The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 456 The Instigator, Cut Off His Sons and Grandchildren!

Chapter 456 The Instigator, Cut Off His Sons and Grandchildren!

When the word famine was mentioned, there was a slight change in everyone's expressions.

In the new policies implemented in Xuzhou in the past two years, there are clear regulations, that is, when natural disasters such as famine and epidemics occur in various places, local officials must report them as soon as possible, and offenders will be severely punished!
The strict control of this article is naturally for fear of the bad consequences caused by the famine.

Originally, it was just a famine or epidemic for thousands of people, but if the rescue from above was not timely, the situation would quickly deteriorate.

When the livelihood of the people affected by the disaster is difficult to maintain, some of them will starve to death, and the rest will inevitably take risks, instantly forming groups of refugees, or even disorderly people.

These refugees fled to the surrounding counties or nearby mountains, which led to many bandits and bandits, and even small-scale rebellions.

After all, one cannot remain sane while starving to death.

In order to avoid these situations, the Lin Dynasty once issued a strict order that once the counties and counties learned of the disaster, they must open warehouses to release grain as soon as possible while reporting the disaster, so as to save the lives of the people affected by the disaster.

If you can live, you will have hope, and if you have hope, you will not go to extremes.

But the words in front of him let Lin Chao know the weakness of his decree.

Those low-level officials who do not follow the regulations, and those gangsters who treat the lives of the people as nothing, are the biggest weaknesses of this decree!

It would be fine if it was just that, but Qu County had already reported the disaster a month ago, and the state government had already allocated money and food.But when I came here, I still saw this scene like purgatory on earth.

There are only two possibilities,
First, the government of Qu County did not know the situation of the village in front of them, but this was obviously unrealistic.

Second, the big and small officials in Qu County not only embezzled the relief money, but also ignored the victims.

Lin Chaoqiang held back the anger in his heart, and continued to ask: "Old man, as far as I know, although the weather was not smooth last year, the state government also provided disaster relief many times, and some victims were asked to reduce their land rent by half. So many people starved to death?"

After hearing Lin Chao's words, Lizheng's eyes were full of confusion.

"My lord, but the government did not inform the little old man about this. Last year's land rent and taxes were paid in full by the village, and there is no half of the arrears. Moreover, I have never heard of the state government sending people to relieve the disaster! "

As he spoke, Lizheng shook his head and sighed, "The county magistrate told us that the current situation is turbulent and there are wars outside every day, so in order not to be implicated by the military disaster, we have to pay taxes in full, so that the state government has money and food to protect us safety.

There is nothing wrong with doing this, and it is fortunate that the state government did not raise taxes during the war.It's just that last year's situation was really bad, and there was no harvest in the fields. After the taxes were paid, the whole village, old and young, had been hungry and full, hoping to save some food.

But there is not much food in the first place, and no matter how much we save, it is not enough.After the food was cut off last month, many people began to starve to death..."

Lizheng saw that Lin Chao and the others had no pretensions, and once the chatterbox was opened, they couldn't stop it, and they babbled a lot.

And Lin Chao didn't say anything to interrupt, but squatted down to listen carefully, and even nodded from time to time, the two lamented the difficulty of life together.

From his words, we know that the situation in this village is not an isolated case. It is almost the same situation in tens of miles around, and even in the whole Qu County. Because of the lack of food, people in every household starve to death.

It's even... Yizi and eat.

However, I happened to have read some books here and knew a few words, so I led someone to pry down the original guidepost at the entrance of the village, polished it a little, and prepared it as a tombstone for the starving people.

This is why the stone tablet has traces of wind and sun, but the corners are brand new.

After listening, Lin Chao just spoke a few words of comfort to Li Zheng, his face was neither happy nor sad, others couldn't see what was going on in his heart at all.

But when Lin Chao spoke, everyone felt a biting chill.

"Ziyi, lead someone to take down all the dry food we brought on this trip and distribute it to the people in the village."


Tai Shici didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly clasped his fists in response, then hesitated a bit: "Supervisor, is it all the dry food?"

Lin Chao didn't speak any more, just nodded his head, and his gaze was already on the dim candlelight in the distant house.

The ancient Chinese peasants had the most honest character, and there is no one who knows how to be more submissive than them.

The harvest depends on them, the war depends on them, the frontier guards depend on them, and the construction of fortifications depends on them!
It can be said that it is this group of people who have no wisdom and face the loess and back to the sky, supporting the Chinese civilization for thousands of years.

But as the biggest givers, they can't even meet the most basic survival needs.

People can die however they want, but they cannot and should not be starved to death!
When later generation Lin Chao went to school, he was starved for two days at the end of the month because he had overdrawn the living expenses provided by his parents in advance.

Lin Chao swore that he would never try that taste again in his life.

When the stomach started to burn and the intestines could not absorb any nutrients to support the body, an unprecedented torment and pain flooded every part of the body.

It's not just physical pain, but psychological as well.

After only two days of starvation, Lin Chao was already on the verge of collapse, so he couldn't imagine what kind of torture these people who starved to death had endured before they died.

Tai Shici's actions were very fast. Under Li Zheng's call, the villagers flocked to him as soon as they heard that there was something to eat.And Lin Chao chose a hundred elites from the school office as his accompanying guards during this trip, which was enough to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

However, the appearance of the common people gobbling it up still shocked the accompanying second generations.

The dry food that they usually find difficult to swallow has become the most beautiful thing in the world at this moment.

Because it can relieve the hunger in the stomach and prolong human life!

Zhuge Liang was also shocked by this scene. He faintly felt that a string was broken in his heart. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but there was no follow-up.

"Ah Liang, I want you to see this scene tonight clearly and engrave it in your mind." Lin Chao said expressionlessly, "When there is no more famine under our rule, the teacher will allow you to forget it."

"Understood, teacher."

Lin Chao called Gao Shun again, and ordered: "Gongyi, you hold my seal, return to Tan County immediately, and order Tian Yuanhao to come here in person with food and grass. Go now!"

"The last will obey!"

Without hesitation, Gao Shun immediately cupped his fists and turned to leave.

After Lin Chao took out all the dry rations, he bid farewell to Li Zheng and prepared to rush to Qu County overnight.

Seeing this, Tai Shici quickly persuaded: "Supervisor, it's already night and the road is rough and difficult, why don't you rest for the night, and it won't be too late to enter the city tomorrow morning."

"No, let's start now. You should have heard what Li said just now. The villages with a radius of tens of miles are all like this. We arrived a quarter early, so I don't know how many more people we can save. Human lives are at stake, so what? Can you hesitate?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Chao turned his head and asked Chen Deng again.

"Yuanlong, who is the magistrate of Qu County now?"

Now the situation is very clear, the culprit of all this should be the magistrate of this county.

Even if not, the county magistrate of Qu County, as the party in charge, is also guilty of dereliction of duty.

For such a culprit, Lin Chao always needs to know who the person is, and then consider how to kill him.

"Last year, my lord appointed Shi Ren as the magistrate of Qu County..." Chen Deng hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Mi Fang is the county magistrate."

After hearing Chen Deng's answer, Lin Chao smiled, full of killing intent.

"The Master said: The one who started the evil has no heirs. This time, I will teach these people who started the evil, and let them know what it cut off children and grandchildren!"

 Today, Lao Yu had a fever, and he was in a daze all day, so he just managed to get out of it.

  The state is really bad, sorry,

  I will continue to code later, whether I can write another chapter, I can't guarantee.

  If not, owe it first.

  Well, I owe two updates at the moment...

(End of this chapter)

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