Chapter 459

In front of the city gate of Qu County, Lin Chao warmly invited Shi Ren and Mi Zhu to have lunch together.It's a pity that he was rejected, which made Lin Changshi a little disappointed.

How should I put it, Lin Chao has always believed in being a human being and staying on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future.

Although these Qu County officials committed heinous crimes, it is too inhuman not to let them have a full meal before they die.

Lin Chao has always regarded himself as an upright gentleman, so naturally he would not do such a thing.

But thinking about those people who died of starvation, Lin Chao suddenly felt that these people did not deserve to eat at all.

A bunch of machines that can only make dung, it's useless to eat them.

Forget it, let them do it, there is nothing wrong with being a starving ghost.

After questioning the two of them, Lin Chao remained silent again, and just looked at the two with a very strange look, which even sent chills down their spines.

But Lin Chao didn't open his mouth, and the two of them didn't dare to do anything else, and they didn't even dare to stand up straight.

With their heads down, they naturally couldn't see the expression on Lin Chao's face, but there was a faint unease in their hearts.

They didn't dare to get up, and the officials of Qu County who followed behind them were even more afraid to get up. The scene became extremely quiet for a while, only the sound of the second generation of Xuzhou gobbling behind Lin Chao.

These people are all half-grown children, whose bodies are in the stage of rapid development, so they naturally eat a lot, so they don't look very good when they eat.

When the sound of swallowing subsided, Shi Ren felt that his back was about to be unbearable, and at the same time wanted to find out why Lin Chao was coming, so he boldly said: "Chang Shi is here, why don't you go to the city to rest, so that you I will do my best to be a landlord."

Lin Chao smiled and said, "No hurry, no hurry. To be honest, I'm a little tired after coming all the way here, so I definitely want to go to the city to rest, but not now.

What, the county magistrate is in a hurry? "

"No rush, no rush, I'm not in a hurry, I'm just worried that Chang Shi will be exhausted from the journey." Shi Ren said hastily.

"It's fine if you don't rush."

Lin Chao stood up, let out a sigh, and continued: "A certain came all the way from Tan County, and after entering the boundary of Qu County, what he saw and heard was really shocking, all thanks to the county magistrate's good governance. !"

Yin-yang strangeness has always been Lin Chao's forte, but Shiren didn't hear the meaning behind Lin Chao's words, thinking it was a compliment, his face immediately revealed an excited look.

"The people live and work in peace and contentment, all thanks to the power of Chang Shi's New Deal, and lower officials dare not take credit for it."

It was rumored that Lin Zichu was very kind to the common people, it was indeed true, and it was not in vain for the scene he worked so hard to perform.

As long as he could fool Lin Zichu, he might not have no chance of being promoted.

While Shi Ren was excited, Lin Chao almost laughed out of anger.

This bitch is even more shameless than me, I praise you, right?
It all depends on the power of the New Deal...

What you said is as if I instructed you to starve the people to death.

"Why should the county magistrate be so modest? If you are not in a hurry, you might as well wait a little longer and watch a good show with a certain one." Lin Chao said with a smile.

Shi Ren also showed a smile on his face, and said: "Obey, I will wait and see!"

Right now, the atmosphere in the arena seemed to be very harmonious again, but Lin Chao still didn't let all the officials of Qu county get rid of the courtesy, which made them still half-bowed.

An hour passed quickly, and when everyone felt their backs ache, the sound of horseshoes gradually sounded in the distance, and at the same time, there were waves of dust and smoke.

Huang Zhong didn't let Lin Chao down, he hurried on, and finally arrived at Qu County when the sun was westward.

Accompanying him were [-] to [-] civilians.

These people were dressed in rags, their faces were yellow and thin, and they looked like they were suffering from long-term malnutrition.

What's more, there are four or five-year-old children in the crowd, who are extremely thin due to stunting, but the desire to survive makes their young bodies burst out with amazing strength, and they followed along the way.

When Huang Zhong saw Lin Chao standing at the gate of the city, he quickly got off his horse, walked a few steps to Lin Chao, held a seal ribbon in both hands and saluted, "Supervisor, the last general is here to return!"

But Huang Zhong waited for a long time, but did not wait for Lin Chao's reply. When he looked up, Lin Jianjun had already walked towards the refugee group behind him.

The army was right next to him. This young man dressed so well that even the general saluted him must be a big shot.

So as Lin Chao approached, these hungry people began to retreat subconsciously.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chao frowned, and there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes.

If he hadn't been bullied by people of his class for a long time, how could he shrink back when he saw him?
Is a newborn lamb afraid of a tiger?
It must have seen its own kind being eaten by a tiger before it felt fear in its heart!
Even though he couldn't bear it in his heart, Lin Chao still had to maintain a gorgeous smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand to show that he had no malice.

Only then did the hungry people stop backing away, but those empty and lifeless eyes were filled with numbness to everything in the world. It was a kind of eyes that would only be possessed after many times of disappointment and even despair.

Lin Chao's movements were very slow, even cautious, for fear of scaring this group of frightened hungry people.

I saw him walking slowly in front of a little girl about four or five years old, squatting down and smiling, "Little baby, you..."

Lin Chao originally wanted to ask how old the little girl was, but he fell silent in the middle of the conversation.

This kind of gesture of greeting, which is common in later generations, is so inappropriate and even a bit abrupt now.

It's almost impossible to save my life, and everything else is nonsense.

Even though there were thousands of words in my heart, I swallowed them again when I reached my mouth.

In the end, Lin Chao could only stretch out his hand and help the little girl straighten her messy hair in order to release his kindness.

The little girl is also timid, how can those big people who are usually high above them be so kind.Seeing Lin Chao reaching out to help her comb her hair, the little girl didn't dare to move, but those not-so-soft hands held her mother's hand tightly...

The next moment, Lin Chao grabbed the little girl's hand and wanted to hug her.The mother of the little girl next to her struggled for a moment, but in the end she didn't dare to resist, allowing Lin Chao to take her daughter away.

The four or five-year-old girl couldn't hide her emotions after all. Seeing that she left her mother, she curled her mouth and was about to cry.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Lin Chao hurriedly comforted him, not even daring to speak louder: "Are you... hungry?"

The little girl nodded, her mouth still curled up.

Lin Chao walked back quickly with the little girl in his arms, picked up the unfinished meat just now, handed it to the little girl in his arms, and said softly, "You're hungry, eat quickly."

After thinking about it, Lin Chao added another sentence: "But don't eat too much, your stomach will not be able to bear it."

Now the little girl stopped crying, and started to eat the meat in her hand.

Looking at the little girl who was devouring food, and the mess on her clothes, even the thin clothes that could not completely cover her young body, Lin Chao felt a pain in his heart.

The second generations in Xuzhou nearby, Tai Shici, Zhang Xiu, Huang Zhong and others, even Chen Deng were silent.

For a while, the scene was very quiet, only the voice of the little girl gobbling was echoing.

After a while, the little girl seemed to be full, but she didn't finish the big piece of meat in her hand, but was held tightly in her arms.

"Are you going to save it for later eating?"

Lin Chao brought a bowl of water to the little girl and asked at the same time.

The little girl shook her head, still a little timid, so her voice was very low.

"I'll leave it to Auntie."

The little girl was already stunted due to lack of clothing and food, coupled with nervousness, she could not speak clearly, but because Lin Chao was very close, she could still hear clearly.

At this moment, Lin Chao was stung by the twinkle in the little girl's eyes.

Ants can steal their lives, let alone humans!
People are born with the right to live, this is the truth that Lin Chao has always insisted on.

If anyone dares to object to this sentence, then Lin Chao will make him agree!

But there are some people who, just because of their own pitiful and shallow selfish desires, make others unable to live.

Damn this guy!

Lin Chao was silent for a moment, then took off his coat and put it on the little girl.Although it was very ill-fitting, it finally got her out of the state of being naked.

At the same time, Lin Chao picked up another piece of meat and handed it over, and said with a smile, "Leave this piece to your mother, okay?"

The timid little girl didn't reply, but quickly took the food from Lin Chao.

That move, I am afraid that Lin Chao will regret it in the next moment.

Then she nodded heavily, turned around and ran towards her mother.

When she got to Mother's side, the little girl finally stopped being afraid, and held up the meat that Lin Chao gave her, with a smile on her face: "Mother, I'll eat it for you!"

In the distance, Lin Chao saw this scene, and while a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were already moist.

This group of low-level people who are so simple and submissive, only ask for two meals a day.

But some people can't tolerate them and don't leave them a chance to survive!
Today I am here, this girl can have a full meal and survive.

But if she wasn't there, her thin body would be just a small skeleton by the side of the road soon...

At this moment, Lin Chao truly understood the weight and meaning of the four words 'helping the people to live'.

After turning around and taking the seal and ribbon from Huang Zhong, Lin Chao said, "Boyuan, Han Sheng, take out all the food you have with the army, and now set up pots to make rice and help the people."

"As ordered!"

The two quickly clasped their fists in response.

Tian Feng should be arriving soon, even if he doesn't arrive today, he will arrive tomorrow, so there is no need to worry about food shortages.

Seeing the bags of food being carried out by the soldiers, the common people began to talk about it. If it weren't for the troops nearby to maintain order, they would have been boiling by now.

Everyone began to lick their lips unconsciously, with the most primitive instinct in their eyes - the desire for food.

After finishing all this, Lin Chao returned to Shi Ren, Mi Fang and the others.

At this time, Shiren's face was extremely ugly.

After the scene just now, he didn't know that what he did had been exposed.

"Magistrate Shi, the Qu County under your rule is really an eye-opener for someone!"

Lin Chao repeated what he said just now.

At this time, how could Shi Ren not know the irony contained in Lin Chao's words.

"The famine turned into a man-made disaster. I don't know how many people starved to death. But you are well-dressed and standing here with peace of mind. So..."

Lin Chao glanced at the big and small officials in Qu County, his voice was extremely calm, but it could make people feel the coldness of the whole body.

"Have you chosen your own way of death?"

PS: This chapter is not about water, but what Lao Yu feels should be written.

(End of this chapter)

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