Chapter 44
In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight from sunrise shines on the head of Luoyang city, the streets in the city slowly come alive.As the vendors opened their shop doors, the entire Luoyang City began a new day of hustle and bustle.

And the most important place in Luoyang City is the imperial city at this time, the North and South Palaces.

Different from other lively places, the South and North Palaces, as the center of the Han court, are surrounded by many Habayashi soldiers guarding them, making them daunting and deserted.

I have to say that Luoyang is a magical place.

It ranks among the best in the world, since King You of Zhou made a great death and played a game of war with the princes, but the capital was captured by the dog army. Later, King Ping of Zhou moved the capital from Haojing to Luoyang.

In the following two thousand years, the capital of the entire ancient China was either fixed in Luoyang or planned to be set in Luoyang.

Therefore, Luoyang is indeed a magical place.

Of course, the current Luoyang is called Luoyang, and this name was given by the great magister Liu Xiuqi.

At this moment, in front of the North and South Palace gates, a large number of court officials gathered.

For them, today is a big day, because the emperor, who has not been in court for a long time, will participate in the court meeting.

Court meetings are held every day, but Emperor Liu Hong is not seen at court meetings every day.

Since the completion of the East and West Bigui Gardens, Emperor Ling's physical condition was not very good, so he stayed in the Xibigui Gardens all day long to recuperate and have fun.

Of course, it's unknown whether his health will get worse because of this.

After all, in Xibi Guiyuan, everyone is beautiful and they speak nicely. Liu Hongchao likes to be there.

The emperors of the old Liu family were almost all lovers of garden construction. This is the inheritance engraved in their bones and cannot be cut off.

Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, as long as the emperors had some spare money on hand, they would start to build gardens, raise pets, and enjoy doing it endlessly.

In order to build the Xibigui Garden outside Luoyang City, Emperor Ling demolished a large number of people's houses, resulting in the death of many people, and the people who survived by luck can also be heard crying.

The benevolent emperor, His Majesty Liu Hong must not bear to listen, so he issued an edict to drive all these people away.

Then, the world is clean, the garden is built, and the emperor is at ease...

Since Liu Hong moved to Bi Guiyuan, except for Shi Changshi and others, it is almost difficult for other ministers to see the emperor.

So today's court meeting is not unimportant.

Among the officials, there is an old man who is nearly 50 years old, with clear and firm eyes, and a thin and straight figure, just like the high crown on his head, he would rather bend than bend.

This person is the teacher of Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan, the current ministers Lu Zhi and Lu Zigan.

I saw him holding a wat board, unlike other officials who were whispering, he just stood there quietly without saying a word.

At this time, a person walked beside him, about the same age as Lu Zhi, but different from Lu Zhi's elegance and aloofness, this person was very majestic and powerful.

"Zigan, are you safe?"

Seeing that Lu Zhi had been silent, this person asked.

Seeing the person coming, Lu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Zhu Gongwei, when did you return to Beijing?"

The person who came here was none other than the current Chariot General, Qiantang Marquis Zhu Jun and Zhu Gongwei.

At the beginning of this year, Zhu Jun was ordered to serve as the prefect of Hanoi to repel the invading Zhang Yan.However, as Zhang Wen crusaded against Ma Teng, Han Sui failed, and after the position of Taiwei was dismissed, the court thought of Zhu Jun, who was the prefect of Hanoi.

So he was called back to Beijing, the purpose of which was naturally to succeed Zhang Wen as the leader of the army.Furthermore, Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju rebelled, and when the court was in the midst of employing people, it would certainly not leave first-class generals like Zhu Jun idle.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the three heroes who pacified the Yellow Turban, except for Lu Zhi, the other two were just a brick, and they could be moved wherever it was needed.

Even so, even though Huangfusong had repeatedly made military exploits, he was framed by Zhongchang servant Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong. He lost his official post and was at home at this time.

Listening to Lu Zhi asking when he would return to Beijing, Zhu Jun smiled wryly and said: "A few days ago, a certain man received the imperial edict in Hanoi, and he didn't dare to delay, so he drove all the way back to Beijing, and arrived the day before yesterday."

Lu Zhi nodded, looked around again, and then said to Zhu Jun in a low voice: "Gongwei knows, what is your Majesty's intention in calling you back to Beijing this time?"

Zhu Jun shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I heard some rumors along the way. Zigan, but Zhang Boshen failed to quell the chaos, and the court is furious. Want to send someone to quell the chaos?"

As he said that, Zhu Jun showed a slightly smug smile on his face.

At the critical moment, the court thought of him the first time. Isn't this a kind of affirmation of his ability and loyalty.

But Lu Zhi shook his head, and continued to whisper: "Gong Wei, you haven't been in Beijing for a long time, so you might come in without knowing it. This matter is not so simple."

"Oh, I would like to hear the details." Zhu Jun asked doubtfully.

"It is true that the imperial court wants you to lead the army to quell the chaos, but in a certain view, it will not be possible." Lu Zhi shook his head and sighed, "Unlike that Zhang Boshen, in the eyes of eunuchs, you and I are always a serious threat. Take charge of the military again?"

As he said that, Lu Zhi motioned Zhu Jun to look at the front of all the officials. There was an old man in fine clothes, with a haughty expression, standing at the head of all the officials, with many fans beside him.

This person is exactly the suzerain of the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third lord, the Taifu Yuan Kai and Yuan Ciyang.

"There have been years of natural disasters and wars. Some people think that my great Han country is exhausted, and I have already given birth to evil intentions. I will never let loyal officials of the Han Dynasty like you and me take charge of the chaos."

Lu Zhi sneered disdainfully at Yuan Kai's back.


"Yide, come, come, and drink three big bowls with a certain one!"

In Wuji County, Lin Chao looked at Zhang Fei with a sad face, and joked.

Liu Bei is at least the leader of an army, so naturally he keeps his word.He said he would punish Zhang Fei afterwards, but after the army entered Wuji County, he really punished Zhang Fei.

And let out the words, if Zhang Fei acted recklessly this time, if it wasn't for the sake of his meritorious service in killing the enemy, he would have acted according to military law.

If so, Zhang Fei was also banned for ten days, and Zhao Yun was given the task of exploring the way forward, and he was asked to sit quietly and think about his mistakes, and he was not allowed to drink alcohol.

This time because of Zhang Fei's recklessness, he almost folded himself in. Liu Bei worked hard to make him remember.

It happened that the weather was hot now, and Lin Chao had nothing else to relieve the heat, so he gradually fell in love with this iced glutinous rice wine, and often took Dian Wei to find Zhang Fei.

And in front of him, the two drank happily.

I, Lin Zichu, acted so shamelessly, so I asked you if Zhang Fei was angry!

Of course Zhang Fei was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"Zi Chu, you know that your brother forbids a certain drink, but you still act like this, it's really shameless."

What kind of clever plan Mr. Lin, what kind of master planner, what kind of help Liu Bei to help the Han Dynasty, are all bullshit!
In Zhang Fei's eyes at this moment, Lin Chao wrote two large characters on his forehead,
"Yide, you can't say that." Lin Chao smiled cheaply and said proudly, "Mr. Xuande just forbids you to drink alcohol, and he didn't give me a prohibition order. Moreover, he didn't forbid us to drink in front of you. .”

"Hurry up and go, you are not welcome here!"

Zhang Fei pointed at the door and said viciously.

"Coincidentally, Duke Xuande ordered me to be the supervisor of the army. Yide, you seem to be not as tall as Mr. Lin, so you can't order me."

(End of this chapter)

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