because, his current wife is Cai Yong's first daughter, Cai Zhenji!
Father-in-law married his daughter to Dong Zhuo?
Then who am I marrying!

Could it be that I married a fake Cai's daughter?

At the beginning, Yang Yu married Kong Rong's daughter as his wife, but Kong Rong was weak and died of illness soon.

However, Cai Yong was in exile for more than ten years due to the misfortune of the party.

But who would have thought that one day the gentle and skillful wife in his family would actually become Dong Thief's wife in name!
No, I'm a stand-in!

For this, Lin Jianjun secretly gave a thumbs up.

Of course Yang Yu would not doubt his wife's identity, but now everyone in the world knows that Cai Shizhong's daughter was married to the national traitor Dong Zhuo...

It's not a matter of fame or not, it's really that kind of... that kind of...

Regarding the trivial matter of his wife becoming Dong Zhuo's wife, Yang Qin said that this world is too magical...

But soon, he didn't have to worry about this matter.

Because the third bad news came out immediately - his father died!
Yangxuan's father, Yangxu, passed away at home in mid-October.

After receiving the news, Yang Yu burst into tears immediately, and then entrusted the affairs of the county to Lu Qian, and returned to his hometown to continue the funeral for his father Yang, and at the same time kept his filial piety.



Xun Yu looked at his uncle Xun Shuang on the hospital bed, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Since autumn, Xun Shuang's body has deteriorated day by day, and after winter, he has been bedridden.

Finally, in the first ten days of November, Xun Shuang felt that time was running out, so he ordered his eldest son, Xun Yu, to call the Xun family's children back to his hometown, especially Xun Yu who was in Xuzhou, who was Xun Shuang's hope for the next generation of family masters. There are some last words to be told.

Xun Yu took Xun Cai to hurry, and finally arrived in Yingchuan in late November.

"Wen Ruo, You Ruo and Gong Da are now fighting with Liu Shijun, so don't call them back..."

Xun Shuang was on his deathbed at this time, looking at his most valued nephew, he spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Xun Yu nodded and said, "Uncle, nephew knows."

Xun Shuang then said again: "Wen Ruo, a certain person will die soon, and from now on, I, the Xun family of Yingchuan, will be in charge of your family."

As a talented Wang Zuo, Xun Yu did not cry bitterly like ordinary people when facing life and death. Instead, he bowed his hands again and said seriously: "Uncle, Yu will honor my Xun family in this life and live up to my uncle's entrustment!"

Seeing that Xun Yu promised to be serious, Xun Shuang smiled very calmly.

"Wen Ruo, you are talented and talented, and your knowledge and talents are all top-notch in the world. I am very relieved to have the Xun family in your hands." Xun Shuang smiled, "There is just one thing, I need to keep in mind."

Seeing that Xun Shuang wanted to entrust his funeral, Xun Yu quickly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Uncle, please show me."

Xun Shuang put away the smile on his face, and at the same time motioned for his son to help him up, and then said seriously:

"I, the Xun family in Yingchuan, have been favored by the country for a long time, so I have the high position today. Wen Ruo, remember, you must not be like his Yuan family in Runan, trying to defy the destiny.

Now the court is in decline, and the princes are rising together.In troubled times, human life is worthless.

As the saying goes, the world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs!
But the more troubled times you are in, the more you have to stick to the rules!
Liu Shijun, as the clan, is also the lord of the mighty warriors, and you, Youruo and Gongda should be good assistants.If one day, Liu Shijun can reshape the mountains and rivers and become the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he will also be famous in history. "

Hearing this, Xun Yu's face was moved, and he kowtowed: "Don't worry, Uncle, the Xun family of Yingchuan will finally be a Hanchen!"

After talking about these important matters, Xun Shuang smiled again: "Your brother-in-law Lin Zichu is a man of Liuhou, Han Xin's talent. Although he sometimes resorts to tricks, he is always kind-hearted. He followed Liu Shijun from the beginning. , won his trust, you will be good to him in the future, and if something happens in the future, you will be able to protect yourself in the end."

The previous sentence is Xun Shuang's request to Xun Yu.The Xun family is like a big ship. After his death, Xun Yu will be at the helm.

Exercising the direction, must not be wrong!

The latter sentence is that Xun Shuang is teaching his nephew to protect himself.

At Xun Shuang's age, he has already seen clearly the intrigue in the court.

Although my nephew has great talent, he is not greedy for power.Xun Shuang was afraid that one day he would be attacked by a villain and die in a political conspiracy, so he made him hug Lin Chao's thigh tightly to protect himself.

Of course Xun Yu understood his uncle's painstaking efforts, and immediately kowtowed: "Nephew has made a note of it!"

After saying that, Xun Shuang summoned all the Xun's disciples who were outside the door, and smiled at them:
"The sages have a saying that they are over fifty, but they are not young. Now that I am over sixty, I have no regrets. I have entrusted Wen Ruo with my posthumous affairs. From now on, he will be the head of my Xun family.

It is a time of troubled times, after someone dies, you need to abide by your duty, be cautious in your words and deeds, and never act arrogantly, so as not to implicate the family, you need to remember! "

Hearing this, all the Xun's children present knelt on the ground and said yes.

When Yezi, Xun Shuang, a generation of great Confucian scholars, died at home.

At the age of sixty, there are two.


Qingzhou, Changguo County.

Guan Hai besieged Banyang for several months, but failed in the end, so he led his army northward and returned to Chang, where he stationed himself.

But without food, it is always not a problem. Once the 30 Yellow Turbans ran out of food, the consequences would be disastrous.

Sure enough, after retreating to Changguo for half a month, many people died of starvation in the army, almost tens of thousands.Under the torment of hunger, these Yellow Turban soldiers who were about to starve to death had already lost their reason and even their humanity.

The corpses of tens of thousands of people who starved to death were eaten up!
Cannibalism is against the laws of nature and human relations!
Of course, two things will also be born... plague and prions!
As a result, a large-scale epidemic broke out in the Yellow Turban Army.

The epidemic brought panic, causing soldiers to flee for their lives, and even Guan Hai was unable to control it.After these yellow scarf soldiers with the virus on their bodies escaped from Changguo County all the way, they scattered in all directions.

Many people even just left the city, they died of illness on the road.

For a time, corpses littered the fields inside and outside Changchang, turning them into hell.

At this moment, two people were walking on the official road outside Changguo County.

The leader has white hair and beard, and looks like an old man in his 70s or 40s, but his appearance is no different from that of a middle-aged man in his [-]s or [-]s. There is a faint brilliance in his eyes, and he looks handsome.

He-haired and child-like, that's the kind of person.

And about half a step behind this person, a man in his 20s followed suit.

The old and the young looked quite weak, but their steps were breezy, and their walking posture was extremely light.

The two walked all the way, and when they saw the corpses lying on the official road, they both had sad expressions on their faces.

The young man said, "Teacher, can Lin Zichu really put an end to Zhang Jiao's affairs?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Xiaoxian, I don't know about this matter as a teacher. But as a teacher, I watched the sky at night, and after several divinations, the hexagrams and celestial phenomena showed that the person who can solve Zhang Jiao's funeral is in Xuzhou. Except for him Lin Zichu, as a teacher, I really can't think of anyone else!"

As he said that, the old man looked at the corpses on the ground and sighed again: "The world is inhumane and treats everything as a straw dog..."

As soon as the words fell, a voice came from behind.

"Anyone else can say this, but you, Zuo Yuanfang, are the least qualified to say it!"

Hearing this, the old man turned his head hastily, and saw the person who was about 50 or [-] years old, but his face was not as miraculous as the old man's master and apprentice, and even a little ugly.

In particular, there is a mole under the corner of the mouth, which adds a bit of evil to this person.

But the old man smiled and said, "Old Yu Ji, what are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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